Most People Are Just Mediocre Minded Cowardly Conformists Because It's Comfortable And Simple...
And THAT my friends is the problem!
Are YOU?
One of the favorite responses I get from the slave class is “If you don’t like it, you should move somewhere that you think is better.” My answer to that is WHY? Why should I MOVE? Why don’t we make the PARASITES move?
There are two ways to take care of a parasite. The first way is the best because it takes away their food. That is to STOP feeding them! They will fall off and die without food. The other way is for the host to just plain fall over dead because the life has been sucked out of them. ME? I’d rather starve the parasite.
Who are these parasites among us? THEY ARE ANYONE who feeds off the rest of us via our labor and production and offer NOTHING in return. They are the people who sit behind a desk and collect tax revenue from sales, property and other sources and GIVE US BACK NOTHING. They are probably most if not ALL Federal “employees” who typically make more compensation for their “job” than the average private sector worker performing actual services or providing and actual product.
WHO really needs them besides THEMSELVES? Who NEEDS the FBI? The FDA? The CDC? The IRS? The ATF? The …oh hell, I can go on for 10 sentences with those agencies that have been set up to HARASS OUR PEOPLE AND EAT OUT THEIR SUBSTANCE!
What got me going on this one is a quote from Brandon Smith that was posted as a response to one of my articles.
“I believe we are living here now at this crossroads for a reason. I believe we are meant to be here; that we are being given a chance to be the right people in the right place at the right time. I believe that we can end this evil, but only if we dare to try. It begins with one simple step: Telling the world “We Will Not Comply!” —Brandon Smith
Here in lies the problem. Lack of numbers for one thing. What would happen if someone would start to organize their friends and neighbors in their county to refuse to pay any more rent on their homes? Oh, sorry, here in the good ol USS of A we call that “property taxes”. But what the EFFF is the difference if you can be forced at gun point from “your” home for not paying them? Why is it that “they” who spend no time, energy or “money” on an improvement can raise your rent (sorry I mean property tax) without you being able to say no? WHY does everyone go along with this blatant horseshit? One thing that a person SHOULD be able to do after spending so much of his life paying for it, is OWN his own home without ANY THREAT of seizure unless they do something totally insane and get it SUED out from under them.
NO parasite should be able to even think about infringing on the property rights of another.
That might be my number one PEAVE. The issue is this… WE THE PEOPLE have to be willing to defend each other and each others property from these parasites. We have to organize and be willing to stand at each others home if they try to steal it from us. AND YES, that is what it is. You can’t call it anything else but THEFT when someone comes with a gun to take it from you because you didn’t give them their extortion tax. The MILITIAS were the reason that the Federal Government didn’t overstep their “authority” at one time. WE NEED THEM BACK because they are NECESSARY to the SECURITY of a free state of existence!
Then there are the “personal property” taxes where some parasite gets to sit down and evaluate what you “own” and decide how much you can have extorted from you every year to pay for so called services and schools that you have no desire to utilize. And btw…PUBLIC SCHOOL, which is what so many people love supporting so that they can go to work to buy a newer bigger house to pay rent on and newer cars every couple of years so that they can show off, is there for one reason. TO TURN YOUR CHILDREN INTO GOOD COMMUNISTS and become the very antithesis of what YOU think they should be! And when it all boils down to it…who’s fault is that? It sure isn’t mine! We homeschooled all four of our sons. And sacrificed over ONE MILLION in a registered nurse salary to do so. So don’t give me…We just can’t do that. BS. You can do whatever you think is important to YOU to do. And when your children and their education is important to you, you sure as hell are not going to send them to “public” school!
Heck, I had two armed sheriff deputies show up so that the power company could force me to have a meter on “my” home that I didn’t want there due to possible problems from it! Yeah, we’re free…MY ASS.
For NOW, I’m at least “free” to vent my frustrations on here. How many of you that read my posts are starting to reach that point where you’re wanting to scream at the top of your lungs…I’M FED UP WITH THIS SHIT AND I’M NOT GOING TO PUT UP WITH IT ANYMORE!
And to think this was released in 1976! Listen to the script. Was it PROPHETIC?
SOMEONE doesn’t want you watching this!
Yes, I’m a human being and my life has meaning! I’m not a cog in some “Borg” network. I’m sick and tired of living among so many people that accept their chains and call it freedom. More like FREE DUMB. That’s what they want. They tell us they are fighting for our FREE DUMB over in those countries that have never attacked us, never harmed us and for all intents are the little guy in the lunch line that the bully is picking on!
Meanwhile, here in “our” country the borders are wide open to a bunch of free loaders that are coming here to work under the table and compete with the labor of Americans who have lived here all their lives and worked their asses off. And why do they come? Because Auntie Samantha has a big tit for them to suck on. Free education, free food, free housing, free, free, free…and in the meanwhile we have MORE crime, MORE robberies, MORE rape, MORE drugs and so much of it is being traced right back to the hoard of tit suckers that are swarming here like a plague.
Yes, that’s how they do it. They collect welfare, food stamps AND social security that then never paid 1 cent into, and then work under the table and don’t pay any taxes in the process while you’re busting your ass to feed your family and you have to compete in the “free” market place of labor against this hoard of ILLEGAL invaders! So, Mr. Military man or woman, why aren’t you down on OUR borders protecting them? Naaa…Uncle Scamuel is busing protecting the borders of UKRAINE! MAKE SENSE? TO WHO? I guess the One World psychopathic control freaks that want ALL of us under their thumb.
Maybe this will clue you in…
That is one magnificent rant; you didn't miss a beat! I plan on sharing it, but unfortunately, too many are too complacent to shake the boat. Just like the Jews in 1930s Germany, they refuse to connect the dots. Heck, most don't even notice the dots as long as they still have beer and TV. Thanks for reiterating my frustration.
The people graduate “with honors” from this institution of “higher learning.” Watch SHEEPLE UNIVERSITY.