As a Canuck buried under the British style "greater good" majority rules over the individual, individual rights no longer exist. Recently a Toronto man was charged with murder for killing one of 4 home invaders who were attacking his mother.
The Kanuck govt is like the Mafia, only worse.
It controls gambling, liquor, tobacco, marijuana, (now getting into allowing cocaine manufacture & production in British Columbia), forces untested vaxs under threat of job loss & freedom to associate protest and travel, crushes unwoke protest, illegally freezes protesters Bank accounts & assets, extorts endlessly increasing taxes for our "protection", trained PRChina troops on our bases & confiscates our legal firearms to fight crime while arming Ukraine & was as involved in Ukraine maiden coup as any other nation, thanks to our "not see" collaborator Freeland. We are the 3rd largest ukrainian diaspora in the world & they're running this woke shite hole into oblivion, & are instituting the same digital QR Code ID surveillance system as they have installed in Pukraine, which has made it easy to spy rat & demonetize collaborators, enemies & dissenters of the Party.
My advice to fellow North Americans (Yeah, Canucks are Americans too) is get some control on your government at all levels before they totally control you.
Update re canuck cocaine cartel- PM Turdhole is now backtracking on Health Canada approving Coke mfg here. "It's a misunderstanding..." He can probably get his Coke®️ cheaper from Zelen$ky since he buys bulk.
Meanwhile, fentanyl, herion, opium, crack etc are just fine...Possession of any drugs under 2.5 gms is still legal in BC.
Look at it this way...any one STUPID enough to do fentanyl, heroine, opium, crack or whatever and OD, will be one less brain dead idiot in the gene pool to have to deal with. Maybe if enough men do it, we survivors can have two or three wives to propagate the race. LOL!
Look at it this way, what if it's your child, relative, or friend that gets sucked in by govt controlled drug dealers? PRChina is the major producer & dealer of fentanyl & opiates worldwide & their agenda is our complete social destruction, in revenge for the Opium Wars waged on them by Britain. They're like the elephant in our living room, & they never forget, nor forgive. I'll fight to stop that evil, not condone it.
Sort of like them getting sucked in by government military recruiters. I'd figure I sucked as a father, friend or relative if I hadn't taught them enough to keep them from doing it. And then there is just plain having enough sense. I had my chances when I was younger for lots of drugs and frankly I turned them down. I didn't care if I was told I was a "whip" or "red neck". Screw them.
I'd have to be assassinated. And at 6'4" 250 solid weight lifter and cyclist, I'm far from a little lion! LOL! As for being sweet? I don't think that applies either.
Some people can change & I stand by my clan, hell or high water. I can't force anything on anyone but patience & firmness can bring change. My nephew was a Cdn reservist & he eventually listened & rather than joining the CAF as cannon fodder chose the medical field. Stepson was a screwup from age 4, in federal prison by 19 as I'd predicted the very first day I met him. When even his enabling (legal RX drug addled) mother eventually gave up on him, I stood back till he - wanted-help. He straightened out, got married w 2 kids, bought a semi & a home. You never know, once in a while things work out.
This entire thing may be our one chance to see the fundamental intelligence in “simple” things like the Constitution and what it really means. Understanding the real sin is lying to ourselves and what the wages of sin actually are.
NEW SUBSTACK RELEASE. The Myocarditis Blues. A man sings the blues after coming down with side effects from the mRNA vaccine followed by a deadly heart inflammation.
"Policemen, I think, stop criminals from killing innocent people and are brave men and women" How often does this actually happen? The police, never, unless they happen to be where a murder is getting ready to take place stop criminals from doing anything as a whole. They show up AFTER the crime. As for being brave? Huh. We don't need them. Have you ever read "Letters to Jessica"? Just curious.
As for your interpretation. Sounds good. And the churches as a whole sure have the render unto Caesar messed up pretty much.
