Sep 20, 2022Liked by Courageous Lion

The Left is all about Let's Pretend.

Let's Pretend I'm the opposite sex.

Let's Pretend masks stop viruses.

Let's Pretend I'm a bad puppy on a leash.

Let's Pretend your skin makes you a victim or an oppressor.

Let's Pretend a decrepit zombie got 80M votes and is now the real leader of the free world.

The danger is they force you to play the game with them and punish you when you don't.

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Feb 16, 2023Liked by Courageous Lion

The only thing I'd question is referring to fascists as "the Left."

Those freaks left the Left a long time ago, but "Covid" infected them like no virus ever could (since there are no viruses... it must be a bacterial thing, that Fascist disease that grew out of an "in silico" (computer-generated) PHOTO of a virus!!! Bah hahahahaaaa.

The photo you used says it all...

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Feb 25, 2023Liked by Courageous Lion

You could have gone so much further with "Let's Pretend." But, you did get the point across, IMHO, with the brief "Let's Pretend."

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Mar 23, 2023Liked by Courageous Lion

Very good post. I like to pretend I still live in the "real" United States.

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That "shooting" with the cowering cops was just another asinine dog and pony show to add to the seemingly neverending list. Weren't the cops supposedly afraid of the perp's gun? So that means they need to take away our guns. Ugh!

Yeah, we are literally being smothered with laws. Yeah, let's pretend having more redundant laws will make us safer. Laws don't stop crime. In a round-about way, laws end up penalizing innocent people.

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GLK, if you’d had a gun you could have pulled it out and been shot dead by those armed robbers.

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