Diversity Disaster: The Censored Truth About 'Fat Tuesday' Riots
And The Underlying Problem With the Whole Concept...
I don’t know about you, but in the past few years it seems to me that these kinds of incidents are becoming more prevalent. This is a post from my 2001 Geo Cities collection. Hmmmmm….Maybe “diversity” isn’t one of this countries great traits. What do you think? C.L.
The news unfit to print for the last couple of weeks has to do with black violence against whites trying to celebrate "Fat Tuesday" in cities all over the country. Known in French as "Mardi Gras" in New Orleans, the day from now on might be better known as Bloody rather than Fat.
In Philadelphia, police rounded up some 80 people for street violence. In Fresno, a mob stormed the city's Tower District and threw bottles at the cops, and one person was sent to the hospital with stab wounds. But it was in Seattle that Bloody Tuesday got really nasty.
"There will be no more Fat Tuesdays," Seattle Mayor Paul Schell pronounced after the city's "youth" proved itself incapable of having a good time the day before Lent without murdering someone. The someone who got murdered was a white man, 20-year-old Kris Kime, who tried to rescue a white woman from being trampled by a black mob. Mr. Kime, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports, "was smashed over the head with a bottle, and kicked and stomped by a group of men." The police stood aside and did nothing.
The reason the police did nothing? That's exactly what they were ordered to do. Seattle police Sgt. Daniel Beste later sent a letter of apology to Mr. Kimes' mother, saying "we also were aware of the rising tide of violence long before your son was killed and continually asked, 'Why don't we stop this?' Unfortunately, my question was never answered." Sgt. Beste also enclosed the 200 dollars he received for the "amount of overtime I was paid by the taxpayers of this city to stand by while they were beaten and your son killed." The city is lucky he didn't send in his badge as well.
Everyone knows exactly what happened in Seattle and the other cities--black mobs targeted whites for mayhem and murder--but no one will say so, and neither the police nor the media want to admit it. "We've got suspects who are males and females, blacks, whites, Asians--even one East Indian," beams another police sergeant who seems to be a bit thicker than Sgt. Beste. "I don't know what motivated these people, but basically the common denominator is 'young and intoxicated.'"
Nor will the city's black "leadership" acknowledge any responsibility. "We are concerned by how the violence is being portrayed," James Kelly, president of the local Urban League intoned at a news conference a few days after the bloodshed. "Our fear is that it's become a race issue." Gosh, why would anyone ever think it might be a "race issue," do you think?
But of course it's not a race issue, if only because the perceptions projected by the media, in so far as the violence was reported at all, depict it the way the police, the city officials and the black "leadership" want it depicted. Everyone's at fault, you see; everything's OK; just 'young and intoxicated'; there's no racial problem. "Clearly hatred has no place in our community," the mayor's spokesman told the press.
He'd better look again. Photos and videos of the violence clearly show blacks attacking, beating and kicking white victims. One local talk show host told the Washington Post, which carried a news story only two weeks after the violence, "I started getting calls from people saying, 'The newspapers are sweeping this under the rug. It clearly was black on white, nobody wants to report it; what are they afraid of?'" What they're afraid of is the hard truth that racial hatred does in fact have a rather important place in the community, and that the hatred isn't found where racial hatred is supposed to be--among whites. In the war against "racism," in the endless crusade for "racial reconciliation," it's always whites who are supposed to repent, confess, apologize, recant, and eventually pay up or get punished or undergo therapy. Whites are supposed to be the haters. Blacks are supposed to be the victims.
Obviously, not all blacks were violent or driven by hatred in Seattle or anywhere else, and obviously there no doubt were violent lawbreakers of all races and backgrounds. But the burden of the evidence is that the violence and presumably the racial hatred that lay at the core of the violence began with blacks.
"The bottom line is that violence has no color," purrs Mr. Kelly, in a desperate effort to keep the lid on the Big Lie of a white monopoly on racial hate. In Seattle, as in Fresno and Philadelphia, violence certainly did have a color, and the color wasn't white. Whether the newspapers print it or not, everyone in America knows that truth--except the power holders who insist on denying it to themselves and lying to everyone else.
March 20, 2001
So here we are 23 years later still being told that whitey is the source of systemic racism and that the day whitey is born he is born with hatred of blacks, Asians and Hispanics. Maybe the idea of Liberia touted by President Lincoln would have been a good idea if it had ever taken place. I wouldn’t hold so much disdain for the man because it might have also kept the War for Southern Independence from occurring. It isn’t racist to point out racism… IF it is obvious. C.L.
Everything remains the same 23 years later, just worse. The evil global cabal and Marxists continue to divide and conquer. The mainstream media refuse to report the truth. Social media continues to censor the truth. The same spineless left-wing politicians (or their replacements) cannot and will not maintain safety and peace. What is truth is not. Everything is turned upside down in this once great republic.
Courageous Lion, where are the rest of the lions? Why are white men (and women) afraid to stand up for the truth? Why are they afraid to defend themselves, their family, their community and their standard of living? Where is the chutzpah, the cajones? Life in this country is rapidly becoming unbearable. When will the rest of us stand and fight? Or are you content to see the US collapse?
Freedom Lover, I am with you. Always be armed. God wants us to defend ourselves. The Second Amendment guarantees that right. Except in the blue hell hole cities that deny you your rights and may charge you with a crime for defending yourself.
Stand and fight. Resist, don't ever comply.
You couldn't pay me enough to live in any shithole big city. And even though I live in a relatively peaceful area, when I leave the house I'm armed 100% of the time.