First The Good News...It Isn't An Alien Invasion
So what's the bad news? That "they" are shooting down $12 balloons with $400,000 missiles? But what can you expect when they can create all the "money" they want with computer entries? Feeling safer??
So, as Edward Snowden tweeted,
……please tell me the white house did not spend the month of February scrambling jets to fire $400,000 missiles at the local hobby club’s TWELVE DOLLAR BALLOON…….. lord have mercy
I’m not going to post the article here. I’m going to send this out as a news alert and
hope you enjoy the humor as well as the irony of all that is written here by David Stockman.
I think a few of us should start a missile manufacturing company. I bet we could make some good enough to shoot down $12.00 balloons for around $100,000 each which will save the military a good $300,000 per shot! Why they could shoot down FOUR of those balloons for the cost of ONE current missile! What a deal!
Additional pertinent intel on this evolving situation:
From the article linked below
"Air Force’s procurement bureaucracy was not agile enough to respond to challenges posed by rival space powers threatening to target U.S. systems... The Space Rapid Capabilities Office operates with far more autonomy than most military procurement shops..
.."The technologies aboard these satellites will be leveraged by the Space Force and probably will proliferate to other systems,” Hammett said. He noted that the payloads were produced at breakneck speed by military procurement standards."
I think it is worth noting that the newly revealed “Space Rapid Capabilities Office” is situated at Kirtland Airforce Base.
They are tip toeing out of the shadows now for a reason.
If one takes a closer look at the other covert ops that are run out of that base of operations (such as Sandia National Laboratories or SNL, Phillips labs, Manzano Mountain underground complex, Coyote Canyon Test Site and the White Sands Complex) and what they have been involved with in the past decades one can get a pretty good idea of where they want to head with all this "UFO" propaganda in the news.
When the day comes that those who control the media decide to tell the world that we are living in an interstellar community teaming with intelligent life, exercising a keen sense of discernment and tapping into our innate intuitive capacities so we can tell what is truth and what is not will be of paramount importance.
Do not allow yourself to be fooled by another 911 type psychological operation.
For more info watch this film