Why all the waring? Why all the pain? Why all the of the dying for the sake of our “country”? Why should our children carry our pain? I asked for a reason then I heard what you had to say … for FREEDOM |That’s right for FREEDOM.
Voices from long ago…Said freedom freedom.. Voices I've come to know said Freedom. Freedom echos through the land freeeeeeeeddddddoooommmm
The land of our fathers. The land of their children. They gave all for freedom.
Can you hear it? Listen closely…In this land of our fathers. Who gave their children FREEDOM!
Vigilance: Alert watchfulness. The quality or state of being vigilant; forbearance of sleep; wakefulness. Watchfulness in respect of danger; care; caution; circumspection
So go now and seek out where you're from. Seek out those who have come before. For are we any different? Of all those who have come before seeking freedom?
If you’ll open your mind…You'll open up the door to freedom. To Freedom. Freedom. Listen to those voices from long ago who ROARED FREEDOM. Freedom from voices I've come to know. Who said Freedom. Freedom is one of those things worth dying for.
Their voices echo through the land…CAN YOU HEAR IT??
Forcing a person under threat of death to pay a graduated income tax out of their wages isn't slavery...after all we live in the land of the free. (2nd plank COMMUNIST MANIFESTO: a progressive graduated income tax)
Forcing a population to use "fiat" currency backed by nothing, for all TRUE intents, totally worthless, to buy, sell and trade isn't slavery, after all we live in the land of the free. (5th plank COMMUNIST MANIFESTO: establishment of all credit in the hands of the state by means of a central bank. PERFECT description of the Federal Reserve System)
Forcing people under the threat of loosing their homes if they don't pay the "rent", creatively called "property tax" in the USA every year to the local revenue thieves isn't slavery, after all we live in the land of the free. (1st plank COMMUNIST MANIFESTO: Abolition to all rights of private property and the application of all rent to public purpose.)
Forcing a person to get permission from the "state" (Euphemism of psychopathic control freaks in control of the rest of the population made up of "law makers" and "enforcers of those law, supported by the slaves by giving the ILLUSION of choice through a vote) to operate an automobile on "public roads" isn't slavery, because we all live in the land of the free.
Forcing people through the rent they pay (property taxes) to pay for so called free education isn't slavery...again, we live in the land of the free! (10th plank COMMUNIST MANIFESTO: Free "education" for all children in government schools.)
Forcing people to get serial numbers from birth so that all transactions, bank accounts etc can be tracked, isn't slavery, it's FREEDOM! Oh, that's right those "social security" numbers aren't serial numbers! NAAAAAAAA....
You see people, most of this was established over time, without any of the consent of anyone alive today. I don't remember agreeing to pay rent on property that is "paid off" to anyone. I don't remember being asked if I wanted to go to public school or not. I don't remember being asked if I would prefer to use gold and silver instead of federal reserve notes to buy sell and trade with. After all, in that "paper tiger" of a Constitution that many of you refer to, GOLD AND SILVER COIN is SUPPOSED to be the money of the land. Not paper "money" backed by NOTHING. That they can create out of thin air. I don't remember being asked if I would rather not have a "drivers license" to drive down the road. I don't remember being asked if I didn't mind having THEM decide what my "Fair share" is every year. Straight from "from each according to his ability, to each according to their needs" COMMUNIST slogan.
I know, I know...if you don't like it here, move somewhere else. WHERE? The whole world has been taken over by these communistic psychopathic control freaks. FIAT money is EVERYWHERE. Forced taxation is EVERYWHERE. All because the people EVERYWHERE have no militias to rise up against the "powers that be" in their ivory towers. THEY have all the machine guns, and powerful weapons, and the well paid mercenaries to back them. They don't even want us to have "short barrel" rifles (whatever that is)! THEY make the edicts and WE are supposed to follow them without question. I watched while a helicopter was searching for an outlawed PLANT and for people growing it to put in a CAGE! FRREEEEEDDDDDOOOOMMM!!!!
WHO GIVES THE RIGHT TO ANYONE to be able to deny any of us FREEDOM?
WE DO. Because we don’t exercise the REASON for the jury and REFUSE to convict people charged with victimless crimes. That’s the bottom line folks. WE ALLOW THE PSYCHOAPTHIC CONTROL FREAK PARASITES to RULE us by refusing to FREE our fellow men and women who have committed no act where there was a victim.
I approve of this message…I hope you do too! Share with your friends and relatives so that they may start ROARING for FREEDOM.
Athens, Tennessee 1946 proud American veterans took back control. Unfortunately we are all so afraid to stand up and face the possible consequence. Not being able to trust police, DA’s and judges. J6 political prisoners not getting fair trials…… I believe the time is going to come very soon (Hope I’m wrong) where we will have to make that choice whether we die on our feet or live on our knees
“To understand political power aright, and derive it from its original, we must consider what estate all men naturally live in, and that is a state of perfect freedom to order their actions, and dispose of their possessions and persons as they think fit, within the bounds of the law of Nature, without asking leave or depending upon the will of any other man.” ~“The Second Treatise on Civil Government,” by John Locke, one of the Great Classical Philosophers (born August 29, 1632, died October 28, 1704).
Edit: citation from where the above quote was gleaned.