"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of men who wanted to be left alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over.
The moment the men who wanted to be left alone are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide. They are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these men who wanted to be left alone, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror. TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people's door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy... but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the men who just wanted to be left alone." ~Soviet Dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn
... all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government… ~Declaration of Independence
Any scholar of history and the keen student of human nature observes that there are no examples of populations that enjoyed peace, prosperity and freedom once disarmed and rendered helpless. The singular truth is that disarmed populations inevitably fall prey to the rancid process of humiliation, degradation and butchery.
Countless examples attest to this.
Do not ignore the process by which freedom becomes dependence, then constraint, then tyranny, then the appalling mass killing of the unprepared. Do not depend upon the reassurances of those who seek to attain power and hegemony over the lives of men.
Place no weight on the promises of those who swear to protect you when you are helpless. Never forget the rotting bones of the helpless innocent who lie at the bottom of countless killing pits.
Today we see the same process taking place in the West as the rulers of the emerging police states demand the subjugation of their people and the banning and confiscation of their tools of both self preservation and rebellion.
You disarm people so that they cannot stop you from stripping away their rights and freedoms. You disarm people so that they are unable to dissent from your rulership, which by definition eliminates government by consent.
Make no mistake that the purpose of disarming victims is never to enhance their safety or security. It is to enable their murder without effective opposition.
There are countless articles and commentators and pundits who fence and tangle, who tumble and roll the slogans and platitudes of gun control, civilian disarmament, public safety, gun violence epidemics, commonsense restrictions, loopholes, Second Amendment rights and other sophisticated and nuanced and ultimately irrelevant sophistries that dance around and completely avoid the blunt and brutally honest point of lethal, military grade weapons in the hands of civilians.
They are in those hands for one purpose, and one purpose only. That purpose is cold, unmistakable and ruthless.
It is to enable free men and women to rise up and butcher tyrants with gunfire.
Free men have an inherent and sacred right to overthrow and kill the tyrants that brutalize and oppress them. When free men are armed with lethal military grade weapons that right is backed by a dramatic and unstoppable power.
That power is what the politicians who drive the American nation towards scores of trillions of dollars of debt lie awake worrying about, and why they posture and preen and celebrate any opportunistic chance to dance in the blood of the murdered with wailing cries of “we must do something” before the gunfire has even stopped.
That power is what today’s blithering and ridiculous social justice warriors are terrified of. For all their well-publicized concern about rape and so-called “rape culture”, they cynically ignore the most important type of rape as applied to the freedom and dignity of human beings.
“Rape is about power”, they say, “not about sex”.
“It’s about taking someone’s power away from them without their consent.”
Gun control is the very definition of rape. ~ Ivan Throne Author of “The Nine Laws”
“A regrettably large share of our legal experiences operate not in the shadow of the Constitution and its constraints, but rather in the shadow of explicitly unconstitutional rules, actions, and orders. In the time it takes for improper Executive Orders to be reined in, for illicit administrative decisions to be corrected, and for misinterpretations of constitutional power to be overturned, so much of society’s activity is framed by what we might call the not-Constitution — all those acts of government that are deemed illegal only after they have caused enduring harm. A most troubling aspect of government power is its insistence on pushing past constitutional constraints and operating in a blurry legal wilderness of its own creation while forcing Americans to prove that those power grabs lack legitimacy.”
~ J.B. Shurk
All of this pushing. All of this bullying by the enforcers of the edicts of psychopaths are leading us to the day where the average man that had been saying, I JUST WANTED TO BE LEFT ALONE will have been pushed over the edge and then the whirlwind will be released. As I JUST WANTED TO BE LEFT ALONE men meet up with others that just wanted to be left alone, those who insist on robbing (with forfeiture “laws), murdering (with qualified immunity “laws”) and caging their fellow citizens will find that their jobs and pensions aren’t worth the response that will be coming their way. Those that have the audacity to point at their badges and tell someone who just wanted to be left alone, “See this…this gives me the right to do WHATEVER I WANT” will find out that they were wrong. Because YOU DO NOT have the “right” to do whatever you want because you wear a badge or uniform. YOUR JOB is to FOLLOW YOUR OATH OF OFFICE and that may mean IGNORING some of those “laws” that a first grader would know violates the Constitution.
The 2nd amendment says SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED and it doesn’t take a whole lot of understanding of the English language to KNOW what those four words mean!
For you see… No "law" should exist for a crime unless there is a victim involved. If you are willing to cage or kill me for keeping the fruits of my labor, YOU are the criminal, not me. If you are willing to cage or kill me enforcing a law telling me that I cannot smoke, eat or drink what I want, YOU are the criminal not me. If you are willing to cage me or kill me while enforcing a law that says that I can't own a certain type of gun or because I decide to put a AR pistol to my shoulder, YOU are the CRIMINAL, NOT ME. If you are willing to kill me or cage me because I refuse to fight for you in an illegal war of aggression, YOU are the CRIMINAL not me. If you are willing to cage me or kill me while enforcing ANY LAW where there cannot be shown that a VICTIM existed, YOU ARE THE CRIMINAL, NOT ME. Taking the property of the people without a warrant or probable cause makes YOU the criminal not me. THEFT is THEFT. A badge or "position of authority" does not do away with the fact that YOU are the criminal not me. When those who administer GOVERNMENT VIOLATE THE LAW, THEN THERE IS NO MORE LAW...JUST A FIGHT FOR SURVIVAL.
Oh, and don’t give me this “the state” was the victim horse shit. The “state” is a fiction. A FICTION cannot be damaged. Another word for FICTION is LIE. Only sentient beings can be damaged. So stick your statutory Babylonian horseshit up your ass and enforce the COMMON LAW which is the law that there is no excuse for ignorance. A FELONY under common law is a heinous act. Having an amount of marijuana that some psychopath who passed an edict that has the force of “law” is NOT a heinous act. Driving “too many times” drunk is not a heinous act. Not filling out papers the way “they” want you to, is not a heinous act.
Just added 10/30/2024. An interesting post from Christopher Cook
BTW…here is a story about a man who JUST WANTED TO BE LEFT ALONE!!
Live Free or Die…How Many More Carl Dregas? by Vin Suprynowicz
Preach it, my Brave, Brave Lion! You speak for so many!
Live Free or Die! Yes, Leave Us Alone!