No joke. The one that made it to Gateway Pundit about the 2nd amendment I did, called Those Forgotten and Ignored 13 words was commented on as if the title told the whole story. I was floored that about half the comments came from people that couldn’t have read the post to have made the stupid comments they were making. Toby here really thinks he’s Tony. Tony the Tiger from Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes. Flake, yes. No doubt in my mind.
Coffee & Covid writer has talked about this numerous times.
It’s factual. But I still believe we have unprincipled folks messing with our atmosphere & clouds. They think they’re so smart, but like the Gain of Function debacle these types have a God complex. And are playing with fire.
Btw, the hurricane that generated the 1937 I think it was story that “ they” dropped 180 pounds of dry ice into it and it changed direction and sent it right to Savannah. And the public blamed “ them”. Think about what 180 pounds of dry ice looks like. Think about how insignificant that amount is,but it turned a major weather event. If you believe this,you’re an idiot.there is no other explanation. A blooming blithering idiot.
Agreed when it comes to chemtrails. It's pretty obvious those aren't normal contrails. But to make the claim that MAN makes " Volcanoes- earthquakes - tidal waves - droughts - floods- snow storms anywhere-anytime." is total bunk. I bet he never even read the post.
I think there could be problems with what is seen as the usual contrails. Yet, there are also modification of trails with heavy metals. Many governments have contributed to geoengineering for decades. Many governments have patents on devices and technologies for changing weather for almost a century or more. Governments contribute to the problem of climate as well through their actions and policies. Many parties are to blame for what is currently going on.
I am aware of that. I also know that algorithms do not like the word chemtrails. I am also aware that chemtrails bring social media disclaimers from the United Nations. I think the private/public interest should stop this type of activity. Yes, weather modification has been used for decades in different countries for civilian and military purposes. Yes, it has not always been successful. Yet, it is still being done.
Of course, all of us are suspicious of the government. We can see the contrails and have seen them for years. We read daily about all the Covid lies and the deaths that accompanied the vaccine. Not that long ago, they had 24 inches of rain in Dubai in twelve hours after the government admitted they seeded the clouds. Jumping to conclusions is no longer an Olympic sport.
The conclusion that this has been jumped to is invalid. Plain and simple. Sure they may have modern technology that can measure the "blips of energy" that seem to steer the path because that is how they are steered in nature anyhow. It's like people believing that lightning comes straight down and strikes the earth. It doesn't it goes from the earth up and from the sky down and meets in the middle. It completes the circuit at that point and if you happen to be in the path when it is completed you're screwed. I agree that the chemtrails are chemtrails as they even admit it now. But seriously? Read Jon's analysis.
People like Ritchie From Boston have been covering this for at least a decade. They can use technology to get water up in the atmosphere (earthquake/volcanos), spray heavy metal particulate (chemtrails), jockey clouds around with microwave energy so that it floods out specific areas and dries out others.
Then they pay people to edit older movies so as to brainwash people into thinking chemtrails are natural and deep blue skies were rare occurrences.
Ad hominem attacks aren’t helpful to discovering the truth.
Richie from Boston has been fabricating science fiction nonsense for a long time. Some of what he posts is legitimate but seriously? I accidentally didn't save my complete post back to you on this but calling BS BS isn't an ad hominem attack. Do you KNOW how many gallons are in 146 MILLION TONS of water? Do you realize that ONE high powered solar flare hitting earth directly would be an extinction event? Here is how many GALLONS are in 146 Million TONS.
My calculator can't figure that out. I have to go to an online calculator which says that it is 4,636,187,006 GALLONS GOT THAT! FOUR THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED THIRTY SIX BILLION GALLONS. But I'm supposed to believe that "Volcanoes- earthquakes - tidal waves - droughts - floods- snow storms anywhere-anytime." can be made by man. Will these people believe me if I tell them I can fly and that I have x-ray vision and super human strength and that I'm actually a Kryptonian and that the Superman series is based on my life and is fact? Dear lord, save me from some of your followers. You won't believe me, but you'll believe a bunch of bullshit artists that claim they can create volcanoes, earthquakes and blah blah blah at will. Well good for you!
