We know they did it, they know we know, and we know they know we know, and yet no one will ever be held accountable. That's the way of the world in DC today.
I do have to respect RFKJr for stepping up. Harder to sweep it under, and he is willing to die for the cause. Still not sure I will even vote but he challenges the complacency in ways.
He's a brave soul and he mourns for his country's ills like many of us do. He at least is willing to air views that don't track with Western imperialism and world hegemony. Sadly, the cartel will never let him win, any more than they will allow Trump back into the WH. It only remains to be seen how worried they become if he seems to be getting close enough to meddle in their plans and, if he does get close, how drastic will be their method(s) of moving him out of the race.
JFK, was conspired against by his own war monger government. He had seen the horrors of war and backed out of "The Bay of Pigs" assault, and would not escalate the "Vietnam Conflict" any further. He had to be removed, but was far too popular. This is so much more than a conspiracy theory, the cover-ups are endless and well recognized by those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, and can think for themselves. E. Howard Hunt, on his death bed gave a recorded video confession to his son about the dirty deed, and he named names. Jesse Ventura wrote an excellent book on this, "They Killed Our President: 63 Reasons to Believe There Was a Conspiracy to Assassinate JFK". https://www.google.com/search?q=Jesse+Ventura%27s+book+on+the+JFK+assassination&gs_ivs=1
Thanks for sharing this. I have read elsewhere that 1) the entire "assassination" was staged, just like a Hollywood movie; that 2) JFK is not dead; and that 3) he was "reassigned" as former president Jimmy Carter. I'm starting to question *everything mediated* from the standpoint that it is a production designed to lead our minds away from the truth. But that's just where I'm at now.
If he was Jimmy Carter they sure did a great job of changing his looks, height, weight etc. Maybe they just did a brain transplant. Naaaaa...Carter was in no way a Kennedy. Especially a JFK.
I don't put anything past the wayward wizards and the cushy-job-keeping career clowns in Hellyweird and elsewhere. Besides, the photo comparisons I saw on The Unexpected Cosmology show *a lot* of key similarities that lead me to think that there is fuckery, not just with JKF, but with all the folks in the limelight. They just get recycled into playing different roles until the wayward wizards can't keep them alive any more! Haha! I don't know, I just find it fascinating to consider. Of course, I always question everything. Elvis may still be alive as a small-town pastor in a southern church. And John Lennon may be doing a John Lennon tribute at a local open mic in a village south of London. Life could be far more amazing (and kinda scary) than we know!
Even before that. The CSA's Civil War against free America was backed by the British monarchy for control of America's money supply. 1863 & 1864 National Banking Acts.
London, June 25, 1863
Messrs. Ikleheimer, Morton and Vandergould
No. 3, Wall St.,
New York, U.S.A.
Dear Sirs:
A Mr. John Sherman has written us from a town in Ohio, U.S.A., as to the profit that may be made in the National Banking business, under a recent act of your Congress; a copy of this act accompanies this letter.
Apparently this act has been drawn up on the plan formulated here by the British Bankers Association, and by that Association recommended to our American friends, as one that if enacted into law, would prove highly profitable to the banking fraternity throughout the world.
Mr. Sherman declares that there has never been such an opportunity for capitalists to accumulate money as that presented by this act. It gives the National Bank almost complete control of the National finance.
“The few who understand the system,” he says, “will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favors that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages that Capital derives from the system, will bear its burden without compliant, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests… “
1832 when Andrew Jackson killed the "American System" by killing America's National bank and killed Black Hawk's tribe and then the "Trail of Tears" and gave their land to slave owners for British cotton ... American constitutionalism never really recovered after that.
In another words the system has been one big cluster F**K for a LONG time. Between your statements and Vonu, I'd say that is the case. I've never quite dug that far down the rabbit hole but I have gone as far as 1913 with the Fed and how it has turned everything into a inflationary joke since it's inception.
We know they did it, they know we know, and we know they know we know, and yet no one will ever be held accountable. That's the way of the world in DC today.
