(UPDATE 3-5-23: According to https://www.in2013dollars.com/us/inflation/1964?amount=500 $500 in 1964 would be the equivalent of $4,325.32 as of 3/5/2023. HOWEVER, the lowest price I was able to find for a $500 bag of silver dimes that would have been worth $500 in 1964 is $9555.00 more than double what they are claiming. Which means that if I had stashed some bags of silver, not only would my purchasing power have been saved, it would be worth more than TWICE as much today in purchasing power. So which is the the truth? $4,325.32 or $9,555.00? If the actual MONEY we were using in 1964 is worth $9,555.00 in Federal Reserve “notes” I’ll claim $9,555.00 ~C.L.)
I want to make this short and sweet so that it will get read far and wide. I know that it is almost impossible for me to do a “short and sweet”, but here goes…
First let’s look at this note and see if we can make some common sense deductions from it…
This is a 1934 “Fifty Dollar” note. It has a contract on it and an explanation.
The contract says the United States of America will pay to the bearer on demand Fifty Dollars. If this NOTE will pay to the bearer on demand fifty dollars, how can it BE fifty dollars? Also note the four fine print line explanation in the top left of the note.
“This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private, and is redeemable in Lawful Money at the United States Treasury or at any Federal Reserve Bank.”
What is being stated in these two places? In one place it is saying it will pay to the bearer on demand FIFTY DOLLARS. And in the other place it is saying it will redeem the note for LAWFUL MONEY. What was Lawful Money in 1934? For that matter what is LAWFUL money even to this very day?
Let’s dig a bit farther and see if we can figure it out. Here are two clauses that are in the United States Constitution. We find within Section 8: The Congress shall have Power to…To coin money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures. Within Section 10 we find No State shall…make any Thing but Gold and Silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.
So, Congress COINS money (some THING) and regulates the value thereof and The States cannot make any THING but Gold and Silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts. (When was the last time you paid a “state” debt in gold or silver coin?) Gold and Silver Coin are some THING. So what did Congress use to make the standard of weights and measures? They utilized the common weight and measure of the time of the Spanish Milled Dollar and attached the weight of a DOLLAR to the gold and silver coinage. Thus a DOLLAR was the measurement of the some THING of gold and silver coin. The dollar in and of itself was NO thing. It is a mathematic construct like an OUNCE. If I were to go into a store that sold things weighed in ounces and told the store clerk I would like an OUNCE he would say and OUNCE OF WHAT? If at the time of this note that I just posted in this article I asked for Fifty Dollars, the person I was talking to at the Treasury or Federal Reserve bank would have said FIFTY DOLLARS OF WHAT? To which my response would have been either FIFTY DOLLARS OF SILVER, or FIFTY DOLLARS OF GOLD. Those two elements are the SOME THING that the piece of paper was a contract for.
The paper was NOT lawful money in and of itself as it was NO THING. The statement that said “This Note is Legal Tender for all debts public and private” made it LEGAL to use for payment of debt because the recipient had the ability to convert the paper NOTE into SOME THING. Legal tender in and of itself is not SOME THING. It is NO THING. If you cannot convert it into SOME THING, it is legalized THEFT. And on the state level can’t be “legal tender for all debts public and private” without VIOLATING NO STATE SHALL make any THING other than Gold or Silver coin a tender in payment of debt. Is there an AMENDMENT to the Constitution that I’m missing?
Federal Reserve Notes are not federal, represent no monetary reserves and no longer conform to the definition of notes. Failing to state who, will pay what, when or to whom - they ceased to be legal tender notes, (offers of money) over 50 years ago. They are in fact instruments of legalized THEFT.
For you see , REAL MONEY has to be SOME THING. Because the proper definition of money is “durable, divisible and a store of value.” The note pictured above does not fit ANY of that definition.
This next picture is of a “50” dollar note that says the exact same thing everywhere on it as the top one does except there is one notable difference. The four lines are printed on three lines making them so small you can hardly read them without a magnifying glass. Do you suppose that in 1950 there was a shortage of ink and that was why they only used three lines instead of four?
Everything about it made it a legal “note”. Every thing about it made the NO THING note into a SOME THING contract because you could convert it into LAWFUL MONEY i.e. Dollar weights of Gold or Silver coin at either the US Treasury or at a Federal Reserve bank.
Now let’s look at what we carry in our pockets today.
So how did the NO THING paper become the SOME THING “dollars”? And when that happened what else took place??? They started removing REAL money, that is SOMETHING from circulation. Gold was no longer being used, silver was taken out of circulation in 1964.
