I’ve often heard from churchy types, that the reason we need government is because man is so desperately wicked in all his ways. To which I respond, so what you suggest is to let men who are so desperately wicked in all of there ways to rule over us. At that point I get a blank stare or a response like… “I never thought about it that way.” Well why didn’t you think about it that way? Seems to me that reason, logic and common sense would dictate it almost at the same time the remark was made.
Think about it…if there was a percentage of the time of your life that you had to deal with the agents of government vs the time you spend working, going on vacation (if you’re lucky enough to be able to afford to), eating, sleeping, playing, being with your family, going fishing or hunting or gardening or many other hundreds of things you might be involved with for a hobby…how much would you suppose the percentage is? How about we just make up a number and say 5%. The time it takes to go pay your “property taxes”, or deal with renewing a drivers license or insurance (due to government agents dictating we have to have it). So 95 percent of your life, you’re not out robbing, raping and stealing from your neighbors. GREAT! That means you’re a self controlled individual that even without a government would most likely be a self controlled individual.
Does Walmart send out armed legions to sweep people up of the street and force them to buy at Walmart? Does the local Hardies Burger joint? Does Aldi’s? Who does BESIDES those agents in government as they sit on their fat asses on two chairs in the property tax office extorting from the locals while they get fat pensions and nice homes and drive new cars and the rest of us pay for it?
I use this as an example. If men were as bad as these churchy types claim, then how hard would it be for say, in my county, to get ten of us together to eliminate the enforcers by ambushing them and then we could go on about our merry way of robbing, raping and stealing? I mean IF we are so desperately wicked? The sad part is that those who ARE desperately wicked seem to gravitate to government agent status and subject US to robbing (road pirates) raping a stealing. Aren’t we so smart?
When discussing the positive aspect of anarchy, I am often subjected to the following argument: Sure, if there had never been government involvement, we would not need them today. But we must always look at the current the social system as it is NOW, and decide what’s the best course of action in the world today, not some dream of Utopia.
My antagonist goes on to specifics: Yes, free trade is good in theory, but not with the current banking and credit system. Yes, we should not have intervened in the all those other places in the world we have over the years, but given that we have, it would be reckless to quit involving ourselves now. Especially by removing our support behind Israel, the center of all virtue and God’s chosen people on the planet. And you know we have GOT to stop the spread of communism so we have to support Ukraine, even if it means destroying the planet! Yes, Social Security is a bad system, but given that so many people are now dependent upon it, it must be continued. I mean it also helps those illegal aliens that never pain in a stinking dime! I can’t help it, My detractors statements are being intermingled with my common sense. I hope you realize that.
I am really not very sympathetic to such arguments, even though it is important to appear "reasonable" to the skeptic. Just as I take great pains to rebut the popular misconception that anarchy requires the average person to be an angel (never mind that government NEVER requires the average politician to be an angel), I will also point out that the path to anarchy need not be immediate. In this vein, I offer the following, simple steps to a freer world:
Admit there is a problem.
Immediately end all sanctions (except on weapons) against all countries.
Legalize all drugs and pardon all non-violent drug offenders. For that matter pardon anyone who is caged for ANYTHING there was no victim involved.
Abolish the IRS, DEA, and BATF. Give all employees a six-month period of full pay in which to find legitimate employment.
Announce to all foreign countries and organizations that we will reduce U.S. aid by 10 percent this year, and by the same dollar amount in the following years, so that our foreign aid budget is zero after one decade. Make a similar announcement regarding U.S. troops stationed abroad. Start closing the military bases that we have no business having in the first place.
Stop creating additional fiat currency. Make it perfectly legal for anyone to use gold in contracts and transactions. Abolish ALL legal tender laws. Allow anyone to open a private bank, subject of course to standard penalties for reneging on contractual obligations. Gradually phase out FDIC (to avoid a possible panic while we are still dependent on the precarious fractional reserve system).
Enact a means test on all domestic recipients of federal money, and cut off anyone who doesn’t "need it." This includes all corporate welfare. Eventally phase it totally out and let private institution take care of those in need as it was done for 200 years.
Auction off all federal property that serves no "legitimate" purpose. This includes Western land, vacant office space, and gold and oil reserves.
Allow free competition with all government "services," without necessarily ending government provision. Private police or should I say security could be taken up by a well regulated militia. That way only REAL crimes would be tried and punished where there is a victim involved.
Allow people to opt out of Social Security, forfeiting any accrued "benefits." For those remaining (presumably a group of older citizens), pay off what they have been promised from general tax revenues. This will allow the Social Security apparatus (and particularly its onerous tax) to be dismantled.
It is my belief that a majority would support the above plan, if they believed it would actually be enacted in its entirety, and would not be overturned in a few years.
The skeptics are probably right; anarchy will not be achieved overnight. Very well then. Let’s get really close to it, say, in ten years. After all who needs to be forced at gun point to pay for services that you don’t need or want?
I was born an Anarchist. I have never been anything but an Anarchist.
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." Groucho Marx
Intellectually, I support what you wrote 100% but have to admit it's a tad scary having been under the thumb of governmental control in EVERY aspect of my life. Guess it's a crapshoot - will/can humans behave without any presence of punishment or rules regarding societal behavior? Or not??? Has there been any examples of this in the world's history? I would think this philosophy would need to be global as well to work and well, doubt THAT would ever happen.
"This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future." Adolph Hitler, 1935