You may have stated it repeatedly, but it wasn't to me. And we are here because generations BEFORE us got us here. I had nothing to do with the removal of the state militias or the federal reserve or the 435 federal agencies that are sucking our freedom away.
in a de jure jurisdiction none of these de facto courts exist. When confronted they fold. Constitutionally, legitimately, the only court where a man or woman with our progeny can find remedy against the State is in Article III. Known as the one supreme Court claiming original jurisdiction when found in Amendment VII whose jury verdict has no appeal in fact. Look at the names of all the courts the feds offer. United States Federal District Court of Portland they all begin with United State by act of Congress. Then they did Mookini 303 declares any court whose name begins with the words United States is not an Article III court. SCOTUS is not an Article III court.
We figured out a solution and it worked and is working. We did it ourselves ARTICLE I Section 1 as we deem proper.
Besides yourself, is there anyone else who can be a 2nd or 3rd witness to actually having some sort of success over some particular issue in a de jure court? I agree that they have pretty much committed major constructive fraud over the years, no doubt in my mind. The biggest fraud of all has been the so called "Federal Reserve". We need a rest button.
Thanks, CL. I am a rather petite lady, yet I got mind-controlled in my early years by the bullshit fuckery of a feminist movement💩 into believing that I can and should compete physically with males. WTF. I finally came to my Creator-given senses in my late 30s and realized that I am not built to do man's work. It's not that I am weak; on the contrary, I know that I am strong. But there are just certain physical activities that are best left to men, and now I happily marvel at what they can do, that I cannot.
I think your take on women police officers is a bit narrow. Not ALL police calls are about belligerent drunks, and petite little gals who are properly TRAINED can use forms of physical action that can more than handle a staggering, drunken guy. Sometimes a woman's presence is helpful, and there ARE other ways to handle situations besides sheer physical overwhelming someone. I assume your take would include getting rid of all the overweight, sluggish, very thin and not so brawny MEN, too? I've seen videos of foreign police officers dealing with troublesome types, including staggering drunks, without resorting to physical contests... Sometimes a big BRAIN (and good training) is better than physical contests. Just sayin. Perhaps the idea that solving all questions by physical, brute force isn't that effective in the long run! Woof!
Since typically a woman police officer is expected to patrol just like a male counterpart, I expect her to be physically capable of the same expectations as he is. When I was in the police academy...yes I was LE for about 6 months of my life once...they had to REDUCE the requirements so the females could pass the physical agility tests. So we become all "equal" physically at a lower common denominator. If as a man I had to do a standing jump 6 feet and they found out that no average females, you know the kind that are not on drugs to make a man into a female, could only jump 4 feet they lowered the standards so that the females could pass. So sorry Word Herder, as a man who is 6'4" tall, 235 pounds, two 2nd degree black belts in two style martial arts, most females would not stand a chance for two seconds if I were to confront one physically. Just a fact of life. We can debate it forever, but that is the reality of the situation.
When I was in the academy a white female officer who was a rookie literally was overpowered by some black males, they had disarmed her, taken her clothes off and were in the process of beginning to rape her when back up showed up. To me, as a woman you have to be off upstairs a bit to WANT to be in the position of "law enforcement". The videos I've watched on youtube where a female officer is involved are quite revealing as they ALWAYS seem to want to escalate the situation to a bad state. I'm not saying there isn't a place for females in law enforcement...oh yes I am because there shouldn't be "law enforcement". They should be PEACE OFFICERS trying to keep the peace rather than caging people for innocuous acts where there is no victim involved. And a PEACE officer would need to be powerful enough to KEEP THE PEACE. I don't care how well you are trained...
"Sometimes a woman's presence is helpful" yes, because most men won't want to punch a woman in the face...that is UNLESS he happens to be like this nut.
All cops know who the bad cops are!!. If you speak up or stand up you get no back up. Therefore they all close ranks with the thin blue line around the bad cops. There are no good cops only those that wished they were good...
misprision of felony morphs into accessory after the fact; morphs into misprision of treason morphs into treason. I have included this information to the USDOJ, FBI, 36 sheriffs, many Oregon Police Chiefs, USMS, USMC.