Perhaps "suspicious" was a poor choice of words. I was simply talking about some of the things I think about. I was not asking to be told about "God." Nobody knows about "God," or whatever it is. I don't believe in gods. To me, that is just waaaaay too anthropomorphic. I don't mind when people want to talk about what they believe or don't believe, or spiritual ideas, etc. I don't mind at all. What I DO mind is when someone believes they KNOW and they try to school me. I'm not saying it's infuriating, or evil, or anything like that. I consider that kind of advice to be generally well-intentioned, but quite arrogant, because as I said, nobody knows Absolute Truth, it's not part of our Human Experience. We can only know what we ourselves feel or think about it. Sure it feels "right" to us when we think we "get it," but that is vanity, which can easily merge into arrogance, which can then become a sort of tyrannical attitude, and THAT has caused immense suffering in the world over much of our time here. So... I'm happy to have philosophical discussions, as long as my conversation partner isn't convinced they are right and have to educate me and CHANGE MY THINKING. I don't appreciate that! xo
I have no problem with anyone's belief system unless and until they try to shove it down my throat! You have not done that, and that is cool. I am interested in hearing how other people think about all sorts of things. It's a good thing to share, and it's fine to have differing ideas.
They say to avoid talking about religion and politics... It's easy to go there, and even easier to disagree. As I say, I don't have a problem with people having different views, it's healthy, I suppose, but there are LOTS of folks who simply can't handle it.
Thanks for NOT being one of those!
My version is pretty simple: I'm fine with the mystery of not knowing all the details; that said, I think of the Divine as a fantastically, amazingly, astonishingly beautiful Something, no gender to it, or if there is, it's ALL of them, of every kind, from every place in Creation, and we may only be a teeny part of that. I have one word for this Whatever It Is, and that is Love. It's Love way beyond anything we humans could have or really even understand. It's the Pinnacle. I just don't have the words, really, to explain too much. And I feel it's not my place to try and "pin it down." To me, it's a mystery in the most wonderful way.
100% with you on this reality.
Warning-run on sentences coming
As a Canuck buried under the British style "greater good" majority rules over the individual, individual rights no longer exist. Recently a Toronto man was charged with murder for killing one of 4 home invaders who were attacking his mother.
The Kanuck govt is like the Mafia, only worse.
It controls gambling, liquor, tobacco, marijuana, (now getting into allowing cocaine manufacture & production in British Columbia), forces untested vaxs under threat of job loss & freedom to associate protest and travel, crushes unwoke protest, illegally freezes protesters Bank accounts & assets, extorts endlessly increasing taxes for our "protection", trained PRChina troops on our bases & confiscates our legal firearms to fight crime while arming Ukraine & was as involved in Ukraine maiden coup as any other nation, thanks to our "not see" collaborator Freeland. We are the 3rd largest ukrainian diaspora in the world & they're running this woke shite hole into oblivion, & are instituting the same digital QR Code ID surveillance system as they have installed in Pukraine, which has made it easy to spy rat & demonetize collaborators, enemies & dissenters of the Party.
My advice to fellow North Americans (Yeah, Canucks are Americans too) is get some control on your government at all levels before they totally control you.
Update re canuck cocaine cartel- PM Turdhole is now backtracking on Health Canada approving Coke mfg here. "It's a misunderstanding..." He can probably get his Coke®️ cheaper from Zelen$ky since he buys bulk.
Meanwhile, fentanyl, herion, opium, crack etc are just fine...Possession of any drugs under 2.5 gms is still legal in BC.
Look at it this way...any one STUPID enough to do fentanyl, heroine, opium, crack or whatever and OD, will be one less brain dead idiot in the gene pool to have to deal with. Maybe if enough men do it, we survivors can have two or three wives to propagate the race. LOL!
Look at it this way, what if it's your child, relative, or friend that gets sucked in by govt controlled drug dealers? PRChina is the major producer & dealer of fentanyl & opiates worldwide & their agenda is our complete social destruction, in revenge for the Opium Wars waged on them by Britain. They're like the elephant in our living room, & they never forget, nor forgive. I'll fight to stop that evil, not condone it.
Sort of like them getting sucked in by government military recruiters. I'd figure I sucked as a father, friend or relative if I hadn't taught them enough to keep them from doing it. And then there is just plain having enough sense. I had my chances when I was younger for lots of drugs and frankly I turned them down. I didn't care if I was told I was a "whip" or "red neck". Screw them.
When are we going to be marked for death for speaking out?
Soon, dear sweet little lion, soon.
