You know you’re a racist if – You think the malcontents who kicked the heck out of the British and gave birth to America were heroic and deserve to be remembered as such. Correct thinking people know they only did this so they could quit talking with that wimpy accent and be first in line at rap concerts.
You know you’re a racist if – You think Al Sharpton is the "Reverand" at the Church Of Me is Mo Better Den Thou and you wonder just exactly what it is Jesse Jackson does for a living. Correct thinking people know it’s not polite to question the motives or methods of Racists and Communists Of Color.
You know you’re a racist if – You write or read commentaries that appear occasionally at such hotbeds of dissent as Tucker Carlson Network, Lew Rockwell, Gateway Pundit, Etherzone, Liberty Journal, The Libertarian Enterprize, Free Republic, Gary D. Barnett, World Net Daily, or No More Fake News. Correct thinking people know that the common sense published at these websites is far too dangerous for the average American and poses a serious threat to the oh-so-delicate "self-esteem" of the Karen’s on the left.
You know you’re a racist if – You think the late Norman Liebmann had blasted huge holes in the left wing’s transparent wall of hypocrisy with style, wit and absolute hilarity. Correct thinking people know that laughing at socialist stupidity and corruption is far too damaging to the inner-child of globalist baloney speakers.
You know you’re a racist if – You think Hillary Rodham-Clinton-Rodham is a self-serving, untalented screaming harpy who would eat her own child if she thought it would further her fascist agenda. Correct thinking people know that she’s really a misunderstood victim and everything would be fine if people would just let her have her own way.
You know you’re a racist if – You had volunteered your pick-up truck to help Alec Baldwin move to Moscow the day George Bush was elected President. Correct thinking people knew Alec was just upset because he saw a cat wearing fur and it gave him the vapors
You know you’re a racist if – You think Elton John should shut his lip sticked mouth and put away his foreign wallet when it comes to deciding who will be the next Psycho-In-Chief. Correct thinking people know that he was Princess Diana’s friend and gown swapping pal.
You know you’re a racist if – You believe in God and Jesus Christ and are not afraid to say so. Correct thinking people know that God is just too much of a hindrance to corruption, blasphemy masquerading as art, abortion and genocide in the name of "peace."
You know you’re a racist if – You think Spike Lee is nothing more than a Hollywood race-baiter. Correct thinking people know that Spike is black, hence, he’s been exploited and oppressed. Therefore it’s just fine and dandy for him to make movies exploiting black people and demonizing whites.
You know you’re a racist if – You think the Confederate Flag is a stirring symbol of a proud Southern Heritage. A heritage that includes the courage to stand up and defy the statists who would crush any symbol of rebellion against the monster that calls itself Federal Government. Correct thinking people know that flag is a symbol of freedom from tyranny. Can’t have that now, can we? And that the whole war for Southern Independence was over taxes, not slavery. After all, Father Abraham never said or did anything about freeing slaves in the north. Oh, you didn’t know that there were slaves in the north? Surprise! And to think that it’s only been one hundred and sixty four years for that information to leak out.
You know you’re a racist if – You think guns are tools for self defense, hunting, and other family activities such as defending the Constitution of The United States against politicians and other assorted criminal bastards. You think the Gun Owners of America shows great wisdom and character in refusing to compromise the rights of law-abiding Americans to arm themselves. You think the National Rifle Association membership is the salt of the earth, but the leadership needs to quit wimping out on the Second Amendment or buying large mansions and fancy $2000 or is it $5000 suits to wear in public. Thank you, but no thank you Wayne. You think a lawfully armed citizen is a free citizen and the gun-grabbers are spearheading the drive to enslave them. Correct thinking people know that improperly used guns can kill people and therefore only government agents and other criminals should have them.
You know you’re a racist if – You think Bill Clinton, Barack Odumba and Chairman Xiden are all agents of the anti-Christ and you can’t understand why the press won’t break the story about their reflection not showing up in mirrors. Correct thinking people know that Billy-Jeff, feels their pain, as well as their breasts and wallets. And that Odumba wasn't a natural born citizen. Or that Chairman Xiden is a con man, liar, cheater and pedophile who took showers with his daughter, which is a totally normal past time for a father.
You know you’re a racist if – You had thought that Janet Reno was a murderous federal bitch thug who should get the gas chamber or spend the rest of here psycho existence in a cage for life. Correct thinking people know the real criminals where the church congregation in Texas who had the audacity to worship and think as they saw fit. Until she murdered them "for their own safety." Fortunately for all of us she died in 2016 so she couldn't influence any of the current psychopathic control freak parasites running our country into the third world cesspool they are trying so hard to do.
You know you’re a racist if – You base your opinions on what you know to be facts and not on the government propaganda spoon-fed to the masses every night on the network news. Correct thinking people are fond of Whoopie Goldberg’s cute hairdo, and Karine Jean-Pierre's scowl. All she needs is a clown nose and it would fit her and the position quite well. After all, she was so qualified for her position being black, a woman and a lesbian of the psycho class. They were able to fill three positions with her presence. I’m pretty sure wasn’t her IQ that got her the position. I’m starting to think she might be the one teaching Chairman Xiden’s vocabulary lessons. Oh and don't forget Brian Stelter's half witted reporting. And Bill Maher and and well you can make that list. How about ALL of them except Tucker Carlson? If you can relate to this comment at ALL, well, you are DEFINATELY a racist.
You know you’re a racist if – You choose to educate your children yourself, and you demand to do so without federal rules and regulations. Correct thinking people know it doesn’t matter if Johnny can’t read, they’ll be the ones to decide what he should be thinking and of course learning at the age of five what a dildo is, is so important.
You know you’re a racist if – You found yourself shaking your head in agreement with any of what you just read. YOU RACIST!!!
When everyone is a racist, no one is a racist.
You know you’re a racist if your skin is white and you know you’re a sexist if you pee standing up.