I still have a copy of a scientific paper that was rejected by the oil industry in 2008. I'm nowhere near the guys level of understanding but after his clear concise explanation, I firmly believe the vast majority, not all, of hydrocarbons are self generated by this planet and renewable. It is of great benefit to certain individuals to let people believe otherwise. We are all experiencing the effects of this complex climate charade💸💸💸🕳️

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Modern societies require four basic inputs: steel, concrete, plastics, and ammonia. All require large amounts of energy. From where is the question? I doubt windmills.

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This was a good one from Prager U. How Much Energy Will the World Need?


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Dont forget clean water and fermented leaves (tea), and water with barley malt and hops.....tea and beer are requirements in my world. A goat for milk is nice too, but thats just ideally. And eggs, but ducks work well for that (and they dont drown). Problem is ducks are much cuter than chickens. At least to me. Damn, we are demanding. Best

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Here's a pretty new study validating a book I read in 2001, The Deep Hot Biosphere.

Pretty much goes into scientific detail on exactly what your substack post here discusses.


"The deep, hot biosphere: Twenty-five years of retrospection"

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my dad already explained why lithium battery powered cars can not really function. The grid is not able to reload these cars constantly, the batteries (at least in Europe) are owned by the company, so you kind of rent them, and they can not be recycled. Indeed, that is going to be a massive heap of batteries after a while. A new battery costs almost as much as a new car too, so more dead cars as well! Dump them before the CA coast, like they did years ago with poisonous waste, that is now leaking and kills fish and sea life??? Good job Woof!

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I think you will find this video from Prager U will show you that your dad was absolutely correct!

How Much Energy Would the World Need? Prager U


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Holy shit!

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My sentiments exactly. Completely new to me, but so far ... plausible to further explore, and possibly turn my world view upside down.

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Right?!?! I am actually rather JUBILANT about this! ;)

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Hi WH ... Holding my breath while looking ... and hoping this is not 'junk' science like 'cold fusion'. As I am not an expert in the field, I have only critical thinking / learning skills to rely on, and I don't even trust myself. 🤣

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I noticed that you tagged 'junk' science. Maybe cold fusion IS real and DOES work, but since it goes in the face of an already established multi billion dollar industry, it is also being suppressed. Naaaa...they would never do that! How about murdering Stanley Meyers who had developed a car that ran on water. The device he used in the car, which was a dune buggy converted water into hydrogen and oxygen. He drove a dune buggy across the USA on WATER.

About cold fusion:


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I stand corrected, C-Lion. Just read that link, and now I am unsure as to whether those 'lack of replications-journalistic dismissals' were deliberate misdirection. I have heard of the car engine technology being maliciously dismissed. With apologies and my tail curled between my legs, followed. Cheers from Japan!


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I yam going to chase you until you uncurl your tail!! woooof! ;)

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Yep, many people that came up with an alternative to gasoline were killed (or scared into silence), from things I've read in the past.

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Oh, and I almost forgot... COLD FUSION was probably found to work LONG AGO... Soooo much is suppressed and kept from us, because...

as usual...


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Ooops ... tail between my legs ... I picked the wrong dog ... uh 'horse' ... uh, example. And your reasoning sounds right on the money. 😂

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I hear ya, I hear myself, and with (always) some reservations, I DO trust the Courageous Lion. He's alright, I sniffed him. ;)

(I always have a leeeeetle bit of skepticism! Not because of someone personally, necessarily, but because anybody can be wrong.)

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OMG!! I WAS SNIFFED! So what did you find out about me during that sniff? That I had bad body odor? LOL!

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Okay, I'll post this on my page... Thanks, Lion!!! xo

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This is interesting. It doesn't seem to conflict to much when it comes to the fact that oil is renewing all the time. The WAY it is happening seems to be in question. But since I'm not an expert I'm happy with one thing...THAT IT IS CONTINUALLY being manufactured by the earth by SOME process!

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Agree. A process in the hot, high-pressure mantle of the Earth produces a waste product that makes its way to the surface since high pressure looks to escape to lower pressure, and perhaps, it is helped along by the centrifugal force of a spinning planet to the surface. Remember "Ole Jed was a-shootin' at some food and up from the ground come-a bubbling crude!".....sounds scientific to me.