In early January 2024 my wife and I withdrew our names from the registered voter roles, (as unaffiliated), in the banana republic state of Colorado. We are convinced the Constitutional Republic of our forefathers has fallen and will never stand again. We will not be voting, because as the Preamble to the July 4th Declaration of Independence states: "a government derives its just powers by the consent of the governed" and by voting we will be giving legitimacy to an illegitimate government. No matter if there is an election in 2024, (which we doubt will occur) the federal government is controlled by the DEEP STATE that Barack Hussein Obama, (the son of Communists) and Valerie Jarrett (the daughter of Communists) embedded during Obama's first eight years in the White House.
The final catastrophe for the American empire will be a civil war that will lead to an invasion by a combined Chinese/Russian military force. Also I posit Washington DC will be nuked by Russia to begin the invasion.
Our only hope is the Return of Jesus Christ as King of kings. We have no hope in fallen man.
I see no reason to veer off into religious mythology. And the idea that Jesus was a "king" is really quite bizarre. Are you aware that the Romans doctored that book?
That said, I agree with what you're saying about voting and how utterly fickle our fed gov is.
The Word Herder: Yes, I am of the opinion the Holy Bible has been tampered with by corrupt and greedy men seeking power and wealth. As an example, it is my humble opinion Romans 13: 1-6 was added by Constantine, about the same time he changed the weekly Sabbath from the last day of the week to Sunday.
However Word Herder, in a very short time you will see the Son of God, ruling with an iron rod from the Holy City of Jerusalem, as King of kings and Lord of lords. FYI: There are two (2) sins Jesus Christ (Yeshua Messiah) will not forgive: (1) Denial (blasphemy) against the Holy Spirit. [Matthew 12:31] and; (2) Receiving the MARK OF THE BEAST. [Revelation 14:9]
Wow. Okay, you didn't see me lecturing you on what you should believe.
Iron rod, ffs. And how dare you presume to judge me, you donut even KNOW me-- and then THREATS?? You clearly have missed the Message. Sorry, but I don't listen to your kind of "religion." I call it something else entirely.
As I have stated repeatedly, this did not happen overnight. We are here because we have let them take us here.
You may have stated it repeatedly, but it wasn't to me. And we are here because generations BEFORE us got us here. I had nothing to do with the removal of the state militias or the federal reserve or the 435 federal agencies that are sucking our freedom away.
Not meant as a criticism of you.
I know.
in a de jure jurisdiction none of these de facto courts exist. When confronted they fold. Constitutionally, legitimately, the only court where a man or woman with our progeny can find remedy against the State is in Article III. Known as the one supreme Court claiming original jurisdiction when found in Amendment VII whose jury verdict has no appeal in fact. Look at the names of all the courts the feds offer. United States Federal District Court of Portland they all begin with United State by act of Congress. Then they did Mookini 303 declares any court whose name begins with the words United States is not an Article III court. SCOTUS is not an Article III court.
We figured out a solution and it worked and is working. We did it ourselves ARTICLE I Section 1 as we deem proper.
Besides yourself, is there anyone else who can be a 2nd or 3rd witness to actually having some sort of success over some particular issue in a de jure court? I agree that they have pretty much committed major constructive fraud over the years, no doubt in my mind. The biggest fraud of all has been the so called "Federal Reserve". We need a rest button.
We have one. It is a number. Often referred to as the 4th box that defends our liberties.
Yes several hundred of us. 7th Grand Jury.
Thanks, CL. I am a rather petite lady, yet I got mind-controlled in my early years by the bullshit fuckery of a feminist movement💩 into believing that I can and should compete physically with males. WTF. I finally came to my Creator-given senses in my late 30s and realized that I am not built to do man's work. It's not that I am weak; on the contrary, I know that I am strong. But there are just certain physical activities that are best left to men, and now I happily marvel at what they can do, that I cannot.
I think your take on women police officers is a bit narrow. Not ALL police calls are about belligerent drunks, and petite little gals who are properly TRAINED can use forms of physical action that can more than handle a staggering, drunken guy. Sometimes a woman's presence is helpful, and there ARE other ways to handle situations besides sheer physical overwhelming someone. I assume your take would include getting rid of all the overweight, sluggish, very thin and not so brawny MEN, too? I've seen videos of foreign police officers dealing with troublesome types, including staggering drunks, without resorting to physical contests... Sometimes a big BRAIN (and good training) is better than physical contests. Just sayin. Perhaps the idea that solving all questions by physical, brute force isn't that effective in the long run! Woof!