You're right but it won't do any good, he's a hopeless moron by choice. Clearly incapable of research and scared to do it in fact. His pride is so great that he could not possibly see nor admit how wrong he is on everything. Then he insults, attacks and name calls violently anyone who even posts evidence of his foolishness and indoctrination. He likes balls, lots of balls, spinning balls everywhere that NASA, the governments and all those so-called 'scientists' told him are real so that kind of person just isn't worth the time. Instead of supporting moronic fools, we need to all unfollow, delete, unsubscribe, all that stuff-
Yeah, there was no research at all on this article. I just pulled it off the DC Comics website. So PROVE to me that we live on a big flat pizza pie. Show me ONE picture of the border that holds in all the water. Show me the EXACT center of your round flat pizza planet so I can check the accuracy of miles flown from point a to point b against what is claimed is flown on the spinning ball. PLEASE Blake if you are actually following me PLEASE unfollow, delete and unsubscribe because your 59 IQ isn't going to be able to stand up against my 155 IQ. Go away. BYE!!
Your reply is kind of exemplary of an observation I just made about some people experiencing what appears to be an actual semi-erotic titillation from these fabulist speculations about how the nebulous *they* can conjure up hurricanes and fires and floods, on demand. But only here, never against Ukraine or China or Russia or Iran. Hmmm.
I have to admit that some of the fires have some awfully strange anomalies about them. I would’’t be surprised if those are caused by some sort of laser device from space. I’d just like more definite proof before I hang my belief on it. The blue items not burned is sort of weird considering certain laser won’t affect that color of an object. But some of this belief that man can control weather ACCURATELY would make about a much sense as using a nuclear bomb to get rid of an ant nest out on the back 40. These people seem to have a issue with the thought that the mad scientists live on this planet too. And one screw up and they go with the result. As for the places you mentioned, well they don’t let us see their news to easily. And some places on this planet do have more weather issues than others.
So what they were saying there is that all of the experiments that they did worked well doesn't it? You're kidding right? It reads that every effort they made was a FAILURE!!! I don't blame them for TRYING, but they haven't had SUCCESS. But now were are supposed to believe because they TRIED something that now they can do it. Give me a break.
I watch satellite image yesterday of another underwater volcano near the previous Tonga eruption,
Hurricane Harvey, they use the water vapor coming out of a power plant near San Antonio called big mama Brown. You can see the water vapor from Outer space into the hurricane once they manage to stall it over the south eastern Gulf Coast.
The microwave signatures surrounding hurricane Helena is pretty telling using the existing water vapor in the atmosphere. Everyone knows they heat up the ionosphere.
The whole week starting a couple days prior to Helena not one airplane, leaving chemtrails was spotted here in Northern Wisconsin., which I thought was unusual a spray pretty heavy here and then last Monday it started back up. I assume those planes went down there to help steer the hurricane we were much appreciative with the pretty blue skies in the white puffy clouds without the snot being strewn across the sky.
Um we here in Daytona, have a school here. It’s a small little local school called embry riddle. It’s where our best pilots and astronauts come from. And it’s funny, but there are people here, and even a group on farcebook, called plane spotters. All they do is watch the airports, one at embry, one at the track, Daytona, and record every flight, every owner, and their flight paths , day in day out. It’s interesting. And also proves everything you just said, is bullshit. Utter fucking chicken little bullshit. And I’ve asked where the infrastructure is to supply these crafts with their chemicals needed to be able to spray as you put it. Imagine the chemicals needed to spray in the sky to cause whatever the fuck malady you people blame on this truly comical shit. So tell me, are the chemical plants right next to all the airports? Or do they truck that shit in?
Stop using your brain Alan. Something is suspicious about the patterns and the fact they all turn into clouds where as "normal" contrails dissipate at a rapid rate.
Very interesting and complicated... and a lot of emphasis on the sheer AMOUNT of water propelled into the atmosphere. Can you tell me how you know for certain that the volcanic eruption that conveniently PUT all that water up there, was completely natural? Especially with the amazing, hideous technology they have?