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I knew there was a reason I used to like the Beverly Hillbilly's! It's because it was like watching a science class on the tube. BTW... is GL10mm x 15 a Glock 20 with a 15 round magazine?

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Indeed! well done! Model 20 with a magazine full of little friends.

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I have a 50GI that I carry a bit. Since it is full sized like the G20 I don't carry it all the time. Typically I carry a G30. The 50 GI can carry 10+1 and it will push a 300 grain bullet at 897 FPS.

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Yikes! That's a monster.

I usually carry a GL 43 in 9mm, and the 20 when I am in the great outdoors. I'd like to carry the 20 more often since I feel the 10mm is a 1 shot stop. I first learned about the caliber from Alaska guides. It hits like a 44mag, will penetrate fat and muscle and get to the spine, plus punching thru the skull of a big nasty Griz, Kodiak, or Brown. It will also carry 15 + 1 unlike a six-shooter.

A friend who is ATF said the FBI thought about going to the 10mm but the agents didn't like the recoil. I have seen perps hit 5 or 6 times with 9mm rounds and keep fighting. One hit with the 10mm is pretty damn convincing!

I want to appendix carry the 20 IWB with a loose shirt. Just feel better with the stopping power.

Fun "talking" with ya.

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Maybe it's LOVE. Maybe there IS indeed "intelligent design." Maybe there's a lot we really don't know. And... maybe it's a great time to find out some new stuff. ^_^

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Yes and amen

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Definitely the most concise explanation of the process you'll likely

find. So many of the manipulations on a global scale hinge on this being unknown. Science is only another tool for them to abuse. I'm going to look and see if I can find the paper in a format I can send you. You might find it interesting. I'm thankful you took the time to readdress this excellent post.

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I'd like to see anything you come up with also.

Ken Upstate SC

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As a Canuck, I have to say thanks for the link.🍻 News like this is always buried in Kanada these days.

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If this is truly a 'Living Planet' the question should arise, 'why are their large oil/gas deposits' veins of minerals, free flowing waters, forests. We have cut the lines of minerals, encaptured waters everywhere, destroyed forest lungs without the notion of what is their purpose in and on a living body. Implosive energy systems would alleviate the need for fuels for our Explosive Technologies. That has been known for a hundred years by a few, as Viktor Schauberger,, Nikolas Tesla and others. The science is there, the greed, power and stupidity continues to win. Things are changing....possibly.

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Wow. And after listening to a very believable Chris Martenson podcast yesterday, and waxing eloquent in comments that nobody will read. I hit the like button ... not because I am going to believe what I've read at first glance, but because this hit me smack out of the blue with complete surprise. If there is even a bit of truth to this, the implications could turn my world view upside down. Enough compelling evidence here for me to jump down this rabbit hole, do my own reading, and decide for myself. I don't know yet whether to thank or curse the bearer of this possibility, but at least to thank for another reason to exercise some critical thinking skills.

Cheers from Japan.

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Hi Mark,

This is amazing information. Thank-you for sharing!

May l ask....what is the book "Letters to Jessica" about & why did you find it so impactful? (briefly).

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Letters to Jessica is a short book written by Robert Bisset to a relative to explain the difference between mans laws and "kingdom" vs God's laws and his Kingdom. If you would like to get a look at it I have it posted here: http://bornagainclassics.com/LetterstoJessica/contents.html The contents list will give you a good idea what is in the book. I posted this back in 1999 at "Geo Cities". If you've been around long enough you'll remember Geo Cities.

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Thank-you so very much for your reply. I am an older lady of deep faith but was never active on the internet until the past 3 years since l retired (busy with family & nursing career....the scamdemic has been a HUGE wake-up call for me).

I am very interested in reading "Letters to Jessica" so l am very grateful for your reply!

You are very kind to respond to my inquiry. God bless you.

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Jul 31, 2022
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LOL! yea, did you see what I said about the Russians finding oil had been filling back up in their wells?

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