Apr 19Liked by Courageous Lion

Awesome interview! Thanks for posting the transcript. Jesse Kelly is right about everything he says. I love how he doesn’t mince words, but boldly says what so many of us are thinking. The GOP is horrible, worse than useless. Kelly’s recommended strategy of working at the local and state level to purge install courageous America-first sheriffs, etc., is solid. But where are these heroes going to come from? Our human capital is in visible decline and the personal cost of opposing the blob can be ruinous. The take-away is, we need to seal the borders NOW, today. Couldn’t agree more.

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Apr 20Liked by Courageous Lion

Often the comments are as interesting as the articles, and this one is no exception. I think Kelly is right, but I doubt it will ever happen as most of the states are as corrupt as the Feds. I can't even get replies from my state representatives, and the General Assembly is red.

White Wolf made one(only one) comment with which I agree: look at what no one ever talks about. And the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) is rarely discussed. The Deep State is always mentioned, but the entity that Hillary Clinton emphatically stated "tells us what to do" seems to be sacrosanct. If one looks at the list of members, you will have a better understanding of the big picture. For me, any member is suspect and untrustworthy. A list is available online. I suggest those who wish to broaden their horizons, check it out and the history of the CFR. It's an eye opener.

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Jesse Kelly is one of the best current mainstream talk radio hosts, and he gets it to about the 90% level. For the MSM, he's the best we've got.

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Uh.... This guy blames it all on single women. Nice.

What he doesn't seem to understand is that BOTH parties are captive, BOTH parties are corrupt, we are FOOLS if we continue to let ourselves be DIVIDED-- and conquered-- by the Nasties, who are sitting back, in the wings, laughing their ass off at how easy it is to manipulate us into being tweaked into DIVISIONS yet again-- and keep on raggin' on SINGLE WOMEN.

It's time this country gets really clued in and figures out how we are being PLAYED, again, like we have from the git go.

This guy probably thinks he's right on, but he's a tool. Just like our entire Congress is full of tools. If the idea is to destroy American (and it is), then how much easier will that be accomplished if we're all divided up among ourselves? Think about it.

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For the record, Tucker is just a CIA Shill. So take whatever he says with a grain of salt. (I have no clue whether Jesse Kelly is legit or not- just saying...) WAKE UP, YOU LIONS!!

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The Republican Caucus system for primary voting is a huge part of the problem as it has become a machine that can exert its will on the outcome. A pure popular vote could undo the stranglehold the 'connected' have on the party

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