"It Will Never Happen Here"
While visiting pages on the Internet that discuss "gun rights", I find quite frequently that the anti gun crowd will tell us "It will never happen here". Referring to "our" government turning it's guns on our citizens. Well...
"Sammy used to love homegrown green beans" said the man sitting next to me at the dinner table referring to the beans that my wife had cooked us for dinner that evening. When I heard him say that I almost choked on mine.
Sammy was a 14 year old boy who had heard his dog barking and thought he had stirred up a deer. Sammy ran out with his rifle to check what the dog was barking at.
About the time he reached the area where the dog was a man dressed all up in camouflage shot his friend and killed him. Sammy, seeing what had happened turned his rifle on this unwelcome stranger and shot...killing Marshal Degan who was there to arrest his father for the "heinous" (our Founding Fathers considered HEINOUS as a crime with a victim such as murder, robbery, rape) crime of cutting a shot gun off below the "legal" limit. Yes, Sammy's dad was having dinner with us in Arkansas where he had moved to after the terrible incident that became known as the Siege on Ruby Ridge. That siege cost him his dear son, his wife Vicky and permanent mental and physical scaring from the siege that left him a widower as his wife was shot in the head while holding Elishaba in her arms.
Elishaba was also at that same dinner table with her boy friend. The discussion that Randy Weaver began was one I'll never forget. Sammy was his murdered son.
I'm am sorry to say that Randy passed away May 11th 2022 at the age of 74. I wish he had never had to endure such a terrible trial in his life.
But he did...because it did happen here. Sammy Weaver...Say his name. Vicky Weaver...say her name.
And then about a year later...
A church in Waco Texas led by a man named David Koresh, came under scrutiny because of the firearms that were being purchased at various gun shows by members of the church. Seems that they allegedly may have been dealing in these weapons outside of the "legal" boundaries set down by the government. No one really knows WHY the ATF took a major interest in the goings on in that church group. But they did. And because they did, they decided to start monitoring the activities of the group.
Finally on that fateful day of February 28th 1993 the ATF executed "show time" where they did a dynamic entry at the church. David was witnessed trying to come out and talk to the agents right when the agents killed the dogs at the church that were the members pets. Someone didn't know what was going on and due to the shooting of the dogs bullets started flying and David was hit. In the end result 51 days later the complete building was burned to the ground from the use of flammable tear gas that was deemed illegal to use in war fare against enemy troops!
The story is a long one that is drawn out for 51 days ending on April 19th 1993.
During this time the patience of those in charge of the siege wore thin. An interesting and pretty factual version of events was released in 2018 by Paramount called "Waco". You can also watch an interview of David Thibodeau. Or buy his book.
No one knows to this day what was in the sealed warrant that was never served at that church. But I can almost guarantee that whatever it was, was a violation of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!
In the resulting fire, which was caused by incendiary devices used by the FBI against the building and occupants over 80 people died. None of them had a trial. None of them were presumed innocent until proven guilty. They were simply massacred by agents of "our" own government! So yes, it HAS happened here. Maybe not by the millions as in some countries, but still it shows you the capabilities of those who enforce these edicts on their own fellow citizens.
This is a list of those that were given an untimely death by agents of "our" government...so again I say, it HAS happened here and as long as rouge agencies are allowed to exist with people who are willing to commit atrocities on our fellow human beings, it will happen again. Read them slowly and say their names...
–David Koresh, 33
–Rachel Jones, 23
–Cyrus Koresh, 8
–Star Koresh, 5
–Dayland Gent, 3
–Serenity Sea Jones, 4
–Startle Summers, 1
–Bobbie Lane Koresh, 2
–Natalie Nobrega, 11
–Lisa Martin, 13
–Sheila Martin, 15
–Abigail Martinez, 11
–Audrey Martinez, 13
–Crystal Martinez, 3
–Isaiah Martinez, 4
–Joseph Martinez, 8
–Mayanah Schneider, 2
–Hollywood Sylvia, 2
–Rachel Sylvia, 13
–Steve Schneider, 43
–Judy Schneider, 41
–Sherri Lynn Jewell, 43
–David Michael Jones, 38
–Jeffrey Little, 31
–Nicole Elizabeth Gent, 23
–Wayne Martin, 42
–Aisha Gyarfas, 17
–Mary Jean Borst, 50
–Pablo Cohen, 38
–Evette Fagan, 32
–Lisa Marie Farris, 24
–Diana Henry, 28
–Paulina Henry, 25
–Philip Henry, 23
–Stephen Henry, 26
–Vanessa Henry, 19
–Zilla Henry, 55
–Juliete Santoyo Martinez, 30
–Jilliane Matthews
–Alison Bernadette Monbelly, 31
–Melissa Morrison, 4
–Rosemary Morrison, 29
–Theresa Nobrega, 38
–Floracita Sonobe, 34
–Scott Kojiro Sonobe, 35
–Gregory Allen Summers, 28
–Lorraine Sylvia, 40
–Doris Vaega
–Margarida Joann Vaega, 46
–Neil Vaega, 37
–Stanley Sylvia
–Michelle Jones, 18
–Peter Gent, 24
–Michael Schroeder, 29
–Perry Jones
~ I am Courageous Lion
Why do you suppose that happened and why are we looking at many future Ruby Ridges or Waco’s if the Feds have their way with banning our defense weapons? Because in 1903 the first 13 words of the 2nd amendment were pretty much taken out of the amendment and tossed in the waste bin of history. Those first thirteen words are actually the most important 13 words in the whole of the 2nd amendment and the ONLY place in the Constitution where the word NECESSARY is used. A WELL REGULATED (like a well oiled machine) MILITIA (all of the able bodied men and today most likely women between a certain age) being NECESSARY for the SECURITY of a FREE STATE (of existence)....that is WHY "they" were able to go around and round up the arms of the victims of Katrina. That is why they can go around and arrest and try people for violating basically a civil infraction of not paying a tax on something that shouldn't be taxed. That is why they can shoot children in the back and women in the head and get away with it. That is why they can burn churches down with 17 little children inside and blame it on the people in the church.
That is why they can ban magazines and decide what barrel length a rifle can be. That is why they can force us to use fake money for our living expenses. That is why they can force us to pay taxes on our own homes every year (which is the 1st plank of the Communist Manifesto). That is why we can be picked off one by one if we refuse to follow their edicts and bow to their blatant violations of our unalienable rights...BECAUSE those THIRTEEN WORDS are not in force and effect anymore. Those words embody the HOW and WAY the 2nd amendment was to be respected by those in
"power" over we the people. That is why Hollis Fincher had to languish the last years of his special life on earth in a CAGE. Because WE THE PEOPLE have had THE POWER OF THE MILITIA TAKEN AWAY FROM US!
And unless we start putting together ORGANIZED county security organizations SANCTIONED by the very county we live in that will fall under the STATE we live in Militia statutes, the ORGANIZED militia being NECESSARY will be a pipe dream. Our Founding Fathers were pretty smart guys and they patterned our 2nd amendment after the Swiss example of the time and expected that we would be vigilant in keeping it that way. Unfortunately we haven't. It was lost back in 1903 by the passage of the Dick act. And within another 10 years the Federal Reserve act sealed our doom and pretty much left us on our own to fight individually against a behemoth of a government that has UNLIMITED RESOURCES due to its' ability to create money out of thin air!