So you are suggesting that a couple of years ago, *someone* had the *convenient* foresight to *conveniently* set off a mega-volcanic eruption, which would equally *conveniently* coalesce---assisted yet again by *someone*---into a *convenient* series of hurricanes at the height of hurricane season? With said hurricanes *conveniently* making landfall in a region of the country historically impacted by badass hurricanes?
Because I talked to the Romulans and so far there has been no proof that it is real. So much nonsense that wants to make man god and claim that he can do so many things that he can't.
No, I’ve been using my reason, logic and common sense to come to the conclusion that the “evil ones” do not have technology that can cause what you have just listed. Such as the effect of solar winds, sun spots, lack of sun spots, solar flares, the Earths magnetic field shift that we are in the middle of at this moment when your compass will be pointing north but it will say south, the natural occurrences of volcanic activity due to the earths shifting surface layer, the activity caused by that same shifting causing earth quakes etc etc. I think that placing your fear on this kind of belief is what “they” want you to do. They want you to fear them. So they are most likely the ones that propagate this type of misinformation so that you will fear them and we won’t rise up against those we fear the most.
As for my sarcastic response…that is what it was. I actually do realize that the Romulans destroyed my home planet of Krypton with some of these devices and DC Comics simply forgot to mention them.
Really? Study the current situation and learn what you can do to release yourself from slavery. You have to understand one thing. IF the “evil ones” could really do what you claim and others claim.. THEY live on the same planet and what if they mess up? Wouldn’t their underground cities be susceptible to some of their technology or are that THAT good a it? Or are they practicing now for the future event that will blow the whole planet up?
Have you checked out Dutch Sinse on youtube?? Worth it. He has oresicted earthquakes fora decade. Talks about the energy waves to go around the workd and how to judge where next seismic event will be
Also have you seen this video in the hurricane? Just super odd to me all those blips of energy released that literally seem to steer the path. Whether it was manmade or. Ot you cannot dent this video evidence of steering
Imagine that ALL hurricanes since forever had the same thing going on but now they can actually see them. And those blips may be what steers all hurricanes that have ever taken place.
Despite your claims, the problem is, 'they' have admitted they can create volcanoes, that's no longer a theory it is a full-fledged conspiracy. So no matter how you slice it, they can and do conduct such things as you have discussed here. Another problem, people keep talking about spinning ball lies and basing their beliefs on it and then claiming stuff like "the worst people are the ones that think they're free when they are fully enslaved" all the while the same people believe NASA (another one of those trusted government agencies) which is part of the cabal which pushes evilution which is what the spinning ball is: 🤔
So what you are implying is that the earth is flat? Please get off my list of subscribers or followers. I’d prefer to have people who know how to use reason, logic and common sense there. You are OBVIOUSLY lacking if you believe that shit. BTW…what “volcanoes” are you referring to that you claim “they” claim they have created? SCOTTY BEAM ME THE FUCK UP! There is no intelligent life down here.
YOU ARE HILARIOUS! Keep writing your "street talk". And if you believe any of what you said, you don't know me. I actually gave you a LIKE for that wonderful exhibition of gooberment skewl edjukashun! Yuz shud be prwowed! I bet yo mamma is!
The funny part is what he claims to be on his Substack. "Born a Watchman on The Wall, not by choice! Paul Revere for Jesus, "as in the days of Noah- Matthew 24." And it looks like he has maybe two or three followers. Gee, I wonder why?
Talk about projection! Just go back and read your screed that I’m not removing because I want everyone to see what a raving lunatic you are. It will be up to YOU to remove it or edit it into a more civilized conversation.
