This just in from Bob Livingston. Couldn’t say it better myself. Some comments added in italics with C.L. at the end.
Why is there a place for private publications in America like The Bob Livingston Letter®? The answer is simple and straightforward: There are a growing number of people who no longer trust conventional wisdom.
Conventional wisdom is what most people believe. Conventional wisdom comes from the news media, public schools, the medical establishment, churches and the government. It's a lifetime programming process that builds parameters of thought from which few escape. And precious few do escape.
Conventional wisdom doesn't take on some people. By nature these people question authority. People progress away from conventional wisdom at various speeds and levels. Some people begin to doubt on an elementary level, while some completely reject any form of conventional wisdom. This is you, dear reader, and thank you for it!
I’ve often said that some of us are protected from the propaganda that we are fed from the time we were small children in the government run schools. Some of us are born divergent. Some of us stand out from the crowd because we question “authority” and those who claim to be experts in their fields. Teachers that don’t teach, doctors that make us ill rather than curing us, politicians that create situations that we endure because they are the only ones that can reverse what they caused. We live in a world of lies and deceit. “They Live” has become a documentary. C.L.
There are two words that describe conventional wisdom and they are control and conformity. These terms are self-enforcing. That is, if there is control, there is conformity. And if there is conformity, there is control.
I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do. I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.
When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know, the end result is tyranny and oppression no matter how holy the motives. ~ Robert A. Heinlein
Most people are just mediocre minded cowardly conformists because it's comfortable and simple. I'm not one of those people. ~Mark Reynolds AKA Courageous Lion
The elites — whether in their corporatist towers, or in the District of Criminals — and the money power behind them are so far removed from the people over whom they lord and/or whom they employ, that they may as well be on a distant planet in another solar system. All the thoughts they think and all the things they do are designed to draw more power and more wealth to themselves for more control.
They also seek to keep information from the masses, which increases control for those with that knowledge. George Orwell was correct. Ignorance is strength... for oppressive governments. Ignorance is also very dangerous. C.L.
"If a nation expects to be ignorant — and free — in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." -- Thomas Jefferson
"Knowledge is, in every country, the surest basis of public happiness." -- George Washington
"Law and liberty cannot rationally become the objects of our love, unless they first become the objects of our knowledge." -- James Wilson
For any political system to function as created, there is and has to be vast deception, but also, widespread ignorance. This statement is an entrée into original thought. We are in a vast concentration mind-control camp developed through and by years of external stimuli of "public" influence. We cannot think or inquire outside of our invisibly prescribed parameters — some people say "outside the box."
Unless and until we question "conventional wisdom," we never receive or process any doubt about the politically prescribed order of things.
But I believe people generally have a thirst for knowledge. Otherwise, why would you be reading this? You would have stopped reading long ago because this would have been beyond your capacity to grasp. But you, dear reader, will continue to battle the ignorance the elites so desperately want to fill you with.
Can you conceive of being filled with nothing? This is the dopamine drip of phone apps and other bread and circus that the Technocracy wants you to become addicted to.
The technocracy attempts to impress upon one's psyche pseudo "facts" that are unprovable and have no foundation in fact but are accepted as an absolute generation after generation. The same is foolish to the individualist who by nature or who has a natural inclination to inquire into anything without inhibitions.
In reality, it's all a grand design to steal your liberty and your wealth and transfer it into the pockets of a select group of elite power brokers. To truly understand what's going on, one must divest oneself of conventional wisdom and see the world in a new light.
You must be in a position to acquire your own information in order to make critical judgments. That's why from time to time I have urged you to read books like The Fat Resistance Diet by Dr. Leo Galland; How to Hide Anything by Michael Connor; Trust Us, We're Experts (about how industry manipulates science and gambles with your future) by Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber; Propaganda by Edward Bernays; Manufacturing Consent by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky; and The Miracle of Magnesium by Carolyn Dean M.D., N.D.
Read with an open mind. Only then will the wisdom sink in. Then, share with others what you've learned so that we can all have true strength — knowledge. Competent people who act on reality should not have to go underground in these days of political suppression for the crime of hyper individualism.
Yours for the truth,
Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter®
Could the state of our condition be the product of omission, what we didn't learn in public schools?
And did our Fathers all through history all fight and die for liberty so we could play the tyrants fools?
And can you call it education when it's all indoctrination to obey the hidden powers that be?
Did we fight the revolution, did we win the world wars, just to slumber into slavery?
We're all indentured servitutal slaves, over burdened and bewildered feudal knaves. Who have lost our soul posterity, through ignorance and apathy and now we're bein' taxed out of our graves!
And as long as we stay passive we'll succumb, contented with some humanistic crumb.
Well the naked truth and fact is we're all saps who pay those taxes and that is why the Banksters keep us dumb…
From the song Why The Banksters Keep us Dumb by the late Carl Klang as heard below.
I refer to this as "conditioned' conventional thinking' which really isn't thinking, but reflexive reacting. A few months ago I saw a brief video that discussed the sensory perceiving personality and the intuitive perceiving personality. About 75% of the population tends to have a sensory perceivering personality. Among other tendencies, 'sensors' tend to trust traditional authority, they tend not to question authority, and they tend not to read between the lines, or the lies. They also tend not to connect the dots, probably because they don't see the dots.
Those who tend to be 'intuitive' comprise about 25% of the population. They question authority, distrust authority, and read between the lies. They tend to connect the dots and see patterns that can be missed when one is focused upon the senses, not a bigger picture.
Great article Mark. I noticed this way back in high school in the late 60s. But you have captured it in words so clearly. Thank you for publishing it here.