Defeat the Globalist UniParty with a Bottom-up Political Insurgency
Guest post by Lawrence Sellin
(Sometimes I run across a post that is just too important to just read and leave. This one by Lawrence Sellin is a very good blue print for what needs to be done. Please pass it around! It was at “Gateway Pundit” and I asked his permission to post it here in it’s simple entirety without all the advertising! As I gather readers, this is one that I didn’t write that needs to be understood. ~ C.L.)
It took twenty years, but after a crushing military defeat, the Taliban re-conquered Afghanistan district by district.
Learn from that.
The Globalist UniParty may be able to win in rigged U.S. elections, but we can make it impossible for them to rule.
In my 2013 book “Restoring the Republic – Arguments for a Second America Revolution,” I defined the problem:
“There is a Cold Civil War underway in the United States to determine who should control the federal government. It is not a contest between the Democrat and Republican ideologies, but a battle between the entrenched power of the bipartisan political establishment versus the rights and liberties of the American people.”
“The Cold Civil War is a conflict between those who want to adhere to the Constitution and the rule of law and the party leaders, who wish to continue the practices of political expediency and crony capitalism.”
“The US no longer has representative government. Members of Congress seek election, not to uphold the Constitution and serve the American people, but to obtain power, and to use that power to accrue professional and financial benefits for themselves and their major supporters. All the traditional means for the American people to seek the redress of grievances have now been blocked by a self-absorbed permanent political elite unaccountable to the American people.”
“Republican leaders neither contest that view nor vilify their Democrat counterparts because they do not want to challenge the ruling class, they want to join it. The GOP leadership has gradually solidified its choice to no longer represent what had been its constituency, but to adopt the identity of junior partners in the ruling class.”
The United States is now a de facto one-party state, ruled by an oligarchy comprised of a relatively few rich and powerful globalists, who control the U.S. government and manipulate election outcomes and formulate public policy favorable only to themselves.
The Democrat Party, the Republican establishment, the permanent, dictatorial federal bureaucracy, the media and Big Tech are servants of the oligarchy and are constituent elements the Globalist Uniparty.
The election manipulation is intentionally incomplete, because the existence of a perpetually impotent and controlled opposition, the Republican establishment, is a prerequisite to maintain the illusion of democracy.
Recognizing that election integrity can no longer be guaranteed, a bottom-up political insurgency with the objective of creating Globalist Uniparty-free zones must be initiated if there is any chance to restore the Constitution and limit the power of the federal government through the 10th Amendment, which states:
“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
Fundamental to that effort are the rights guaranteed under the Second Amendment.
Each community must establish an organized, disciplined and properly-trained local security force with sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain independence and individual liberty against any entity that might attempt to abuse them.
Once constitutional law enforcement is secured, citizens can then take control of local governments and school boards. (See Constitutional Sheriff and Peace Officer Association ~ C.L.)
If we cannot restrict them, we should embrace the new voting rules and beat them at their own game. Harvest ballots better than the Globalist Uniparty and employ every electoral ploy you can because, now, winning is the only thing that matters.
At every opportunity, we should disobey the Globalist Uniparty or challenge it in court.
As Globalist Uniparty-free zones proliferate and reach critical mass regionally, a process of “Separation” can begin.
That is, large red regions must separate from blue states, fuse with red states or become new states.
This county-by-county, state-by-state breakdown of the 2016 presidential election can provide a framework because it may be the last relatively accurate representation of voter sentiment before the massive electoral manipulation by the Globalist Uniparty began.
The “Separation” regions would certainly include Eastern Washington, Eastern Oregon and all of Nevada except Reno and Las Vegas.
Western Minnesota, Eastern Colorado, Southern Illinois, North-Central Michigan and most of New York and Pennsylvania can secede, all only voting blue this year because of Democrat-controlled large metropolitan areas, where the main electoral manipulation occurs.
Consolidated Globalist Uniparty-free zones must demand changes in federal government policies such as:
– A strict constructionist interpretation of the Constitution.
– Limiting Congressional terms to a total of 12 years either in the House of Representatives or the Senate or a combination thereof.
– All current members of Congress who have exceeded the 12-year limit cannot run for reelection.
– Eliminate special benefits for members of Congress and government officials beyond those available to ordinary citizens.
– Establish a simplified tax system for individuals and businesses to limit both the power of the Internal Revenue Service and the impact of lobbyists.
– Secure our borders by firm enforcement of current immigration laws and the immediate deportation of all illegal aliens.
– Maintain energy, manufacturing and financial independence, freeing our foreign policy from globalist control.
– With the exception of critical defense capabilities, establish a ten-year, renewable, across-the-board 10% reduction in the funding for the federal government with the immediate elimination of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Departments of Homeland Security, Energy, Education and the Environmental Protection Agency.
– Investigate and appropriately downsize or eliminate the politically-contaminated Centers for Disease Control, Food and Drug Administration and the National Institutes of Health.
– Break up Big Tech and purge, downsize, redistribute and aggressively regulate intelligence agencies.
– Begin a yearly 20% reduction in foreign aid funding.
– Relocate federal agencies outside of Washington, D.C.
– Strictly enforce Equal Opportunity against the discriminatory practices of affirmative action, equity and diversity policies,
– Declare English as the only official language of the United States.
– Suppress Wokeness, Critical Race Theory, political correctness and multiculturalism as contrary to the American principle of E pluribus Unum.
Ordinary Americans must band together and take a stand to restore the Constitution and the rule of law, to establish political, fiscal and social sanity and to return the government to the people.
The United States is not a functioning constitutional republic. There is now only a slim chance of restoring it. Without immediate action against the Globalist Uniparty, the American republic will be gone forever.
Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is retired U.S. Army Reserve colonel and a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq. He had a civilian career in international business and medical research. Dr. Sellin is the author of Restoring the Republic: Arguments for a Second American Revolution. His email address is
( Well folks, I have to agree with most of his statement. If we were to get back to the actual organic united States Constitution, most if not all of our current ills would dwindle by the wayside as that document gave us an extremely limited government. However, if you look at how FAR we have strayed from it, with the research done by Bruce Ray Riggs,
outside of a total uprising, we may be lost. We’ve been lost my whole life and I’m 68. See There Is A Reason "They" Don't Listen to Us Anymore here:
They steal the elections, and we do nothing. They cage us for victimless acts and we do nothing. They place rent on our dewllings that we have to pay each year so they can live in lavish lifestyles and drive new cars and we do nothing. They force indoctrination on the children that we send to their “schools” and we do nothing. They make ever effort to disarm us with edicts from hell and we do nothing. They will shoot your kids in the back, your wife in the head and burn your church down with 17 little children inside and we sit in our comfortable homes and do nothing. They have sent hither thousands of officers to eat out our subtsance and to harass average law abidding people and we do nothing. Maybe Dr. Sellin, Sheriff Mack and Bruce Ray Riggs really do have the answer. But it will mean one thing…WE WILL HAVE TO DO SOMETHING! ~ Courageous Lion
I agree. I would add that if you're red in a blue area and vise versa, you should have to move to your majority area. I'm just totally over dealing with "them." Change your tune or change your address.