Again. "Believing that the Hurricane was man made and that it was done for the purpose described in Jon Rappoports post, that's B FUCKING S. Yes, I've read about HARP, I've been to geoengenneringwatch. Have ever even CONSIDERED that the SUN and VOLCANOES and the Earth's MAGNETIC FIELD and other NATURAL phenomenon cause a lot of what is being claimed is "man made"? You put TOO much belief in man's pitiful effort at over powering the power of nature. So thanks for your loving comment because you feel sooooooo "insulted" by it, but as I said above, if YOU are claiming that the VOLCANO I posted about had NOTHING to do with some of the crap weather going on around the world you need to rethink your position. Because it is BS when it comes to a lot of what you believe. I'm not saying that all of it is wrong. But I am saying that COMMENT that had NOTHING to do with a majority of your response is BS. Got it? Figuring it out yet? Dean Wittington has some truth but some of what he believes is Sci Fi based NONSENSE. Now go get a copy of the "Awesome Life Force" read that and see what you think afterwards. Bye....PS...I'm not a "Christian" in the typically understood definition of the word.
Yes he is. He is claiming MAN makes " Volcanoes- earthquakes - tidal waves - droughts - floods- snow storms anywhere-anytime." THAT is TOTAL BS. NATURE makes those things "anytime". It's a dumb as ant farts changing the weather and causing global warming. MANKIND can TRY and PLAY with certain weather pattern by seeding the clouds but MAKING a VOLCANO? An EARTHQUAKE? A TIDAL WAVE? FLOODS when 146 MILLION TONS OF WATER was blowing into the sky? Someone needs to get a life. So I guess if I piss off the wrong people I might have a volcano arrive in my back yard "ANYTIME". "SCOTTY...hey you have any idea where I laid my transponder? I need Scotty to beam us up. This place if VOID of intelligent life."
“The Weaponized Stratospheric Aerosol Injection contains Aluminum Stronium Barrium plus more.” Makes sense. Did I say it didn’t. What I said was the VOLCANO is the main reason behind a lot of what has been going on the last two years. You can’t get that through your bi polar brain. And it would be “YOU’RE or YOU ARE exposed again” Geezzzz…
“You are so confused, and YOU WRITE NEWSLETTERS to Deceive and Lie without a single Reference.” REALLY, my guess is that you haven’t even READ this one! U iz jus stompin on yo keebowd like a 6 year old wud.
I dedicate this song to you Toby. Reading this comment that you just made in comparison to the other terribly written ones makes me suspect you may be bi-polar. Am I right?
Wow impressive article. 😁☕️ Congratulations. I appreciate your diligence and hard work. Yes people need to know. The visuals help the understanding.
The race to control the weather via earthquakes,tornadoes, volcanoes was proclaimed decades ago and is on record. Antartica has a device that starts "hurricane season" for America.
The whole premise is to keep people in fear. Energy is a commodity, fear is a powerful method to control societies, nations, rulers, etc. It is said oligarchs keep people in fear to control and keep a lockdown. The outer walls of Antartica has other lands and beings. It was not Admiral Bird who disclosed it. It was Captain Ward. Bird was a freemason vowed to secresy.
"The race to control the weather via earthquakes,tornadoes, volcanoes was proclaimed decades ago and is on record. Antartica has a device that starts "hurricane season" for America." I want proof of such a device not hearsay evidence.
Very nicely written and informative work. Thank you!
Blessings ~
Thank you for reading. I think a few of the commenters haven't.
You really expect people to READ?! 😉😉😊😋
No joke. The one that made it to Gateway Pundit about the 2nd amendment I did, called Those Forgotten and Ignored 13 words was commented on as if the title told the whole story. I was floored that about half the comments came from people that couldn’t have read the post to have made the stupid comments they were making. Toby here really thinks he’s Tony. Tony the Tiger from Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes. Flake, yes. No doubt in my mind.
I do, if not, how do you explain the explosion of Substack….or the death of the media.
I take it you don't know how to "read" emojis.
My pleasure.
Coffee & Covid writer has talked about this numerous times.
It’s factual. But I still believe we have unprincipled folks messing with our atmosphere & clouds. They think they’re so smart, but like the Gain of Function debacle these types have a God complex. And are playing with fire.
I do agree with you completely, Jeff told us about it two years ago at least. And also we have talked about the weather control systems.
this might explain all the strange hurricanes in the gulf of mexico and the Carribean region
It might.