I'd have to be assassinated. And at 6'4" 250 solid weight lifter and cyclist, I'm far from a little lion! LOL! As for being sweet? I don't think that applies either.
Yeah, yeah!
I think you'll like this; if you haven't already seen it, here's a link...
The people in charge are often psychopaths, er, sociopaths.
Some people can change & I stand by my clan, hell or high water. I can't force anything on anyone but patience & firmness can bring change. My nephew was a Cdn reservist & he eventually listened & rather than joining the CAF as cannon fodder chose the medical field. Stepson was a screwup from age 4, in federal prison by 19 as I'd predicted the very first day I met him. When even his enabling (legal RX drug addled) mother eventually gave up on him, I stood back till he - wanted-help. He straightened out, got married w 2 kids, bought a semi & a home. You never know, once in a while things work out.
This entire thing may be our one chance to see the fundamental intelligence in “simple” things like the Constitution and what it really means. Understanding the real sin is lying to ourselves and what the wages of sin actually are.
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Fight the Globalist’s plan for world domination. Watch Turfseer’s new music video THE GREAT RESET.
NEW SUBSTACK RELEASE. The Myocarditis Blues. A man sings the blues after coming down with side effects from the mRNA vaccine followed by a deadly heart inflammation.
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1984 is Here. The famous novel becomes a metaphor for the current dilemma we find ourselves in
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"Policemen, I think, stop criminals from killing innocent people and are brave men and women" How often does this actually happen? The police, never, unless they happen to be where a murder is getting ready to take place stop criminals from doing anything as a whole. They show up AFTER the crime. As for being brave? Huh. We don't need them. Have you ever read "Letters to Jessica"? Just curious.
As for your interpretation. Sounds good. And the churches as a whole sure have the render unto Caesar messed up pretty much.
Okay, when people say "He" about "God," I am suspicious. Does God have a gender? And is God a person?
And when people say THEY know what God thinks/wants/says I am suspicious... Doesn't EVERYBODY think they are the mouthpiece for God?
And how do you even know the Divine is a GOD, anyway? Ever seen 'em?
I am poking you because you are waaaay very comfortable in your beliefs being concrete things...
And this is linking to the wrong comment, typically... I was responding to The Lady V.
Perhaps "suspicious" was a poor choice of words. I was simply talking about some of the things I think about. I was not asking to be told about "God." Nobody knows about "God," or whatever it is. I don't believe in gods. To me, that is just waaaaay too anthropomorphic. I don't mind when people want to talk about what they believe or don't believe, or spiritual ideas, etc. I don't mind at all. What I DO mind is when someone believes they KNOW and they try to school me. I'm not saying it's infuriating, or evil, or anything like that. I consider that kind of advice to be generally well-intentioned, but quite arrogant, because as I said, nobody knows Absolute Truth, it's not part of our Human Experience. We can only know what we ourselves feel or think about it. Sure it feels "right" to us when we think we "get it," but that is vanity, which can easily merge into arrogance, which can then become a sort of tyrannical attitude, and THAT has caused immense suffering in the world over much of our time here. So... I'm happy to have philosophical discussions, as long as my conversation partner isn't convinced they are right and have to educate me and CHANGE MY THINKING. I don't appreciate that! xo
I have no problem with anyone's belief system unless and until they try to shove it down my throat! You have not done that, and that is cool. I am interested in hearing how other people think about all sorts of things. It's a good thing to share, and it's fine to have differing ideas.
They say to avoid talking about religion and politics... It's easy to go there, and even easier to disagree. As I say, I don't have a problem with people having different views, it's healthy, I suppose, but there are LOTS of folks who simply can't handle it.
Thanks for NOT being one of those!
My version is pretty simple: I'm fine with the mystery of not knowing all the details; that said, I think of the Divine as a fantastically, amazingly, astonishingly beautiful Something, no gender to it, or if there is, it's ALL of them, of every kind, from every place in Creation, and we may only be a teeny part of that. I have one word for this Whatever It Is, and that is Love. It's Love way beyond anything we humans could have or really even understand. It's the Pinnacle. I just don't have the words, really, to explain too much. And I feel it's not my place to try and "pin it down." To me, it's a mystery in the most wonderful way.
Cheers! xo