I do have to respect RFKJr for stepping up. Harder to sweep it under, and he is willing to die for the cause. Still not sure I will even vote but he challenges the complacency in ways.
He's a brave soul and he mourns for his country's ills like many of us do. He at least is willing to air views that don't track with Western imperialism and world hegemony. Sadly, the cartel will never let him win, any more than they will allow Trump back into the WH. It only remains to be seen how worried they become if he seems to be getting close enough to meddle in their plans and, if he does get close, how drastic will be their method(s) of moving him out of the race.
JFK, was conspired against by his own war monger government. He had seen the horrors of war and backed out of "The Bay of Pigs" assault, and would not escalate the "Vietnam Conflict" any further. He had to be removed, but was far too popular. This is so much more than a conspiracy theory, the cover-ups are endless and well recognized by those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, and can think for themselves. E. Howard Hunt, on his death bed gave a recorded video confession to his son about the dirty deed, and he named names. Jesse Ventura wrote an excellent book on this, "They Killed Our President: 63 Reasons to Believe There Was a Conspiracy to Assassinate JFK". https://www.google.com/search?q=Jesse+Ventura%27s+book+on+the+JFK+assassination&gs_ivs=1
Fabulous deductions!!
Thanks for sharing this. I have read elsewhere that 1) the entire "assassination" was staged, just like a Hollywood movie; that 2) JFK is not dead; and that 3) he was "reassigned" as former president Jimmy Carter. I'm starting to question *everything mediated* from the standpoint that it is a production designed to lead our minds away from the truth. But that's just where I'm at now.
If he was Jimmy Carter they sure did a great job of changing his looks, height, weight etc. Maybe they just did a brain transplant. Naaaaa...Carter was in no way a Kennedy. Especially a JFK.
I don't put anything past the wayward wizards and the cushy-job-keeping career clowns in Hellyweird and elsewhere. Besides, the photo comparisons I saw on The Unexpected Cosmology show *a lot* of key similarities that lead me to think that there is fuckery, not just with JKF, but with all the folks in the limelight. They just get recycled into playing different roles until the wayward wizards can't keep them alive any more! Haha! I don't know, I just find it fascinating to consider. Of course, I always question everything. Elvis may still be alive as a small-town pastor in a southern church. And John Lennon may be doing a John Lennon tribute at a local open mic in a village south of London. Life could be far more amazing (and kinda scary) than we know!
Even before that. The CSA's Civil War against free America was backed by the British monarchy for control of America's money supply. 1863 & 1864 National Banking Acts.
London, June 25, 1863
Messrs. Ikleheimer, Morton and Vandergould
No. 3, Wall St.,
New York, U.S.A.
Dear Sirs:
A Mr. John Sherman has written us from a town in Ohio, U.S.A., as to the profit that may be made in the National Banking business, under a recent act of your Congress; a copy of this act accompanies this letter.
Apparently this act has been drawn up on the plan formulated here by the British Bankers Association, and by that Association recommended to our American friends, as one that if enacted into law, would prove highly profitable to the banking fraternity throughout the world.
Mr. Sherman declares that there has never been such an opportunity for capitalists to accumulate money as that presented by this act. It gives the National Bank almost complete control of the National finance.
“The few who understand the system,” he says, “will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favors that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages that Capital derives from the system, will bear its burden without compliant, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests… “
Your respectful servants,
Rothschild Brothers
Nonsense. That is fake history told by charlatans who do not want you to enjoy individual sovereignty.
The war was waged in Kansas in 1856 by President Pierce whose Secretary of War was Jefferson Davis.
1832 when Andrew Jackson killed the "American System" by killing America's National bank and killed Black Hawk's tribe and then the "Trail of Tears" and gave their land to slave owners for British cotton ... American constitutionalism never really recovered after that.
In another words the system has been one big cluster F**K for a LONG time. Between your statements and Vonu, I'd say that is the case. I've never quite dug that far down the rabbit hole but I have gone as far as 1913 with the Fed and how it has turned everything into a inflationary joke since it's inception.