Btw, the hurricane that generated the 1937 I think it was story that “ they” dropped 180 pounds of dry ice into it and it changed direction and sent it right to Savannah. And the public blamed “ them”. Think about what 180 pounds of dry ice looks like. Think about how insignificant that amount is,but it turned a major weather event. If you believe this,you’re an idiot.there is no other explanation. A blooming blithering idiot.
We knew this, but thanks girl great detail, all in one place. There are imbeciles on both sides of this coming revolution.
No conspiracy here
The Most Shocking UPDATED Lahaina Fire Drone Footage Yet. **Totally Inexplicable*
I'm pretty sure that a spaced based laser was involved in those fires. Too many clues show that to be the case.
Lasers are operational, but this is not laser.
It would be too easy to expose.
I used to fix, work on Micro Wave Ovens.
This is microwave (High Heat) based in the sky. It’s operational and they are “testing” it out.
There is a certain wavelength laser that will not effect blue objects.
Interesting, what other space based weapons do they have that we don't know about ?
Agreed when it comes to chemtrails. It's pretty obvious those aren't normal contrails. But to make the claim that MAN makes " Volcanoes- earthquakes - tidal waves - droughts - floods- snow storms anywhere-anytime." is total bunk. I bet he never even read the post.
I think there could be problems with what is seen as the usual contrails. Yet, there are also modification of trails with heavy metals. Many governments have contributed to geoengineering for decades. Many governments have patents on devices and technologies for changing weather for almost a century or more. Governments contribute to the problem of climate as well through their actions and policies. Many parties are to blame for what is currently going on.
The modified "contrails" are called chemtrails, because of the chemicals that make up those trails.
I am aware of that. I also know that algorithms do not like the word chemtrails. I am also aware that chemtrails bring social media disclaimers from the United Nations. I think the private/public interest should stop this type of activity. Yes, weather modification has been used for decades in different countries for civilian and military purposes. Yes, it has not always been successful. Yet, it is still being done.
And realize I'm not writing here about chemtrails. I'm writing about a SUPER volcano erupting.
Of course, all of us are suspicious of the government. We can see the contrails and have seen them for years. We read daily about all the Covid lies and the deaths that accompanied the vaccine. Not that long ago, they had 24 inches of rain in Dubai in twelve hours after the government admitted they seeded the clouds. Jumping to conclusions is no longer an Olympic sport.
Maybe, just maybe they CLAIMED they seeded the clouds to hide the real truth.
The conclusion that this has been jumped to is invalid. Plain and simple. Sure they may have modern technology that can measure the "blips of energy" that seem to steer the path because that is how they are steered in nature anyhow. It's like people believing that lightning comes straight down and strikes the earth. It doesn't it goes from the earth up and from the sky down and meets in the middle. It completes the circuit at that point and if you happen to be in the path when it is completed you're screwed. I agree that the chemtrails are chemtrails as they even admit it now. But seriously? Read Jon's analysis.
People like Ritchie From Boston have been covering this for at least a decade. They can use technology to get water up in the atmosphere (earthquake/volcanos), spray heavy metal particulate (chemtrails), jockey clouds around with microwave energy so that it floods out specific areas and dries out others.
Then they pay people to edit older movies so as to brainwash people into thinking chemtrails are natural and deep blue skies were rare occurrences.
Ad hominem attacks aren’t helpful to discovering the truth.
Richie from Boston has been fabricating science fiction nonsense for a long time. Some of what he posts is legitimate but seriously? I accidentally didn't save my complete post back to you on this but calling BS BS isn't an ad hominem attack. Do you KNOW how many gallons are in 146 MILLION TONS of water? Do you realize that ONE high powered solar flare hitting earth directly would be an extinction event? Here is how many GALLONS are in 146 Million TONS.
My calculator can't figure that out. I have to go to an online calculator which says that it is 4,636,187,006 GALLONS GOT THAT! FOUR THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED THIRTY SIX BILLION GALLONS. But I'm supposed to believe that "Volcanoes- earthquakes - tidal waves - droughts - floods- snow storms anywhere-anytime." can be made by man. Will these people believe me if I tell them I can fly and that I have x-ray vision and super human strength and that I'm actually a Kryptonian and that the Superman series is based on my life and is fact? Dear lord, save me from some of your followers. You won't believe me, but you'll believe a bunch of bullshit artists that claim they can create volcanoes, earthquakes and blah blah blah at will. Well good for you!
