Everything about 9/11 was a lie. Bush and Cheney had to stir up Americans to go fight a war they wanted to start. I have always believed that our government helped plan the attack. Sixteen of the nineteen highjackers were Saudis but Bush was friends with them and sent troops to Iraq and Afghanistan. Cheney's offshoot of Halliburton, KRB, made $39 billion.

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Extensive research and tenacious illustration, C.L.


The jig is up.

Unfortunately, the perps' know by now. Therefore all hell is breaking loose.

Being tolerant is not an option. The game WAS ALWAYS rigged, the reality - setting in.

Those who choose the path of least resistance ($ell-outs) have betrayed humanity.

God, bless the world.

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I figured it out in January 2002 when someone sent me a website that Thierry Meyssan had put up called “Test Your Perception, Find the Boeing.” After that I realized the whole thing was one big mind screw by the “powers that be.” Here is a link of a mirror to the original page. https://www.serendipity.li/wot/erreurs_en.htm

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Oh, I love this, CL. What a great compilation. Thank you!

The James Corbett video, "9/11 - A Conspiracy Theory," is one of the best, if not the best, pieces done on the absurdity of the official story. I've watched it countless times, and it just never gets old.

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Yep,and guess what was in Bldg 7 which was controlled demolished around 6 that evening? Every SEC and Court record from Enron and a thousand other major fraud and racketeering cases that never saw the light of day since. Win, win, win for swamp central.

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Swamp central…I’m stealing that. May do a whole post on Swamp Central. I liked how Trump emptied the swamp…right into his own cabinet. Starting with that little shit Fauci.

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I think so many people believed the narrative because of the shock value, but I started to question as time went by. Eventually, I was embarrassed that I ever believed. I'm probably not alone.

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It’s called cognitive dissonance. WHO really WANTS to believe that the people tasked with protecting them are murdering them?

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But I watch the news, that can't be?

Now if you are watching the real news it can very well be!

I wish you well.

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What are the odds?!

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Its a given ( proven by the laws of physics ) that no airliner ever flown could have crashed as was reported ( 4X ) on 9/11/2001 . . we have been lied to! now what?

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Distrust has been sown by those in the government. That is what needs to happen. Enough loss of trust in those we give the power to administer government, and maybe we can shit can it like we did Kings.

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What about thermobaric weapons, Is that feasible?

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Not sure what those are, but I will say this…SOMETHING caused all of those cars at ground level to burst into flames and that was TOTALLY ignored by the media and not brought up by gooberment talking heads at all. It reminds me a LOT of damage done in Maui and some of the California and Texas fires.

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Plus, the more recent versions didn't leave the "heat in the ground" that 911 did, almost like it was projected, in a beam, rather than in a blast.

Or something like that, blue cars seemed as effected as red ones, or any other color.

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Note that its possible to see a bit of stage magic, and KNOW that a trick has been performed, without any obligation to explain HOW it was done.

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Me too, and the hurricane not far away in Maui and NYC makes me think they used that energy somehow. Just a short description of thermos https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermobaric_weapon

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Can’t wait to see vengeance, hope Im alive for it.

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