Stealing Your Vote = Stealing Your Fundamental Freedoms = Enslavement. Thou Shalt not Steal is One of God's Ten Commandments and Stealing is a Criminal Offence. How to Check Your Vote https://sleazeexpo.wordpress.com/questions-to-put-to-usa-federal-election-commission-inspector-general-ms-lynne-a-mcfarland-dl/ When good people work together for the Love of Humanity and Life Itself, many problems can be solved, many cures can be found, it only takes good people then Justice can be Served. War brings forth Destruction, while Peace brings forth Production.

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The problem is that no war brings about production at a slower rate. The broken window theory is true. War breaks things and to fix them all there is a lot of production for a long period of time to build back the destroyed cities etc. But the problem lies in the fact that all that it costs to recover from the war is lost in that production. If there had been no war the cost of production could have been use for more new things. Henry Hazlitt's "Economics in One Simple Lesson" should be read by EVERYONE that wants to know the truth about economics. He was a genius on the subject. As for voting? We need to figure out a better way. I have no use for rulers or a new master every so many years to tell me what to do. And I have absolutely no use for victimless crime laws and psychopathic control freak parasites willing to enforce them on the rest of us. I think the way the Israelites did it with the Judges makes more sense. They were there for their wisdom to help society to stay civil. Plus the current system is so broken with ballot harvesting, machine errors and hacking, etc. There is no way Trump lost and here we are almost 4 years later with a brain dead nut case in the White House.

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The current system is broken, in many ways, the WEF, WHO, IMF, NATO and EU are running the whole of the West, they are running a depopulation agenda, they themselves are damaging the West, in such a way they could destroy civilization itself, while others sit on the fence waiting for it to happen. The voting system has many rules which have been broken, which need to be addressed, ballot harvesting, machine errors and hacking are all criminal offences, including aiding and abetting. In order for voting to be carried out correctly there must be 6 Vote Categories,

Category 1, The Electorate are those who are entitled to Vote.

Category 2, The Postal ( Mail in ), Issued Ballot Papers, those who are entitled to a Vote by Post, once returned, these Ballot Papers must be checked and verified and held in locked and sealed boxes for the count.

Category 3, The Polling Station Issued Ballot Papers which are placed in locked and sealed boxes.

Category 4, The Votes Cast. Category 5, The Rejected Ballot Papers.

Category 6, The Turnout Percentage = Category 2 plus Category 3 divided by Category 1 multiplied by 100.

Category 2 plus Category 3 minus Category 4 minus Category 5, Must Equal Zero for any Election to be Lawful. It is the Electorate's Vote, not the Judges, the Judges are there to apply the Rule of Law, which is the Constitutional Rights and Fundamental Law of Each and Every Country, in the West.

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Even if there is an honest way to vote, who and where do the candidates come from? They typically come from a class of psychopathic control freak parasites put up as a "choice" by that class and typically consist of people that are also of that class. So great, we get to vote for people that are picked by someone else and end up with someone in office that was actually picked by someone else. So if we have two people running "against" each other that were schooled and groomed by the WEF, WHO, IMF, NATO and EU, how are we better off with the end result? I stick to my original statement..."As for voting? We need to figure out a better way. I have no use for rulers or a new master every so many years to tell me what to do." Or as some claim that Mark Twain stated: "If voting made any difference, they wouldn't let us do it."

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#AIFLtd Non Political forensic investigation into Voting Integrity


How Freedoms of Choice was Abolished


The UK General Election 7 May 2015 & Since,


The Electoral Commission UK

Corrupted Its Own Voting Count Model

which has


which is NOT Compliant with Electoral Laws,

as a Finding of Fact,

The UK Electoral Commission UK

Corrupted Its Own Voting Count


Allows Ghost Votes to be added/subtracted on an Industrial Scale

The Electoral Commission UK , Jenny Watson and Peter Wardle having Corrupted

Their Own Voting Count Model at the U.K. General Election 2015 and Since

have made all MP's Election Results "Ultra Vires" "Unlawful"