I've come to believe that many people experience a form of titillation, akin to pornography, from these hyperbolic conspiracy theories.
You're right but it won't do any good, he's a hopeless moron by choice. Clearly incapable of research and scared to do it in fact. His pride is so great that he could not possibly see nor admit how wrong he is on everything. Then he insults, attacks and name calls violently anyone who even posts evidence of his foolishness and indoctrination. He likes balls, lots of balls, spinning balls everywhere that NASA, the governments and all those so-called 'scientists' told him are real so that kind of person just isn't worth the time. Instead of supporting moronic fools, we need to all unfollow, delete, unsubscribe, all that stuff-
Yeah, there was no research at all on this article. I just pulled it off the DC Comics website. So PROVE to me that we live on a big flat pizza pie. Show me ONE picture of the border that holds in all the water. Show me the EXACT center of your round flat pizza planet so I can check the accuracy of miles flown from point a to point b against what is claimed is flown on the spinning ball. PLEASE Blake if you are actually following me PLEASE unfollow, delete and unsubscribe because your 59 IQ isn't going to be able to stand up against my 155 IQ. Go away. BYE!!
Your reply is kind of exemplary of an observation I just made about some people experiencing what appears to be an actual semi-erotic titillation from these fabulist speculations about how the nebulous *they* can conjure up hurricanes and fires and floods, on demand. But only here, never against Ukraine or China or Russia or Iran. Hmmm.
I have to admit that some of the fires have some awfully strange anomalies about them. I would’’t be surprised if those are caused by some sort of laser device from space. I’d just like more definite proof before I hang my belief on it. The blue items not burned is sort of weird considering certain laser won’t affect that color of an object. But some of this belief that man can control weather ACCURATELY would make about a much sense as using a nuclear bomb to get rid of an ant nest out on the back 40. These people seem to have a issue with the thought that the mad scientists live on this planet too. And one screw up and they go with the result. As for the places you mentioned, well they don’t let us see their news to easily. And some places on this planet do have more weather issues than others.
So what they were saying there is that all of the experiments that they did worked well doesn't it? You're kidding right? It reads that every effort they made was a FAILURE!!! I don't blame them for TRYING, but they haven't had SUCCESS. But now were are supposed to believe because they TRIED something that now they can do it. Give me a break.
I watch satellite image yesterday of another underwater volcano near the previous Tonga eruption,
Hurricane Harvey, they use the water vapor coming out of a power plant near San Antonio called big mama Brown. You can see the water vapor from Outer space into the hurricane once they manage to stall it over the south eastern Gulf Coast.
The microwave signatures surrounding hurricane Helena is pretty telling using the existing water vapor in the atmosphere. Everyone knows they heat up the ionosphere.
The whole week starting a couple days prior to Helena not one airplane, leaving chemtrails was spotted here in Northern Wisconsin., which I thought was unusual a spray pretty heavy here and then last Monday it started back up. I assume those planes went down there to help steer the hurricane we were much appreciative with the pretty blue skies in the white puffy clouds without the snot being strewn across the sky.
Um we here in Daytona, have a school here. It’s a small little local school called embry riddle. It’s where our best pilots and astronauts come from. And it’s funny, but there are people here, and even a group on farcebook, called plane spotters. All they do is watch the airports, one at embry, one at the track, Daytona, and record every flight, every owner, and their flight paths , day in day out. It’s interesting. And also proves everything you just said, is bullshit. Utter fucking chicken little bullshit. And I’ve asked where the infrastructure is to supply these crafts with their chemicals needed to be able to spray as you put it. Imagine the chemicals needed to spray in the sky to cause whatever the fuck malady you people blame on this truly comical shit. So tell me, are the chemical plants right next to all the airports? Or do they truck that shit in?
Stop using your brain Alan. Something is suspicious about the patterns and the fact they all turn into clouds where as "normal" contrails dissipate at a rapid rate.
