The Five Events That Will Destroy Earth & Humanity
because the reality of weather is built into the universe NOT PEOPLE.
I found this one quite interesting. Not sure I’m going to worry about CERN or AI, but the other three seem to be quite a possibility. Well, at least the VACCINES that will be utilized to mitigate the NIH “pandemic”. ~C.L.
UK scientists have declared that based on insurance data the US is losing an excess of 500,000 to 600,000 citizens each year due to the Vax. After the elderly were the initial targets, the vast majority are now the healthy workers between 18 and 50. Small businesses continue to need more employees while Big Woke Corporations are firing en-masse. JP Morgan, one such Corporation, is actually hiring while simultaneously firing… to the tune of 13,000 new listed job openings. Simultaneously the Biden regime is importing hundreds of thousands of illegals,,, for maids and for agriculture work. While the US and EU bemoan the lack of next generations as the population ages – the WEF demands depopulation…
The world is now unsustainable. Not enough food, not enough water, not enough oil & gas, not enough housing, not enough enough… Immigrants are supposed to fill the void of excess deaths in developed countries as we transition to AI. Once achieved, the migrants won’t be needed any longer. So what happens?
The US unemployment rate is low because workers died. In California, the vast majority were Hispanic. In NY the vast majority were elderly. Now across the US and UK the vast majority of deaths are among the working age group 18-45. The only industry showing an increase in employment per ADP Payroll for May was Hospitality.
Hospitality employs over 15.11 million. This industry was hit the hardest by Pandemic lockdowns. The BLM claims hospitality had lost 8 million jobs as of December 2022 and still had 1.3 million job openings for those remaining businesses. Those openings are now being filled – albeit slowly. Skewing the jobs report.
The vast majority of laid off workers did not sit idly – they retrained into a different job. As a result shortages of teachers, nurses, doctors, and hospitality workers were rampant. What to do? Bring in immigrants to cull the gap of employment numbers giving the Biden Admin leverage to keep raising the interest rates so as to celebrate the killing of the economy.
Employment numbers CAN NOT catch up with pre-pandemic levels; half a million excess deaths every year of working age citizens and millions permanently disabled is not sustainable. Catch Up – simply isn’t viable. At least not if the numbers were truthful. Unfortunately, like everything else, government analysis shows the government lies about everything. They create algorithms and call it science. But algorithms are like polls – worthless manufactured data.
We are now being warned of five separate threats that could annihilate earth:
A new, deadly pandemic created in NIH labs across Africa that will have a death rate of 40%
Earth will be hit by solar winds wiping out satellites and the global electric grids causing widespread famine, disease, crime and death.
The aliens are here and ready to make themselves visible for the general public.
AI will turn on humans and destroy them
CERN will create a black hole that swallows earth.
So what do our esteemed governments suggest we do to mitigate against these catastrophes? Eat fake meat, drive electric cars, and be 100% carbon free. Not too sure but I doubt CERN, the aliens, the biolabs and AI give a rats dang about these ‘nonsolution solutions’.
The fact is – solar winds have been a phenomena forever, aliens have been buzzing us for decades, and the pandemics are all man made viruses to boost Big Pharma Profit margins. So what are our Leaders actually doing to mitigate catastrophes? NOTHING.
Talk is cheap.
Somehow constant war would be their focus. It benefits both Big Pharma while simultaneously boosting the military industrial complex – two of the three largess Mafia Cartels.
The Third Cartel is Banks. How will banks survive when we eliminate money in favor of social credit? Because technically social credit is not sustainable given credit is not a currency – it is an emotion. The value of credit is profits which are built on time. Time is built on interest. Interest on credit is the mainstay of Credit card companies.
Let’s say you go to the grocery store for meat and potatoes – but the AI scorecard at checkout says you don’t have enough points in your social credit for these purchases – even if you have the cash. The store makes no sale. When stores don’t make sales they lose money, they order less products, their inventory tanks, and food shortages develop.
Let’s say you find a house to buy, you have the cash on hand and go to closing. But the banker looks at your social credit score and refuses to make the loan. The bank loses because it needs to make loans to survive. You can’t buy a house because you haven’t earned enough emotional points.
The system is flawed. It requires the creation of a scoring system that is in real time. What qualifies for points has about as much merit as the Nazi Soup Kitchen on Seinfeld.
In the meantime, actual solutions to potential environmental harm are ignored.
Earths core is a magnetic field of charged particles that are released into space and protect us from solar winds and the collapse of the ozone layer.
The magnetic field of earth can become unstable as it moves into reverse polarity. That reversal causes extreme changes in weather. Scientists don’t know much about this event, don’t understand this event, and yet make astoundingly ignorant theories of this event based on rock rings… claiming the reversal happens every hundred thousand years – give or take a million.
Rock Rings. Since the mid 1800’s the magnetic north has moved from Canada to the North Pole and is now heading toward Siberia in Russia. Its pace varies and is propelled by liquids beneath the core. As it moves, weather patterns are gyrated. Patterns become existential. And weather goes awry through various knock ’em down bruises! Winds turn from SW to NE on a dime – to West on a nickel to WNW on a quarter. Predictability is nonexistent.
What is possible/probable – is this singular reverse polarization event recreates weather – altering animal, plant and humanity. And no amount of Bill Gates weather seeding can alter the earth’s core! But then Gates is neither a scientist or IT computer nerd or medical biologist. He just has the world’s largest ego and a death wish. So stop using those aerosol sprays and stop cows from farting and stop driving cars – because the reality of weather is built into the universe NOT PEOPLE. ~Helena Glass
So what do you think?
Thanks. Five more reasons for me to lose sleep at night 🤦♀️. Kidding. This was a fabulous article. Very good points made about the influx of migrants taking over our work force. Population replacement. The demons are hard at work in their last days, aren’t they?
All of this other stuff is irrelevant if they create a black hole with the Hedron collider, and it starts sucking everything in. I don't WANT to go to Switzerland - or France for that matter. Do you think I should pack a bag? What's the weather like there?