My thoughts on the whole Nord Stream pipe line debacle? How about for starters the Commander in Thief be impeached. Next bring him up on war crimes resulting in the death of who knows how many Europeans who froze to death because they couldn’t afford the inexpensive supply of gas being sold to them from Russia. After he is convicted of the war crimes against humanity, send him to RUSSIA for execution. Does he deserve it? Does Chairman Xiden of the CCP who is the proxy for the psychopathic control freak show that is running our country as well as the rest of the Western world?
Next on the list of war criminals should be those who EXECUTED his orders. They were the good little order takers who think along the same lines as the Nazis did during World War II as they herded people into concentration camps. They were the ENFORCERS of the insane edicts by the insane asylum escapee running “our” country. Try them under the Nuremberg rules, and make a public spectacle of sending half to Russia and half to the District of Criminals to have them hung on public TV for all to see what we are going to start doing to people who are so sick that they would cause undue suffering to innocent, men, women and children during the time of the year when they need the gas the most to keep from freezing because they can’t warm their homes. Show the world that the MAJORITY of the people in the US don’t think that this kind of shitty activity is RIGHT.
And as this article from Jon Rappoport explains as he
has figured out (as if the rest of us didn’t have any idea), that dear President Sniffy and his porn loving drug using prostitute screwing law breaking nut case of a son are basically being black mailed because of the underhanded dealings with the current corrupt “leaders” of Ukraine. Especially the little gym suit wearing (when he isn’t cross dressing) coke snorting freedom hating little man with a Napoleon complex that the normal people of Ukraine are saddled with thanks to “our” coup of 2014. After all, surely someone would have closed the cash faucet off to the Biden’s if the people running the Ukraine hadn’t been replaced with fellow orgy participants like Zellensky. (who cares if I spelled it’s name wrong!) Someone please bring him to my house and leave him with me for, oh say, 4 hours. I’ll give him back after I’ve run him through a wood chipper I will gladly rent from the local tool rental store. I must have a bit of psychopathy in my veins because for human turds like Zalenskay (who cares if I spell it/she/him/dog’s name wrong!) I would have no remorse making that little creep into fertilizer. I’d sleep well. Sort of like I would sleep well if I killed rats running around in my house.
Seriously people…we need to start organizing. When I see how Chairman Xiden has weaponized the DOJ and has S.W.A.T. teams raiding homes of abortion protesters or is charging some man with a federal crime because he defended his 12 year old son from some lunatic at an abortion clinic…I, in the words of Billy Jack…GO BERSERK!
And for ANYONE who actually thinks Chairman Xiden WON the 2020 elections…you are FOOLS. Biden after 2 years had 28.5M followers. Trump was kicked off Twitter. Musk reinstates him back in and in seven days Trump goes from ZERO to 87 MILLION followers. Conclusion : Chairman Xiden won, Donald Trump has 87 million Russian bots. Yep, makes sense to me!
Start talking to your neighbors. Start putting together food storage for a good 6 months to a year for you and your family. Start converting ANY extra fed notes you may have into silver dimes, quarters, halves and one ounce coins. And if you’ve done that start a collection of 1/10, 1/4, 1/2 and one ounce gold coins. Oh and before you do ANY of that, buy a good handgun, shotgun and an AR FIFTEEN (Chairman Xiden and his ilk HATE those!) for every member of your family and learn how to use them. Remember, YOU are the only one that can defend yourself, your family and neighbors from the likes of Lon Horiuchi, Michael Springer (Hi Mike. KISS MY ASS) , or the Herb Byerly’s of the world.
Form neighborhood protection associations. Because frankly…we are going to need to protect ourselves from the LUNATICS AT THE HELM. ~C.L.
I agree we are entering a wartime scenario, we should be preparing for social collapse. No groceries. You call 911 and no one answers. A family member dies and no one comes to take them away. No visible police, only black vans full of agents doing whatever evil the devil needs done. There could be a scenario with only two kinds of people...the stackers and the ones getting stacked. It's important to prepare for the worst case scenario even though they rarely come to fruition. In this situation, a prepper should have a hazmat suit. When Bill Gates said (paraphrasing): The best thing that could happen to the planet is that 2 billion people die and then a few years later, 2 billion more people die...he wasn't joking.
I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' no Nordstreams or pipelines!
But I DO KNOW that I don't trust anything coming from any government, their highly paid agents (regular dolts plus Hollywood hell-scapers), or their mockingbird media mouthpieces.
So I only trust anyone or anything as far as I can throw them/it.
Since I'm a smallish but still strong woman (actual, biological, for real female), I must use armaments to fully expunge the stronger-appearing *a-LIE-ens* posing as humans.