The other elephant in the room, which the MSM will never mention because their advertising revenue would suffer greatly, is the murder/suicide drugs that the majority of mass shooters have in common. Conservative males are much less likely to be under the influence of these drugs than the rest of the population.
What if we did need to worry about a conservative white guy.
I'll tell you this, first, it wouldn't be the smallish numbers seen in these attacks, and second, it wouldn't be from an assault rifle that they would come.
The Creator is moving through his creation even as I write this. The link I am including here is to a vision Don had back in the 1990's. It is coming to pass NOW!
I have to object to the continuing usage, and I mean not just on THIS particular page, Lion, of the word "leftist" when describing this sort of new breed of what we formerly called "Democrats."
The use of the term "leftist" is, in my opinion, pushed on us by TPTB to create more and more DIVISION among the people.
I think it is extremely critical that we understand we are being MANIPULATED, just as these "lone gunmen" are being manipulated (literally, by the CIA, hello!). DIVIDE and CONQUER... I seem to have to keep saying this and keep saying this OVER AND OVER because it is soooo pervasive to hear this kind of language.
I think Americans need to understand that there is a HUGE HUGE and very IMPORTANT need to destroy AMERICA and American Culture. Since the 1940's there has been an ongoing, stepped-up plan to bring back racism, sexism, any kind of ISM, in order to bring down the Golden City on the Hill-- We were making slow progress until the Nasties lost WWII-- Didn't we know that AMERICANS, namely, the Oligarchy in America (and England) was behind the Nasties (Nazis, all those types)?? No, we didn't. But NOW WE DO. We need to STOP listening to the propaganda as if it is truthful!!!!!
This is NOT the time to relax our guard, folks. This is EXTRA ALERT time. Do we get it? I don't see more than a handful of those who do. James Corbett IS one of that handful. Beef up on Corbett Reports if you want to understand what's up. And keep reading this Lion's page, and share it. And of course, visit MY page, too. Ha har harf! But stop allowing that KNEE-JERK thing, it's our ruin if we continue to do it, I can't emphasize that enough! Cheers.
Oh, and I also meant to say that these "mass killings" going all the way back to the 60's, are interestingly in THE SAME TIMELINE as when the CIA started looking into mind control, LSD, and all that stuff. Can we connect the dots here? Do I need to say this? Okay: These "mass killings by lone gunmen" are CAUSED BY manipulation of easy "targets" like mentally ill ex-soldiers and others that can be brainwashed, deluded, drugged, all the evil little ways these people behind the curtain do their evil little machinations...
And why do we think SSRI's are legitimate, HELPFUL drugs meant to do good to the People???????????????????
We have literal world wide coverage, (I even heard it on BBC), about the RACIST shooting, (yes, that is what they said), of the 16 year old young black man by the elderly white man. No mention that he was knocking on the wrong door at almost 11pm at night and the poor old guy is 85!
No mention at all of the 20 year old blonde girl killed by a shotgun in a driveway they were LEAVING so essentially it was like getting shot in the back! You are not a threat anymore!
Oh yeah, the 16 year old already racked up $3 million on Go Fund Me. The white girl's family? $90,000
The old guy claims that the kid did more than just knock on the door. And since he was 85 that seems to be an issue. And I'm sure it was racial motivated because he was white. And of course due to his x-ray vision that he inherited from his Krypton relatives, he was able to see through the door he shot through to be able to see it was a black kid. If he was black and had done something like this, it would have been out of love. Only white people can be racist. Haven't you learned that by now? The kid was lucky the old guy was most likely using a .22 otherwise he wouldn't be recovering.
No RACIST shooting there was there? A stinking psychopathic black guy and his race isn't even mentioned. They have to put a picture of him with his scowl to let you see he is black. Funny that my early years every time I turned around I was in conflict with a black person because I was white and was disliked by them because of my skin color.
"Police say the motive for the attack remains unknown." UNKNOWN? He was a WHITE hating black guy. So hard to figure out.
And yet the denial of leftists becomes more entrenched. They can’t handle the truth.
The other elephant in the room, which the MSM will never mention because their advertising revenue would suffer greatly, is the murder/suicide drugs that the majority of mass shooters have in common. Conservative males are much less likely to be under the influence of these drugs than the rest of the population.