Causing a Constitutional Crisis

Stealing Your Vote

which is TREASON

The House of Commons is and has been since 07 May 2015

An UnElected House

The Electoral Commission Corrupted Its Own Voting Count Model

has taken away any Power the Attorney General has over the Courts

of Justice

The House of Lords 12 Brexit Sub Committee Enforcement and Dispute

Resolution know that the House of Commons is an "Unelected House"

The FEC Corrupted Its Own Voting Count Model which only shows 1 Vote Category

Macron's Election 2017 had 16 Million Ghost Votes Added

Electoral Laws require 6 Vote Categories to be Compliant with

Electoral Law

The Vote Categories Required under Electoral Law, are as follows:

Category 1. Electorate

Category 2. The Postal Issued Ballot Papers Returned and accepted

for the Count ( ALL MISSING )

Category 3. The Polling Station Issued Ballot Papers which have

been put into the Ballot Box ( ALL MISSING )

Category 4. The Votes Cast

Category 5. The Rejected Ballot Papers ( ALL MISSING )

Shown under 4 Different Headings ( ALL MISSING )

Category 6. The Turnout Percentage

Category 2 plus Category 3 minus Category 4 minus Category 5 = must Equal Zero

for an Election to be Lawful

Category 2 plus Category 3 divided by Category 1 multiplied by 100 = Turnout Percentage

Thou Shalt not Make False Representations

Thou Shalt not Steal

How to Check your Vote at www.sleazeexpo.wordpress.com

Green Party & Independents and UKIP would have gained seats ,

Nigel Farage would have Won the Seat in South Thanet + approximately 212 seats

at the U.K. General Election 07 May 2015 as a Finding of Numerical Fact , had the Electoral Commission not Corrupted Its Own Voting Count Model ,

Voter Fraud has continued to happen , throughout the Elections this is why Brexit Party , Green Party and Independents are not gaining any seats in


How to Check Your Vote at www.Sleazeexpo.wordpress.com

Your Freedoms , Your Choice , Your Vote There are many people who are not schooled and groomed by the WEF, WHO, IMF, NATO and EU, many people are working across the board, in all walks of life, to Expose the Truth and build a better future for humanity, it's happening all around us, U.S.A. has two great leaders for the people, Trump a business man, who can rebuild the economy and RFK Jr. a lawyer and engineer, who is working for Children's Health Defence and other court cases, the future looks promising as there is a tremendous amount of positive energy as People are Awaken.

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It is not about peace and justice. We may be able to go thru this time without a fight. I may not be peaceful. It is unlikely that evil will retreat without a struggle. Justice is not available. Remedy is the goal. There is not justice for all the evil we have acquiesced to since March 1861. "They" are killing us and incarcerating us. It will not be peaceful until the medical and judicial tyrants are gone. That could be a while. Meeting our responsibilities to ourselves and our progeny is a remedy program not a peace program.

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@Ronvrooman...please at least re read the title of the article.

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Actually, Americans ARE victims of domestic terrorism... In many of the ways you yourself have enumerated, like via the economic "system" (totally rigged), via pharma and the plague of vaccination, via taxation, the use of synthetic pesticides and GMO's and the destruction of family farms... You know there's plenty more, Lion, because you've told us yourself. :)

But that's just my little nod to the earlier piece you've posted here. There's SO MUCH fuckery these days, very clearly, but we've been living under fuckery from the get go. Woof!

Oh, and BTW, every time I go to comment, I get a "sign in for your own protection" pop-up... Is that the usual thing? It's annoying, but I'm sure it's not a feline thing. heh heh woof!

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Never heard that about sign in for your own protection. Or ever had it do it for me. Did you maybe log out and not realize it? Maybe a setting is logging you out automatically. As for what I've told everyone...that is the tip of the iceberg. Seriously! Fuckery is EVERYWHERE when it comes to the ruling nut cases.

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It's weird. Maybe tomorrow I'll ask the SS "chat" bot or whatever it is... They do have their glitchy stuff. But yeah, fuckery be everywhere. I will leave protest in their shoes... ;)

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