OK, first let's take a look at a common statement bantered around by pro "2nd amendment" supporters..."If they disarm us, you will no longer be a citizen; you will be a slave." Really? Fact is, we "Americans" have been slaves before I was born (1954). The number one path to slavery was the establishment of the 5th plank of the Communist Manifesto in 1913. Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly. (The Federal Reserve Bank, 1913- -the system of privately-owned Federal Reserve banks which maintain a monopoly on the valueless debt "money" in circulation.) The 1st plank was established at the state levels some time later with "Abolition of property in land and the application of all rents of land to public purposes." Oh you don't think that is here? Well don't pay the "rent" on the home you think you own and you'll find out just how much you own it as they throw you out in the street at gunpoint, steal your home and put someone else in it who will pay the rent. IE "property taxes". Oh, but Mark, those are property taxes not rent. LOL! Show me the difference other than the WORD. And of course this all came about because of the coma we've all been put in by the 10th Plank of that same manifeso..."free education for all children in government schools." Sooo....I believe we are really have been serfs/slaves for over 120 years and that what is happening is that the slaves are waking up to that fact and are getting restless.
Armed slaves are OK to have around to fight your wars for you and enforce your laws for you, but when the armed slaves start seeing themselves as slaves and start running away...(Oh, and by the way, it is a fact that some SLAVES fought along with their "masters" during the war for Southern Independence) you have a problem. Apparently the I.R.S. enforcers of the 2nd plank of the Communist Manifesto, "A heavy progressive or graduated income tax" are finding that non compliance is reaching into the MILLIONS now and that at least two states are utilizing jury nullification on tax cases so heavily that they can't get convictions. So you see...the ARMED SLAVES are waking UP and "they" are getting worried because history shows that the elite have ended up in harms way over and over when the SLAVES wake up. Think about the French revolution as an example, or the Christmas Day 1989, firing squad execution of Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife, Elena. Or for that matter our own Revolution of 1776 from the King of England who was treating the colonists as his slaves.
So you see...we ARE slaves right now. Don't pay your "income tax" (slave tax, go to jail, loose your home do not pass go, do not collect $200). Don't use "their" funny money Federal Reserve notes, and how would you survive? Don't pay your "property tax" IE RENT on your home and you'll find out who owns your home. Fortunately you DO have an alternative to GOVERNMENT school, but most folks, for that matter almost EVERYONE opts out of that because it would mean less toys for them. Not as fancy of homes and not being able to have a new car in the garage every two or three years...HOME SCHOOL. Oh, but Mark, that would be so hard to do...yea, like it was for us to sacrifice over $1,000,000 in my wife's salary over a 20 year period giving up a career as a REGISTERED NURSE to home school our four sons to be run away slaves. Most of you deserve your slavery because it is what you want and you just want to be good slaves who own guns. And the sad part is that the slaves will convict and cage those who buck the slave system. After all, if "I" have to do this or that, why shouldn't YOU? RIGHT???
There is a solution to this…and it has to start somewhere on the county level and work it’s way up. We need the first 13 words of the 2nd Amendment back in force and effect. PERIOD.
I don't think I've ever had anyone present a decent argument as to how property tax isn't a form of rent based on an unsigned, unwilling contract.
but still, only a few of the people I've discussed that fiasco with already felt the same way about it as I
Not a lot to disagree with in all that; but not much in the way of offering solution. Thing is: our arms aren't long enough to reach those pulling the strings, so cleaning house must start with the kapos and quislings.