Since typically a woman police officer is expected to patrol just like a male counterpart, I expect her to be physically capable of the same expectations as he is. When I was in the police academy...yes I was LE for about 6 months of my life once...they had to REDUCE the requirements so the females could pass the physical agility tests. So we become all "equal" physically at a lower common denominator. If as a man I had to do a standing jump 6 feet and they found out that no average females, you know the kind that are not on drugs to make a man into a female, could only jump 4 feet they lowered the standards so that the females could pass. So sorry Word Herder, as a man who is 6'4" tall, 235 pounds, two 2nd degree black belts in two style martial arts, most females would not stand a chance for two seconds if I were to confront one physically. Just a fact of life. We can debate it forever, but that is the reality of the situation.
When I was in the academy a white female officer who was a rookie literally was overpowered by some black males, they had disarmed her, taken her clothes off and were in the process of beginning to rape her when back up showed up. To me, as a woman you have to be off upstairs a bit to WANT to be in the position of "law enforcement". The videos I've watched on youtube where a female officer is involved are quite revealing as they ALWAYS seem to want to escalate the situation to a bad state. I'm not saying there isn't a place for females in law enforcement...oh yes I am because there shouldn't be "law enforcement". They should be PEACE OFFICERS trying to keep the peace rather than caging people for innocuous acts where there is no victim involved. And a PEACE officer would need to be powerful enough to KEEP THE PEACE. I don't care how well you are trained...
"Sometimes a woman's presence is helpful" yes, because most men won't want to punch a woman in the face...that is UNLESS he happens to be like this nut.
All cops know who the bad cops are!!. If you speak up or stand up you get no back up. Therefore they all close ranks with the thin blue line around the bad cops. There are no good cops only those that wished they were good...
misprision of felony morphs into accessory after the fact; morphs into misprision of treason morphs into treason. I have included this information to the USDOJ, FBI, 36 sheriffs, many Oregon Police Chiefs, USMS, USMC.
Not one rebuttal. I yield.
In early January 2024 my wife and I withdrew our names from the registered voter roles, (as unaffiliated), in the banana republic state of Colorado. We are convinced the Constitutional Republic of our forefathers has fallen and will never stand again. We will not be voting, because as the Preamble to the July 4th Declaration of Independence states: "a government derives its just powers by the consent of the governed" and by voting we will be giving legitimacy to an illegitimate government. No matter if there is an election in 2024, (which we doubt will occur) the federal government is controlled by the DEEP STATE that Barack Hussein Obama, (the son of Communists) and Valerie Jarrett (the daughter of Communists) embedded during Obama's first eight years in the White House.
The final catastrophe for the American empire will be a civil war that will lead to an invasion by a combined Chinese/Russian military force. Also I posit Washington DC will be nuked by Russia to begin the invasion.
Our only hope is the Return of Jesus Christ as King of kings. We have no hope in fallen man.
Actually, I think we will be surprised with the outcome. It will be something that we least expect... Son of the Republic...Look and learn.
find or form you Jural Assembly.
I see no reason to veer off into religious mythology. And the idea that Jesus was a "king" is really quite bizarre. Are you aware that the Romans doctored that book?
That said, I agree with what you're saying about voting and how utterly fickle our fed gov is.
The Word Herder: Yes, I am of the opinion the Holy Bible has been tampered with by corrupt and greedy men seeking power and wealth. As an example, it is my humble opinion Romans 13: 1-6 was added by Constantine, about the same time he changed the weekly Sabbath from the last day of the week to Sunday.
However Word Herder, in a very short time you will see the Son of God, ruling with an iron rod from the Holy City of Jerusalem, as King of kings and Lord of lords. FYI: There are two (2) sins Jesus Christ (Yeshua Messiah) will not forgive: (1) Denial (blasphemy) against the Holy Spirit. [Matthew 12:31] and; (2) Receiving the MARK OF THE BEAST. [Revelation 14:9]
Wow. Okay, you didn't see me lecturing you on what you should believe.
Iron rod, ffs. And how dare you presume to judge me, you donut even KNOW me-- and then THREATS?? You clearly have missed the Message. Sorry, but I don't listen to your kind of "religion." I call it something else entirely.
Peace out.
Obviously Word Herder, you name is not written in the "Lamb's Book of Life".
I'm shattered. You consider yourself a "lamb," do you? LOL
What are you, 15 years old?
Is fickle the word you use when "they" meaning us are killing us and importing migrants.
You need to expand your vocabulary and stop this anon hiding and stand and deliver.
Are you talking to me?