Did you know that…
There are toxic chemicals and metals in EV batteries:
Antimone, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, nickel, selenium, silver and zinc.
Reactive chemicals include:
Sulfuric acid, solvents, other acids, various electrolytes, caustics and other toxic chemicals.
Toxic gases being released include:
Lithium, hexaflurophosphate, other fluorine containing compounds which when released into the air become hydrogen flouride gas. This is a very poisonous and corrosive gas which causes severe skin and eye burns and when inhaled is fatal.
Where do the rare earth minerals which are essential in making EV batteries come from??
Strip mining in China and places in Africa. In the Congo children as young as 6 years old work in very dangerous conditions mining for cobalt. Seems like Black lives don’t really matter for the companies using these children for mining. And yes they are well paid by as much as $0.60 a day.
What happens when an EV catches on fire which happens much more easily than a gasoline powered vehicle:
EV fires last for hours greatly increasing the risks to the fire fighters and the surrounding population. Liberal amounts of Cobalt CO3 the gaseous form of cobalt are released. This gas is lethal causing scarring of the lungs and the destruction of mucus membranes. This gas is also somewhat radioactive. The temperature of an EV fire reaches 5,000 F which is 5 times more than the protection provided by firefighters protection suits.
Nickel oxide is released which is both a known carcinogen and also destroys reproductive systems. Nickel carboxyl which is the most dangerous form of nickel is used in a powder form in EV batteries. There is no safe level of exposure to this compound.
Who will profit from EV production??
China. The American auto workers will lose approximately one third of their work force when the big switch happens as they will no longer be needed. Let’s keep the “big switch” from occurring!
If you haven’t checked out my post called “Fossil Fuel OR NOT?”
Courageous Lion, I love reading your posts because you do your research and post truth! Another great article. Sadly, the globalists don’t care about any of us on this planet. We are nothing more than mere “useless eaters” to them. They want us sick or dead. That’s their end goal for all of us. Well and healthy doesn’t line their pockets. They know these EV are bad on every level, but they also know that it will prevent us from traveling to and fro so freely. All a scam on the American people as well as the rest of the world. As for the poor children being forced into child labor in Africa, well that doesn’t fit their narrative or agenda so they ignore it. The globalists days are coming to an end and not soon enough. The hunters are soon to be the hunted and they know it. Keep up the excellent work!
I feel nothing but contempt for the China-fication of North America.