“A regrettably large share of our legal experiences operate not in the shadow of the Constitution and its constraints, but rather in the shadow of explicitly unconstitutional rules, actions, and orders. In the time it takes for improper Executive Orders to be reined in, for illicit administrative decisions to be corrected, and for misinterpretations of constitutional power to be overturned, so much of society’s activity is framed by what we might call the not-Constitution — all those acts of government that are deemed illegal only after they have caused enduring harm. A most troubling aspect of government power is its insistence on pushing past constitutional constraints and operating in a blurry legal wilderness of its own creation while forcing Americans to prove that those power grabs lack legitimacy.” ~ J.B. Shurk
When I was a younger man, I had a conversation one day with my father, who said this. "Russia has a Constitution too. They just ignore theirs". Funny thing was that even at that time in my life I could see there were some egregious violations of the united States Constitution that were quite obvious.
Today it is so obvious that the only way you can't see it is by being in a coma. Or simply REFUSING to see it.
For instance...is Article 1 Section 8 where it says "Congress shall have the Power to...COIN MONEY, REGULATE THE VALUE THEREOF, AND OF FOREIGN COIN and FIX THE STANDARD OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES being followed? The Founding Fathers wanted COIN for money. Gold and silver to be specific. And how would I actually know that? Well, how about Article 1 Section 10 which states: "No State shall coin Money... (or) make any Thing but gold and silver COIN a Tender in Payment of Debts." When was the last time you paid any "State" debt in gold or silver coin? Oh, NEVER? Federal Reserve Notes do not fit the definition of notes. And they certainly are not gold and silver coin.
Federal Reserve Notes are not federal, represent no monetary reserves and no longer conform to the definition of notes. Failing to state who, will pay what, when or to whom - they ceased to be legal tender notes, (offers of money) over 50 years ago. They are in fact instruments of legalized THEFT.
How about freedom of speech? The 1st Amendment in the bill of rights tells those administering the Constitution that they are not to infringe on our right to freedom of speech. Well if someone administering government goes to Twitter or Google or Facebook and tells THEM to censor certain speech, what is the difference? They may not be doing it directly in our face, but they are doing it indirectly behind our backs. Effectively making freedom of speech null and void.
How about freedom of religion? If I have a business and make cakes for weddings and I'm a "Christian", can I reject the request of a customer who is gay that wants a cake for a gay wedding? Nope, not without feeling the wrath of the "state" which is effectively saying that my religious beliefs have to be put aside so that I have to bake the cake. I feel that if you own a business and want to put a sign on your door, no service if you come in here naked, it should be my right to do so. And it certainly should be my right to refuse any customer I want. No one has a right to force me to make a cake for them.
The Second amendment? You've got to be blind, deaf or dead to not see the continual infringements on the right to keep and bear arms. The second amendment is telling those that administer government to LEAVE THE RIGHT ALONE. That basically IS what “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED” translates into! Doesn’t it? The right exists for all people every where to use whatever means necessary to defend their lives and the lives of their loved ones. So where do they get off forming a bureaucracy that can make rules that have the force of law? That being the Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF)? Where does Congress with collaboration of the Senate and President get off passing "laws" that violate that amendment? Like making it a "felony" for possessing a shotgun or rifle that has a barrel shorter than what they say you can? It is so arbitrary and who is the VICTIM? Or having a device on your firearm that muffles the sound so that you don't need to wear hearing protection? Or regulate how many rounds are fired with the pull of the trigger? Or what size magazine you use? Or what style rifle you own? The list for this is about 20,000 on the state and local level which are ALL obvious violations of the 2nd amendment. Oh and then of course there is the fact that the IGNORE the first 13 words of it! Let’s just make MURDER illegal and forget all the victimless crime “gun control” “laws” that are being shoved down our throats. Oh wait…
How about the 4th amendment right to be secure in your persons, papers houses and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures? Don't you think that midnight no knock raids are unreasonable? There is no reason to do them unless you are trying to build fear in the people the administers of government are supposed to be protecting.
Fifth Amendment? No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.
The violations of this one are so long as to make it a joke. They should just remove it. Ever hear of the forfeiture laws that are on the books where they claim the PROPERTY committed the crime? It's total insanity. How about double jeopardy where the state tries someone, they are found not guilty and then the Feds charge the person under some innocuous civil rights violation BS.
How about the Sixth Amendment guarantee to a speedy and public trial? By an IMPARTIAL jury? Are the January 6th protesters who have been caged for over a year getting a speedy and public trial? And is the jury impartial when it is stacked with people who worship those who administer government? For that matter does the average citizen even know what the jury is there for when it comes to deciding the law as well as the facts? (http://fija.org) Of course not because they were never "taught" that in the public school system.
Amendment Seven? COMMON LAW? What is that? We can pass that one up because it is being TOTALLY ignored.
Eighth? This one is simple. Excessive bail shall not be required. Is a million dollars excessive? Nor excessive fines imposed. Is a $250,000 fine for not paying a $200 tax stamp excessive? Nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted. Is 10 years in a cage for a punishment for having a rifle with too short of a barrel cruel and unusual? Is shooting your son in the back and your wife in the head because you cut off a shotgun “too short” cruel and unusual punishment?
Isn’t burning a church down with 17 little children inside as well with numerous adults cruel and unusual punishment for something to this day we really never were told was the reason? (Waco, Texas) Or how about being in a cage for over a year because you were at a protest in the Capitol? Isn’t that a bit cruel and unusual? Where did the right to have a speedy trial and be confronted by witnesses against you go with THAT one?
Seriously? WITHOUT A WAY TO ENFORCE IT, THE CONSTITUTION IS NOTHING BUT A PAPER TIGER!!! And the only way to enforce it was the way the Founding Fathers wanted it done. With the MILITIAS back in force and effect with the ability to convene CITIZEN grand juries and indict those who violate their “oaths of office” while they are administering the Constitution and any laws made “in pursuance, there of…”
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I completely agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I would go so far as to say that central govt. should be cut back to a VERY few responsibilities.
And there should be a VERY SERIOUS discussion about MONEY.
You asked for something to put some brain-power into: how about Why are the J6 people still in jail? Where is Trump? Why hasn't McCarthy done anything? Where are the loudmouth congress people like Jordan, Gaetz, Biggs, name more....Why are these people allowed to rot? Why not a trucker-lead shutdown of DC until they are free and allowed to sue? THEY ARE FORGOTTEN!!
Upstate SC