*(Part III in the Drama Series of Mark Reynolds (aka Courageous Lion) in this episode of a modern day Peyton Place. Enjoy the script and acting performance as it unfolds in your mind and challenges your reason, logic and common sense like no other story you’ve read in most likely, YOUR LIFETIME!!! ENJOY! Hopefully this can elicit a little laughter in the process as laughter is the best medicine. )
Anyone who opens this and has read Part I which is no longer available as I edited it and updated it as Part II will wonder why I’m posting Part III. Well here is why.
Because anyone who has read Part I, and II must realize something is amiss that makes no logical sense.
Yesterday (1/13/2025)I was contacted again by Branson Police Department. It just so happened I was in my bed sleeping trying to catch up on some that I had lost the night before when I get this call. Well it’s Detective Foster of the BPD. Same man who had contacted me previously with a stern warning about stepping on to the property of Woodland Hills “Family” Church in Branson threatening me with arrest and being charged with “criminal trespass”. Now I don’t know about you, but if I was this Detective and someone had called me and said that I was being harassed by some man who wants me to allow him access to the Facebook page of the church so that he can REMOVE the negative review he had posted previously, I’d have just simply said to that person, “So what’s the problem? Make it so he can remove the review!” But hey, this “Detective Foster” doesn’t use reason, logic or common sense. At least not apparently.
No, he calls me and tells me that if I keep CALLING Scott on his personal number, which I got from Scott when he called me on MY personal number and which I had done 2 or 3 times with a MESSAGE since he didn’t answer of “please make the Facebook page accessible to me so that I can remove the negative review I made” and had received no call back, no email, NOTHING he would charge me with one of the two following statutes in Missouri. BTW…the two links here were accessed via a contact that were given so I could post the links. Now you can visit their Facebook page and also read my review and comment if you like. Most likely you won’t be threatened with arrest for doing so. .
565.090. Harassment, first degree, penalty. — 1. A person commits the offense of harassment in the first degree if he or she, without good cause, engages in any act with the purpose to cause emotional distress to another person, and such act does cause such person to suffer emotional distress. Emphasis mine.
2. The offense of harassment in the first degree is a class E felony.
565.091. Harassment, second degree, penalty. — 1. A person commits the offense of harassment in the second degree if he or she, without good cause, engages in any act with the purpose to cause emotional distress to another person.
2. The offense of harassment in the second degree is a class A misdemeanor, unless the person has previously pleaded guilty to or been found guilty of a violation of this section, of any offense committed in violation of any county or municipal ordinance in any state, any state law, any federal law, or any military law which if committed in this state would be chargeable or indictable as a violation of any offense listed in this subsection, in which case it is a class E felony.
That is what Detective Foster told me. At this point, I’m looking around the room to see if I can find the TV cameras and Rod Serling sitting somewhere near by explaining to the audience that they are entering the TwiLight Zone.
Nope, Rod is no where to be seen.
Reading BOTH of these “statutes” blows my reason, logic and common sense INTO the Twilight Zone. Talk about VAGUE.
The following is a FELONY??? The Founding Fathers considered a FELONY to be a heinous crime. You know, one with a REAL victim. Not some made up frame of mind nonsense.
565.090. Harassment, first degree, penalty. — 1. A person commits the offense of harassment in the first degree if he or she, without good cause, (what would be CONSIDERED “GOOD CAUSE”?) engages in any act (WHAT IS ANY ACT?) with the purpose to cause emotional distress to another person, (WHAT IS EMOTIONAL DISTRESS AND HOW CAN SOMEONE ON PURPOSE EVEN REALIZE THEY ARE DOING SO?) and such act does cause such person to suffer emotional distress. (What in the WORLD does this even begin to mean? What is EMOTIONAL DISTRESS? I mean I have heard of PTSD, which must be some sort of emotional distress, but for the life of me I can’t see in any way shape of form how calling someone, never receiving an answer and calling them back asking them TO SIMPLY ALLOW ME ACCESS TO THE FACEBOOK PAGE SO I CAN REMOVE A NEGATIVE REVIEW can in any way on Earth be considered any sort of HARASSMENT! SERIOUISLY??? AND to top it off, Detective Mumbly is going ALONG with this insanity?
I asked him, can’t you just simply ask Scott or whoever the Pharisee is that contacted you to just let me have access to the page and let me remove the negative review? Is this making ANY sense to ANYONE who reads this?
I’ve been BANNED off church property because I want to listen to Ted Cunningham’s sermons. I’ve been BANNED off the church property because I wanted to make contact with the music ministry to show them the talent I’ve been given. For violating some “protocol” that can’t be found in writing anywhere on the Facebook page of the Church or the actual Church web page. AND now this “Detective” wants to possibly charge me with a FELONY for TRYING to get someone to make it possible for me to remove a negative review? ARE YOU READING THIS? Is there something in the water in Branson? The AIR? The FOOD? I’m like what the hell!!! Oh, I will say this…Detective Mumbly DID elicit a rather loud roar of a response from me when he called. One that upset my wife who heard it as she hasn’t seen me act like that with the language and all for over ten years. And BTW, after I settled down I apologized to the Detective who wasn’t acting too much like a detective. I simply told him that he could utilize his position as an intermediary PEACE KEEPER and ask Scott to simply JUST LET MARK TAKE DOWN THE NEGATIVE REVIEW! What do you think? Is this insane? What kind of people are running this “Church”?
If you want to go and add a comment or read the review I had posted, feel free. I don’t think they will charge you with harassment. You can also Email the church and ask them if they can explain to you why they won’t let me take the negative review down.
And you can also call Branson Police Department and ask for Detective Foster and see if he will explain to you why he is even calling me with such a threat and that maybe he needs to consider another profession if he can’t simply tell whoever contacted him from Woodland Hills to just let the guy take the negative review down. Can YOU BELIEVE THIS? I can’t. So I hope you can’t either. Sorry to drag you into this episode of Peyton Place played out in the TWILIGHT ZONE! Have a Blessed New Year!
This morning I called Detective Foster and asked him a question. "Are you a member of Woodland Hills Church"? His response was that is an irrelevant question. My response was...IF YOU ARE, YOU HAVE A CONFLICT OF INTEREST. To which he says again it's an irrelevant question. WELL IS IT? If he is a MEMBER or goes there and is involved in HARRASING ME, isn't this a conflict of interest?
Please, give it up before you end up in prison for the heinous act of upsetting some Chad. I don't remember if you said what the negative remark is, but IMHO they deserve all the negative remarks they get.
This is why I hate organized religion.