You mean like this? The SSRI Connection to Suicides, Spontaneous Murder and Mass Shootings
What if we did need to worry about a conservative white guy.
I'll tell you this, first, it wouldn't be the smallish numbers seen in these attacks, and second, it wouldn't be from an assault rifle that they would come.
I must be missing something Edwin. Help me out.
Think bigger!
Do you mean bigger like this?
The Creator is moving through his creation even as I write this. The link I am including here is to a vision Don had back in the 1990's. It is coming to pass NOW!
I have to object to the continuing usage, and I mean not just on THIS particular page, Lion, of the word "leftist" when describing this sort of new breed of what we formerly called "Democrats."
The use of the term "leftist" is, in my opinion, pushed on us by TPTB to create more and more DIVISION among the people.
I think it is extremely critical that we understand we are being MANIPULATED, just as these "lone gunmen" are being manipulated (literally, by the CIA, hello!). DIVIDE and CONQUER... I seem to have to keep saying this and keep saying this OVER AND OVER because it is soooo pervasive to hear this kind of language.
I think Americans need to understand that there is a HUGE HUGE and very IMPORTANT need to destroy AMERICA and American Culture. Since the 1940's there has been an ongoing, stepped-up plan to bring back racism, sexism, any kind of ISM, in order to bring down the Golden City on the Hill-- We were making slow progress until the Nasties lost WWII-- Didn't we know that AMERICANS, namely, the Oligarchy in America (and England) was behind the Nasties (Nazis, all those types)?? No, we didn't. But NOW WE DO. We need to STOP listening to the propaganda as if it is truthful!!!!!
This is NOT the time to relax our guard, folks. This is EXTRA ALERT time. Do we get it? I don't see more than a handful of those who do. James Corbett IS one of that handful. Beef up on Corbett Reports if you want to understand what's up. And keep reading this Lion's page, and share it. And of course, visit MY page, too. Ha har harf! But stop allowing that KNEE-JERK thing, it's our ruin if we continue to do it, I can't emphasize that enough! Cheers.
Oh, and I also meant to say that these "mass killings" going all the way back to the 60's, are interestingly in THE SAME TIMELINE as when the CIA started looking into mind control, LSD, and all that stuff. Can we connect the dots here? Do I need to say this? Okay: These "mass killings by lone gunmen" are CAUSED BY manipulation of easy "targets" like mentally ill ex-soldiers and others that can be brainwashed, deluded, drugged, all the evil little ways these people behind the curtain do their evil little machinations...
And why do we think SSRI's are legitimate, HELPFUL drugs meant to do good to the People???????????????????
Just as VACCINES are "HELPFUL," right?
There ya go, there's some DOTS for us, yeah?!! xo
We have literal world wide coverage, (I even heard it on BBC), about the RACIST shooting, (yes, that is what they said), of the 16 year old young black man by the elderly white man. No mention that he was knocking on the wrong door at almost 11pm at night and the poor old guy is 85!
No mention at all of the 20 year old blonde girl killed by a shotgun in a driveway they were LEAVING so essentially it was like getting shot in the back! You are not a threat anymore!
Oh yeah, the 16 year old already racked up $3 million on Go Fund Me. The white girl's family? $90,000
The old guy claims that the kid did more than just knock on the door. And since he was 85 that seems to be an issue. And I'm sure it was racial motivated because he was white. And of course due to his x-ray vision that he inherited from his Krypton relatives, he was able to see through the door he shot through to be able to see it was a black kid. If he was black and had done something like this, it would have been out of love. Only white people can be racist. Haven't you learned that by now? The kid was lucky the old guy was most likely using a .22 otherwise he wouldn't be recovering.
You could add this last one:
North Carolina man shot 6-year-old girl and her family after basketball rolled into his yard
No RACIST shooting there was there? A stinking psychopathic black guy and his race isn't even mentioned. They have to put a picture of him with his scowl to let you see he is black. Funny that my early years every time I turned around I was in conflict with a black person because I was white and was disliked by them because of my skin color.
"Police say the motive for the attack remains unknown." UNKNOWN? He was a WHITE hating black guy. So hard to figure out.
Huh! We apparently had a race reversal of the shooter and the victims! Of course no news on this one!!