I'm a Deist. My religion is simple. God gave us reason not religion. Deists believe in a creator because the creation exhibits a creating force. If you deny it, you have more faith then I do. As a deist, we look at life through the critical thinking tools of reason, logic and common sense. The end result of looking at the whole "germ theory" is that it came into existence on false premises to make the people behind the theory billions of dollars. It pushed the "terrain theory" under the rug because terrain theory works on the premise of looking at the "terrain" (YOU) and figuring out what is causing the issues you are having that are typically called disease. The terrain theory doesn't make doctors billions selling drugs with dangerous side effects to billions of people. Too much glyphosphate? (Monsanto's roundup) the terrain (YOU) become TOXIC and your body reacts to eliminate the toxin. Not enough vitamin D due to lack of the sun during the winter months? Your body reacts in a way that is typically called the flu to take care of the lack of Vitamin D. Too much alcohol drinking due to stress or whatever excuse you can come up with for doing it? Vitamin B1 is leached from the terrain (YOU) and the symptoms caused are called beri beri. Look up the symptoms and SURPRISE!!! You have a list of CONvid symptoms. Oh, and BTW too many of those drugs with toxic side effects and gee, guess what? You get sick. You end up with immunological issues.
Now, go take the jab. With unknown TOXINS and ingredients that disrupt the terrains creator designed IMMUNE SYSTEM and SURPRISE...you may die, or you end up with debilitating symptoms of catastrophic issues. Nerve issues, blood issues, heart issues...the list is becoming endless due to the fact that all of us are different. Uniquely designed INDIVIDUALS that each have different makeups that make us all one of a kind.
So wear a mask and put up a Ytube video of you breathing fine and showing that your oxygen levels are fine to debunk the people who claim that putting on a mask lowers your O2 levels. Problem is that the guy who put up the video has a pin head and the mask fits so loosely that he manages to breath just fine wearing it. Where in my case I have a large head due to my large size and the O2 levels drop DRASTICALLY to dangerous lows in a very short time. My REASON, LOGIC and COMMON SENSE say that the creator designed me to need a certain amount of oxygen, expel a certain amount of Co2 as well as some bacteria in my exhale that my TERRAIN is trying to get rid of, and this is so that I can SURVIVE.
If you had a Ferrari that was acting up and you took it to your mechanic and he told you that Enzo designed your Ferrari badly and that the way to fix it would be to shove a POTATO up the exhaust pipe, what would your common sense reaction be? Hopefully to seek out another mechanic. Well any "doctor" that tells me that the best way to save myself from a so called "virus" which BTW has never actually be proven to exist, is to cover my EXHAUST PORT with a mask and inject a brew of who knows what into my circulatory system...guess what? I'd seek another opinion and if that opinion was the same I'd drop my confidence in the whole medical profession into the toilet where it belongs!