Whether you think it’s bullshit or not, it’s happening to you and to me and to everyone around us all over the world maybe not Russia supposedly,
It’s a sad state of affairs chicken little
Who's chicken little? The ones claiming the sky is falling because "they" can make it fall or those of us who say BULLSHIT to that?
Quoting Alan above “chicken little
Very interesting and complicated... and a lot of emphasis on the sheer AMOUNT of water propelled into the atmosphere. Can you tell me how you know for certain that the volcanic eruption that conveniently PUT all that water up there, was completely natural? Especially with the amazing, hideous technology they have?
For example:
So you are suggesting that a couple of years ago, *someone* had the *convenient* foresight to *conveniently* set off a mega-volcanic eruption, which would equally *conveniently* coalesce---assisted yet again by *someone*---into a *convenient* series of hurricanes at the height of hurricane season? With said hurricanes *conveniently* making landfall in a region of the country historically impacted by badass hurricanes?
Because I talked to the Romulans and so far there has been no proof that it is real. So much nonsense that wants to make man god and claim that he can do so many things that he can't.
I had to look up Romulans... these are Star Trek aliens?
So you talked with aliens who told you that the evil ones do not have technology that can cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc?
No, I’ve been using my reason, logic and common sense to come to the conclusion that the “evil ones” do not have technology that can cause what you have just listed. Such as the effect of solar winds, sun spots, lack of sun spots, solar flares, the Earths magnetic field shift that we are in the middle of at this moment when your compass will be pointing north but it will say south, the natural occurrences of volcanic activity due to the earths shifting surface layer, the activity caused by that same shifting causing earth quakes etc etc. I think that placing your fear on this kind of belief is what “they” want you to do. They want you to fear them. So they are most likely the ones that propagate this type of misinformation so that you will fear them and we won’t rise up against those we fear the most.
As for my sarcastic response…that is what it was. I actually do realize that the Romulans destroyed my home planet of Krypton with some of these devices and DC Comics simply forgot to mention them.
Really? Study the current situation and learn what you can do to release yourself from slavery. You have to understand one thing. IF the “evil ones” could really do what you claim and others claim.. THEY live on the same planet and what if they mess up? Wouldn’t their underground cities be susceptible to some of their technology or are that THAT good a it? Or are they practicing now for the future event that will blow the whole planet up?
Are you familiar with the 9/11 hurricane?
Have you checked out Dutch Sinse on youtube?? Worth it. He has oresicted earthquakes fora decade. Talks about the energy waves to go around the workd and how to judge where next seismic event will be
Also have you seen this video in the hurricane? Just super odd to me all those blips of energy released that literally seem to steer the path. Whether it was manmade or. Ot you cannot dent this video evidence of steering
Imagine that ALL hurricanes since forever had the same thing going on but now they can actually see them. And those blips may be what steers all hurricanes that have ever taken place.
Despite your claims, the problem is, 'they' have admitted they can create volcanoes, that's no longer a theory it is a full-fledged conspiracy. So no matter how you slice it, they can and do conduct such things as you have discussed here. Another problem, people keep talking about spinning ball lies and basing their beliefs on it and then claiming stuff like "the worst people are the ones that think they're free when they are fully enslaved" all the while the same people believe NASA (another one of those trusted government agencies) which is part of the cabal which pushes evilution which is what the spinning ball is: 🤔
So what you are implying is that the earth is flat? Please get off my list of subscribers or followers. I’d prefer to have people who know how to use reason, logic and common sense there. You are OBVIOUSLY lacking if you believe that shit. BTW…what “volcanoes” are you referring to that you claim “they” claim they have created? SCOTTY BEAM ME THE FUCK UP! There is no intelligent life down here.
YOU ARE HILARIOUS! Keep writing your "street talk". And if you believe any of what you said, you don't know me. I actually gave you a LIKE for that wonderful exhibition of gooberment skewl edjukashun! Yuz shud be prwowed! I bet yo mamma is!
Have you considered perhaps hiring an exorcist? You need one.