In 1964 a dozen eggs could be bought for one of these:
Recently, one of my friends who understands what is going on, was willing to sell me THREE DOZEN eggs for one of these, at THREE different times! SOMETHING for SOMETHING. So for $1.50 in 1/2 dollars of silver I purchased NINE dozen eggs. Currently the half dollar of silver (SOMETHING) can be traded for about 11-12 NO THING Fed notes. And the price of silver is being manipulated by those who control the paper fake money supply. At that rate, I’ll do plumbing repairs for folks for $2.50 in pre 1964 Silver Coin. That REALLY should show you how much our monetary system has gone into the toilet. That $2.50 would translate out into about 50 NO THING Fed Notes.
The following quotes explain what I’m trying to teach. My suggestion? Start converting any and all of your NO THING Federal Reserve “notes” (they aren’t notes anymore) into SOMETHING that you can use to trade or barter with. Gold, Silver, ammo, ammo components, or tools to name a few. And don’t get me going about the NO THING “crypto currency” or any other NO THING being used to steal the labor of the working class. Sure, you can make some gains in those areas but you can also loose your rear too. You can get the guy who came up with “bit coin” is quite wealthy in terms of NO THING Fed Notes and the fact he can convert them into SOMETHING. What a mess…
"Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens." ~ 1980 Annual Report, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, pg 6
Isn't confiscation of the wealth of the citizens a nice way of saying STEALING? Isn’t INFLATION in the news all the time now? Isn’t it OBVIOUISLY being used to steal the labor and production of the citizenry?
"...Keynes argues that inflation is a 'method of taxation' which the government uses to 'secure the command over real resources, resources just as real as those obtained by [ordinary] taxation'. 'What is raised by printing notes, ' he writes, is just as much taken from the public as is a beer duty or an income tax.' " - 1980 Annual Report, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, pg 10
"All the paper money issued today is Federal Reserve notes. The real backing for the nation's money is faith in the strength, soundness and stability of the American economy." ~ The Hats the Federal Reserve Wears, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, pg 4
Faith is what backs our monetary system. YOUR faith. Do you still have faith?
"Whenever the legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience." ~ John Locke (1690)
If the money you earn has no value and you are forced through fiat paper legislation to take it for your labor, are you not having your property (labor) destroyed and are you not being reduced to nothing but slavery? Is not the “state” at war with the people?
5th Plank Communist Manifesto: Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
The Federal Reserve System, created by the Federal Reserve Act of Congress in 1913, is indeed such a “national bank” and it politically manipulates interest rates and holds a monopoly on legal counterfeiting in the United States. This is exactly what Marx had in mind and completely fulfills this plank, another major socialist objective. Yet, most Americans naively believe the U.S. of A. is far from a Marxist or socialist nation.
"When plunder has become a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it."~ Frederic Bastiat in "The Law"
And I leave you with this…I hope that I made this lesson easy enough to understand and in doing so will entice you to pass it around as well as the memes posted here in to wake up more of those asleep at the wheel…
"The writers of the constitution knew exactly what they were doing when they wrote in Article I Section 10 paragraph 1 'No state shall... make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts. ' People able to barter with gold and silver coin control government and are free. Loss of the right to trade in gold and silver coin enslaves people to the creators of psychological 'money.'": -Merrill Jenkins, Sr., Money - The Greatest Hoax on Earth
For more reading may I suggest:
A Caveat Against Injustice by Judge Roger Sherman
The “LAW” by Frederic Bastiat written in 1850. The same year as the Communist Manifesto.
PDF of “The Miracle on Main Street” by the late Tupper Saucy
A Plea For The Constitution of the United States, Wounded in the House of It’s Guardians
I hope this helps you understand why so many “economists” are in error and why we are in the mess we are in today. Please check out some of my other essays on money. Including Blood Running in The Streets. Mobs of Rioters and Demonstrators Threatening Banks and Legislatures... some of what you read here is repeated in that post. It is just longer and has more lessons in it.
Yes, I am the Courageous Lion that dwelt at Geo Cities back in the early 2000’s, for those you who remember. My Den addresses were 7006 and 7394. I had two prides that I had to take care of back then. This link is a recent portrait.
https://heirloomseedkits.com/ This is a non gmo seed company (heirloom) in Traverse City MI. They have a variety of kits available from 100 dollars and up, and make your own kit options.
Using seeds for money is an ancient thing, and likely a future thing as well.
Has Fort Knox ever been audited? Rumor has it all the gold they stole was buried there.
On the bright side, paper cash will soon be cheaper to use than toilet paper.