Thomas Jefferson once said federal courts represented the greatest threat to American liberty, and, by golly, he was right. They have screwed up the country something awful.
Take police departments. Most police departments had height and weight requirements. The purpose was to hire men who could handle belligerent drunks without having to resort to lethal force. Then came the feminists.
A sensible approach would have been to say that any woman who met the height and weight requirements could be a policeman. No, that's far too sensible. The courts ruled that height and weight requirements were "discrimination." Take 'em out.
Now we have a lot of petite, smart and brave ladies in police departments. But they still can't manhandle big drunks or violent criminals. Sometimes as a result, people get shot who ordinarily would have been whacked on the head and handcuffed.
Don't get your dander up, ladies. I'm all for women doing any work for which they are mentally and physically qualified -- the operative word being qualified.
Back in the 1960s, some blockhead federal judge came up with the one-man, one-vote scheme for states. It was unconstitutional, but, what the hey? Few people today pay any attention to the Constitution.
Before that, many states, following the example of the federal government, had legislatures in which one house was based on population and another with one senator from each county. The federal court said no, that every district had to have an equal number of voters.
The effect of this was a drastic shift of political power and influence away from the more traditional, conservative rural areas to the more liberal urban areas.
More recently, in a Southern state where university entrance requirements were exactly equal for all applicants, some blockhead judges ruled that equal was unequal and constituted discrimination against blacks.
This kind of affirmative action has done great damage, in my opinion. For those blacks of ability, it casts a shadow on anything they accomplish. For others, it sends them a clear message: You don't have to compete; we'll give you a reward anyway. I don't care what color you are, but the message that the world owes you a living is a recipe for a failed life.
Another terrible blunder was, of course, legalizing abortion. Abortion is a moral and philosophical issue, not a legal issue. Under our system, the legislative branch decides moral and philosophical issues. Before the intervention of the Supreme Court, each state was free to decide the question on its own. Some states banned abortion; some states allowed it. That's the way our federal system is supposed to work.
On a flimsy and illegitimate claim of having discovered some hitherto unknown right to privacy, the Supreme Court imposed abortion on all 50 states. Millions of American children have been slaughtered as a result. It sends a clear message: Life is no longer sacred. It can be taken for purely utilitarian reasons.
Then there is the Supreme Court's discovery after 173 years that children in government schools couldn't say a prayer. That's despite the fact that there is nothing in the Constitution to support that. That's despite the fact that the Congress of the United States has chaplains, the Armed Forces have chaplains and the Ten Commandments are sculpted on the Supreme Court building.
That stupid decision has, in turn, spawned a whole slew of equally stupid decisions and furthered the aim of secularizing American life. That's something the Founding Fathers never, ever contemplated. George Washington said anyone who is an enemy of religion is an enemy of republican government.
You should be aware that a Supreme Court decision is not -- I say again, not -- the supreme law of the land. It is merely case law. Furthermore, the Supreme Court has no means of enforcing its own rulings, nor, for that matter, do any federal courts. Enforcement is done by the executive branch.
Therefore, if the American people ever elect a man who has something in his pants besides car keys and credit cards, a president could simply refuse to enforce bad federal court decisions. Andy Jackson did it. When the Supreme Court ruled that the federal government couldn't move the Indians, "Old Hickory" said, "It's John Marshall's decision. Let him enforce it." Then he ordered the Army to move the Indians.
Our constitutional republic has been systematically dismantled, and the federal courts have done much of the demolition.
As long as the American people remain as passive as sheep and as ignorant of their country's history as a stump, the process will continue. They'll end up slaves.
Now for the clincher…guess where, who and when this came from. The Orlando Sun Sentinel, Charlie Reese, June 26th 2001. Charlie left us behind May 21, 2013. Was he right? Have we ended up slaves? Are we still passive? Is the Federal government and state governments running amuck all over our unalienable rights? Are there infringements continually? And it is now 23 years later. C.L.
As I have stated repeatedly, this did not happen overnight. We are here because we have let them take us here.
in a de jure jurisdiction none of these de facto courts exist. When confronted they fold. Constitutionally, legitimately, the only court where a man or woman with our progeny can find remedy against the State is in Article III. Known as the one supreme Court claiming original jurisdiction when found in Amendment VII whose jury verdict has no appeal in fact. Look at the names of all the courts the feds offer. United States Federal District Court of Portland they all begin with United State by act of Congress. Then they did Mookini 303 declares any court whose name begins with the words United States is not an Article III court. SCOTUS is not an Article III court.
We figured out a solution and it worked and is working. We did it ourselves ARTICLE I Section 1 as we deem proper.