Oct 12, 2023Liked by Courageous Lion

Absolutely! Im sick and tired of the same shit show they try to bleed into our brains, created distractions, pulling at our heartstrings (notice everyone is a journalist on X) bottom line is we America are being infiltrated from all sides. Some government officials have dual citizenship WTF! Congress is dragging their feet in all situations. next year is not looking good, no one in government is going to save us. Sorry for the rant but your article is spot on and is refreshing from all the other BS we here. America First🇺🇸👊

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Oct 12, 2023Liked by Courageous Lion

That we are being infiltrated from all sides is, I believe, The Plan.

Broader perspective: Destroy America, and you destroy the best constitution so far, and it will not only wipe out American morale, but morale world-wide.

What an EVIL plan it is, soooo EVIL...


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Oct 12, 2023Liked by Courageous Lion

Yes, I believe they have every war, disaster and lockdown ready to go. Who knows what diabolical plan they will cause next. Stand ready as can be. My family is in Cali which worries me. I try to keep the Faith and trust the Lord will keep them safe.

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Oct 12, 2023Liked by Courageous Lion

I just replied and it doubled my comment, and then I deleted one and they both went away... Gotta run, my library time is nearly up...



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Oct 12, 2023Liked by Courageous Lion

Great post. I think he's spot on. Soooo many times we've fallen for the bullshit of false flags...

"When will they ever learn? Oh, when will they ever learn?"

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For those who don't know her: DR. JAN HALPER-HAYES (duely endorsed and commended by President Trump !)

"Congress: Your Jig is Up

Not one of you should be the new Speaker"

🇺🇲🇺🇲 It's absolutely POWERFUL !! 🇺🇲🇺🇲


[EDIT]: Emerald Robinson says exactly the same in harsh words:

"The GOP Uniparty Must Vacate The Chair!

The charade of our two-party system is vanishing before your very eyes"


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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023Author

Good. Who needs any of them? They ALL, including Trump and who knows who else have been colluding with the Federal Reserve for over 100 years. And those slime are the basis for ALL of our ills.

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I don(t include Prédisent Trump int he ALL, because he's precisely the one named Jerome Powell as Chair of the Federal Reserve, and I think this chairman is slowly preparing the coming collapse of the Fed ...

I can agree we disagree respectuously on this single point ! 😉


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If Trump was against the Fed like he was against "bump stocks" you would think that he would be more vocal about it. Like Ron Paul was and still is. But when it comes to the Fed Trump is crickets.

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