We all live in a prison and are reminded of our imprisonment every day. Everyone...The businessman, the family man, the student and the child.
There are guards (cops) and wardens (mayor, governor, president)
Every time you see a guard and check your speed and hit the brakes, you are reminded that you are an inmate with limited privileges.
Every time you stand at a cross walk waiting for the light to turn green even though there are no cars in sight, you are reminded that you are an inmate with limited privileges.
Every time you pay a traffic citation, you are reminded that you are an inmate with limited privileges.
Every time you have to go get your papers renewed, you are reminded that you are an inmate with limited privileges.
Every time you pay a tax on your labor, you are reminded that you are an inmate of the state with limited privileges.
Every time you pay a tax on property that you already paid taxes to purchase, you are reminded that you are an inmate with limited privileges.
You may think you own your home if it is paid off, but you will find that if you don't pay your rent that is erroneously called property taxes who owns your home and in the process you are reminded that you are an inmate with limited privileges.
Most of these prisons are nice looking prisons and as long as you can avoid the guards and obey them when they tell you what to do then you have a good chance of not having problems with them.
But every time you go outside you are running this risk.
Most try to tuck this reality away in the back of their minds and not think about it. They brush their servitude off with a laugh, a smile and a snippy quip about uncle Charlie.
The matrix is real and most everyone is attached to it.
Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.
Not being a quick intellect, I had to mull this, your last post, a bit.
Definitely, the shackles are tightening at an alarming rate and a choice between action now or facing an inability to act later is here.
That said, I find some of your premise, if not bombastic, a tad ignorant (that's different from stupid; in this case I mean to suggest a conscious omission) of nuance as applied to what impels decent folks to craft and adhere to laws, e.g. stating that stopping at red lights is a tacit demonstration of servitude.
Free people will devise self-imposed alterations (I resisted using the word 'restrictions') on their behavior in order to accommodate their fellows. This is not always to be construed strictly as enslavement, but it IS entirely that inclination of freedom loving people to act civilly which is being exploited to impose actual enslavement and authoritarian control.
It's a fine point to hew, but I felt it important as a more emotional appeal often drives folks to hasty or extreme acts when a more measured response is sufficient and, probably, beneficial.
Keep up the good work Sheep-dog Lion.
Licenses were for conducting business. A DRIVER'S LICENSE was for a professional driver hauling goods or people! What "business" are your dog or cat conducting?