Approximately 30 years ago I was standing in line at a grocery store behind a rather elderly man in his 80's. I couldn't help but notice when he placed his open bill fold on the checkout counter that his Social Security card didn't have the same look as a recent issue. His said: Social Security System. This stuck in my mind and when I went home I realized that there was an anomaly here. The current cards just say Social Security and then the number or whatever. This one abbreviated said SSS. After doing some rather interesting research, I found that in the Bible, the number 6 in Greek was originally written as an S. Thus the statement in Revelation about the number 666 in the Greek was written SSS. Simply a coincidence? Read on...
There’s another “coincidence” of which I'm not too fond--Chapter 666 of Public Law, dated August 10,1939 (it’s a matter of public record--just click the link!), was called the “Social Security Act Amendments of 1939.” Since all this national identity business was spawned and implemented by the Social Security Act, somehow I seriously doubt the “coincidence” theory.
So, all your Christians out there…But Mark, the bible says it will be in your forehead. Yep, that’s where your memory is. Every time you think or use the number it is in your forehead and every time you write it, it’s in your hand. Could it BE?
Let us hope and pray that this is not true.
Spot on!