Mar 27·edited Mar 27Liked by Courageous Lion

Response, from 'The Powers':

"And WHO are YOU, what type of 'person' are YOU to THINK to Question anything anymore..."

"off with you... a financial fine, or social credit de-merit"

(Thinking to itself:... "The shear Audacity of 'some 'persons'...')


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Better yet, find what constitutes “reasonable cause” under FBAR. Have fun with that one.

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Wanna have some fun? Find THE definition of “US Person”. Or look into how many times the Treasury Department has redefined or clarified the definition of “taxpayer”.

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Mar 28Liked by Courageous Lion

The one transgression many of us are guilty of is not, to my knowledge, a crime; i.e., there is no law against. What is it? The guilty transgression is being so stupid as to vote for greedy, self-serving "public servants" who spend their time creating and approving laws meant to steal our money and/or our rights but which have no benefit to society. I believe somebody said, "you get the government that you deserve."

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Mar 28Liked by Courageous Lion

As Thomas Jefferson declared long ago, “An elective despotism is not the government we fought for.”

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Mar 28Liked by Courageous Lion

Yes, good questions, all.

I'd like to see everybody get out in the downtown of where they live, or nearest one, and shout these questions in unison, and have someone film it, and then we'll all send them to our town "authorities," our county "authorities," our state "authorities," and our national "authorities." Meanwhile, we can fuck up the cell towers... ^_^

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Oh, I'm 100% with you on this one!

Example: When one gets a driver's license, one must take a test, and pass. Included within the language of that test, and the material you are required to know, is language that speaks to the "rules of the road" relative to police interactions; i.e. if they pull up behind you and turn on their lights, you are required to safely pull over. Fine, I get it.

However, outside of that, what are "the rules"?

My point is that on that matter, and other matters related to driving, I've been provided all the information that I need to safely and legally operate a passenger vehicle on America's roadways, been tested on the same, and hold a license to do so.

For all the other "relationships" that I supposedly have with "the laws" of living in America, what briefing have I ever had on those? The thousands and thousands of them!

I know the mantra that "ignorance of the law is no defense", and that might have made sense back when all the laws resembled "natural law", and could be fairly easily understood, especially by a populace that was versed in the 10 Commandments and an internal moral compunction to follow them. Which is to say that simple crimes of murder, theft, assault, public endangerment, etc., required very little additional tutelage.

But now?

I can say as a matter of fact, that there is NO LIVING PERSON IN AMERICA THAT ACTUALLY KNOWS ALL OF THE LAWS THAT THEY ARE SUPPOSEDLY SUBJECT TO! Not one person. Moreover, there is barely anyone in this nation that could even name ALL OF THE LAW ENFORCEMENT ENTITIES THAT COULD COME AND ARREST THEM AT ANYTIME! I'll bet that most people cannot name even half of them.

From Wiki: "Policing in the United States is conducted by "around 18,000 federal, state and local law enforcement agencies, all with their own rules"


73 federal agencies

50 primary state law enforcement agencies

638 other state agencies

1,733 special jurisdiction agencies

3,063 sheriff's offices

12,501 municipal, county, tribal, and regional police departments

To continue-

"As of 2020, more than 800,000 sworn law enforcement officers have been serving in the United States. About 137,000 of those officers work for federal law enforcement agencies."

And in this hyper-militarized police state, with more laws than anyone can tally, and more law enforcement entities than we can track, we are supposed to just "assume" that anytime anyone stands in front of you with a badge and a gun, and says "you've broken the law, and are under arrest", we are just supposed to nod our head, place our hands behind our back, and "go along with it"!?

The suffer whatever bastardized version of "justice" that they proclaim is in effect right now, basically taking all of it on faith?

I don't think so, not anymore!

At this point, I'll consider myself "subject" to only the laws that I know about, and make sense, and are in alignment with Natural Law.

Otherwise, it's just clowns, barking their wishes, in the center ring of the circus; A circus that I never agreed to attend.

And that is all that I have to say about that.

Cheers C.L.!

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Tread softly but carry a big club. Might makes right. Heady stuff, huh?

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Here’s a beaut’. It is against the law to fund war, so our gubrmnt’s - I’m not in US., are performing a criminal act with all the money being sent to war since….. forever! And we are accessory to the fact cos it’s our money, the tax and tax on the tax, that they’re using. Not long awakened to the Law, except for the feeling inside of this isn’t right all my life, but the spell/brainwashing is strong with this stuff, everyone thinks I am crazy.

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I am not a person.

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"Friends…we need to get back to the “Common Law”. Whereas you can only be charged with a crime if there was a victim."

Yes, and punishment is not ONLY being separated from regular society. There must be psychological/spiritual growth options. If the perpetrator is not amenable to rehabilitation, then they must be isolated until they show genuine signs of true love and care.

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