Could Information Like This Be The Reason The "United States" Has Filed Against Anna Maria Riezinger-Von Reitz?
Naaaa...I doubt it.
I ran across some of Anna Maria’s assertions a number of years ago as she went back and forth with the Pope. She makes so much sense that a Youtube video was terminated and I’m sure I have no idea who was behind the termination except some psychopathic control freak PARASITE that is pretending to administer government. Read this and see if you can see so of what she is explaining to try and wake folks up. She is being hounded as of November 2023 for “tax” issues. C.L.
Most Beloved Francis,
I ran across this quote tonight and thought of you:
Isabel Patterson in her book, The God of the Machine: "…What good does it do to have a saint of every conceivable virtue operating a guillotine? Personally, the man may be above reproach. He may have the highest of morals and ethics. He may be imbued with a passion for doing good. But the mechanism he is hired to operate cuts off heads. He may dislike to cut off heads. He may weep with true sorrow whenever a head falls into the basket. But he was hired to pull the rope that lets the knife drop. And when it comes down, off comes the head. That is the way the tool works."
My discussion with Archbishop George was much to this point. If we allow criminals--- acting as bankers and lawyers----to undermine a people's lawful government and thereby convert its purpose to evil ends, it doesn't matter how the people vote or who occupies a political office. The result of running a guillotine is always the same.
The result of worshiping graven images and idols of gold is always the same, too. When the same criminally commandeered Machine forces us to value pieces of paper and metal above love, health, or justice--- then insanity and death are the only outcomes, both for governments and men.
The theft of labor from people without their consent via the sale of CUSIP Bonds is enslavement and peonage, both of which were outlawed in 1926. So, why are we still mired down struggling over this?
The creation of incorporated "personas" to entrap and enslave living people together with the practice of personage and barratry that goes with it is the rankest kind of substitution fraud known to man.
Again, why are we mired down in this, when it has been outlawed for two hundred years?
Press-ganging has also been outlawed since the Napoleonic Era, so how is it that Americans and Canadians and so many others have been kidnapped off the jurisdiction of the land and plundered by members of the Bar Associations acting in gross criminality?
Again, Francis, why are we mired down in this, and inland piracy, too, when all of this has been outlawed worldwide for hundreds of years?
War was outlawed in 1928 by the Kellogg-Briand Pact, but we are still fighting wars all over the world as "police actions"--which is just another euphemism for the same old crime.
Innocent people are being killed in Oregon by commercial mercenaries acting under color of law on our soil, impersonating employees of our lawful government operating under an an old familiar brand name -- "FBI"-- so as to make people think that they have authority they don't have and motives they don't have, either.
There is nothing so difficult to understand about any of this.
It is all crime, top to bottom, front to back, obvious, observable, undeniable CRIME and it has been properly reported to the authorities without appropriate resulting prosecution of the criminals, because the criminals have been allowed to run the Justice system.
There is nothing so difficult about the solution, either.
Hear us when we say that we repudiate the odious debt that the IMF doing business as the UNITED STATES piled up "in our names".
Hear us when we say that the FEDERAL RESERVE is nothing but a glorified crime syndicate that worked gross fraud against the American people in 1933 and is trying to work the same basic fraud again.
Hear us when we say that we do NOT accept the offer of the FEDERAL RESERVE doing business as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA to act as Successor to Contract to The Constitution for the united States of America or any pretended successor "constitution".
Hear us when we say that we are not obligated to pay for any services received under conditions of monopoly inducement, and that we don't recognize any contract with THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Hear us when we say that the "Global Debt Facility" is just a Drop Box for guilty banks to try to off-load purloined assets that belong to the Priority Creditors of governmental services corporations these same banks bankrupted back in the 30's. These banks--- the World Bank and IBRD and Federal Reserve-- came in as Secondary Creditors and bare-faced claimed that the Priority Creditors had "abandoned" their property and were "unknown".
We know who the Priority Creditors are and so do you.
We are right here where we always were, and always easy enough to find when the perpetrators of all these crimes wanted to send us a misrepresented bill for their services or send their private debt collectors--- also operating under color of law---to harass us and bring false claims against our private and public property assets.
Hear us when we tell you that the free sovereign and independent people of the United States are presenting ourselves in this matter, not working through any "representative" government, not allowing for any legal presumptions whatsoever.
We have arranged for the Native American Nations to pick up the federal side of the Original Equity Contract known as The Constitution for the united States of America. You have received our Sovereign Letters Patent and our Joint Declaration of Sovereignty.
There is only one way to end the evil of the machine that 150 years of criminal misadministration has built and fostered--- and that is to convert it back to its original function--- the protection of the people and of their organic states and of their unincorporated States of America.
Most respectfully,
A Republic…if we can keep it.
It’s time to admit that as great a concept as it may have been, the Constitution failed us. Or, We the People (WTP) failed to hold our elected officials to follow the Constitution, causing us to be where we are now – about to explode like the glutton “Mr. Cresote” in Monty Python’s Meaning of Life. Just one more trillion dollars for Ukraine’s borders…
What government did America have when we fought and Won the Revolutionary War? The Articles of the Confederation (AOC). And the main reasons that it proved difficult to maintain no longer exist: no common currency and no immediate way to connect with all the states so any ratification was a slow process.
Guess who was the biggest critic of the AOC? Alexander “A Bill of Rights is Not Necessary” Hamilton.
With 50 sovereign states not tied to a federal government and united for only a few important national issues (like borders/non-interventionist foreign policy), maybe we could even avoid a civil war!
With threats of another forever war, at what point do We the People say Enough?
So your bank looks around the social media and found that you made a comment against mainstream narratives? Your bank then fires you and tell other banks not to accept you as a customer? WTF? THAT IS TERRORISM!