The funny part is what he claims to be on his Substack. "Born a Watchman on The Wall, not by choice! Paul Revere for Jesus, "as in the days of Noah- Matthew 24." And it looks like he has maybe two or three followers. Gee, I wonder why?
Talk about projection! Just go back and read your screed that I’m not removing because I want everyone to see what a raving lunatic you are. It will be up to YOU to remove it or edit it into a more civilized conversation.
A wee bit of anger management and a cup of chamomile tea....shit, a municipal water tower full of it, is what you need, stat, hun.
Is there a reason you talk and even write like a stupid negro inner city thug? Are you even a negro? If not,you should take a course in English.
Again. "Believing that the Hurricane was man made and that it was done for the purpose described in Jon Rappoports post, that's B FUCKING S. Yes, I've read about HARP, I've been to geoengenneringwatch. Have ever even CONSIDERED that the SUN and VOLCANOES and the Earth's MAGNETIC FIELD and other NATURAL phenomenon cause a lot of what is being claimed is "man made"? You put TOO much belief in man's pitiful effort at over powering the power of nature. So thanks for your loving comment because you feel sooooooo "insulted" by it, but as I said above, if YOU are claiming that the VOLCANO I posted about had NOTHING to do with some of the crap weather going on around the world you need to rethink your position. Because it is BS when it comes to a lot of what you believe. I'm not saying that all of it is wrong. But I am saying that COMMENT that had NOTHING to do with a majority of your response is BS. Got it? Figuring it out yet? Dean Wittington has some truth but some of what he believes is Sci Fi based NONSENSE. Now go get a copy of the "Awesome Life Force" read that and see what you think afterwards. Bye....PS...I'm not a "Christian" in the typically understood definition of the word.
Fucking idiot. Wow. Arrogance is your middle name. As stupid as you are, your faith in the stupid to control the weather is almost charming.
You’re not wrong….
Yes he is. He is claiming MAN makes " Volcanoes- earthquakes - tidal waves - droughts - floods- snow storms anywhere-anytime." THAT is TOTAL BS. NATURE makes those things "anytime". It's a dumb as ant farts changing the weather and causing global warming. MANKIND can TRY and PLAY with certain weather pattern by seeding the clouds but MAKING a VOLCANO? An EARTHQUAKE? A TIDAL WAVE? FLOODS when 146 MILLION TONS OF WATER was blowing into the sky? Someone needs to get a life. So I guess if I piss off the wrong people I might have a volcano arrive in my back yard "ANYTIME". "SCOTTY...hey you have any idea where I laid my transponder? I need Scotty to beam us up. This place if VOID of intelligent life."
“The Weaponized Stratospheric Aerosol Injection contains Aluminum Stronium Barrium plus more.” Makes sense. Did I say it didn’t. What I said was the VOLCANO is the main reason behind a lot of what has been going on the last two years. You can’t get that through your bi polar brain. And it would be “YOU’RE or YOU ARE exposed again” Geezzzz…
“You are so confused, and YOU WRITE NEWSLETTERS to Deceive and Lie without a single Reference.” REALLY, my guess is that you haven’t even READ this one! U iz jus stompin on yo keebowd like a 6 year old wud.
I dedicate this song to you Toby. Reading this comment that you just made in comparison to the other terribly written ones makes me suspect you may be bi-polar. Am I right?
Wow impressive article. 😁☕️ Congratulations. I appreciate your diligence and hard work. Yes people need to know. The visuals help the understanding.
The race to control the weather via earthquakes,tornadoes, volcanoes was proclaimed decades ago and is on record. Antartica has a device that starts "hurricane season" for America.
The whole premise is to keep people in fear. Energy is a commodity, fear is a powerful method to control societies, nations, rulers, etc. It is said oligarchs keep people in fear to control and keep a lockdown. The outer walls of Antartica has other lands and beings. It was not Admiral Bird who disclosed it. It was Captain Ward. Bird was a freemason vowed to secresy.
"The race to control the weather via earthquakes,tornadoes, volcanoes was proclaimed decades ago and is on record. Antartica has a device that starts "hurricane season" for America." I want proof of such a device not hearsay evidence.