The Unknown Individual
This post was gleaned from the book, Mainspring of Human Progress written by Henry Grady Weaver in 1947
The war for American independence was begun by an individual. He was asleep in his bed when someone pounded on his door and shouted out in the night: "The Redcoats are coming!"
But what could he do? He was only one man against the armed might of Britain. If he had been a King, Czar, or a Potentate, he could have solved vast problems and the great things-he could have brought the powers of Europe together in harmony and made an ever lasting peace and prosperity around a world.
But he was not a king, nor a royal governor, not a rich man, not an important man. He was just one little man, unknown to anyone outside of his own neighborhood. So what could he do? Why should he take the initiative? Such things usually cleared up they always had. So why not let nature take its course, this was no time to be foolhardy. He must keep calm, use his head, and consider the practical aspects. And there was his family to think of. What would become of them?
Most men felt that way. They knew they could do nothing, and they had better sense than to try. That night in Lexington, many of them stayed in bed. But the unknown individual chose between submission that looked like safety to rebellion that seemed utterly hopeless. Many respected citizens were against him; the teachers and the writers of books were against him. Men in high places-many widely known men- stood staunchly with the King.
But the unknown individual had the courage of his convictions. He got up, put on his clothes, took his gun, and went out to meet the British troops. Not acting under orders, not being led nor wanting to be the leader, he stood on his own feet-a responsible, self controlling person and fired the shot heard 'round the world. The sound of that shot said that man is a free agent; that government is the servant rather than the master.
The previous is exerted from The Mainspring of Human Progress
The following is from a synopsis of the book at Amazon
For six-thousand years men died of hunger. Why don't we? This is the basic question dealt with in "Mainspring," but the attempt to find the answer leads into a wide variety of subjects, such as: What is the greatest of all modern inventions? Who invented ZERO (0) and why? Just what is the difference between a republic and a Democracy? What is the one best way to pick a genius? What simple invention contributed most to our national wealth? What was the "best seller" in 1776? Is there a sure-fire formula for personal security? Weaver answers all of these questions, and more, with a bold, Libertarian narrative, while taking you on a fascinating journey through history to trace and thus identify the mainsprings of human progress. Weaver throws light on many problems plaguing the postwar world, and traces them back to the age old conflict between Pagan Fatalism and Christian Freedom. The author delves into highly controversial subjects and leads to certain conclusions that were contrary to the expressed wisdom of his time.
Contents: Comparisons & contrasts. Puzzling questions -- The great multiplier -- Networks and pitfalls -- The old world views. The pagan view -- Socialism and (or) Communism -- The living authorities -- The static center -- The revolution. The first attempt -- Compromise -- The second attempt -- Prelude to third attempt -- The third attempt -- Roots of revolution -- The unknown individual -- The new model -- Unplanned planning -- The revolution spreads -- Fruits of freedom. Inventive progress -- Hope versus fear -- Moral versus material -- Freedom versus war.
I stopped reading books. I have a preponderance of evidence: "they" are us and as such the WEF et alia the de facto not de jure form of government is operated by an industrial / military / executive / legislative / judicial / administrative / banker / FRN / BAR / Nazi / Jesuit / Khazarian / Jihadist / communist / U.N. / Big Pharma / medical de facto, color of law /RICO society that should not be. We do not need to read another phuquing book. We need to stand and deliver in our own names in Jural Assemblies with one goal return to a de jure, original jurisdiction Constitutional republican form of government this year 2024. I yield.
Thank you for the book recommendation