May Our Creator Give the Church a Backbone
Why Christianity as a Whole has Become a Refuge for the Weak and a Place that Repels the Lions among us. The church doesn't need a revival. It's needs CPR!
These propositions and many more (a total of 30) have been taken from IRS Service Publication 1828 (9-94) Cat. # 21096G, Tax Guide for Churches, Other Religious Organizations, and 501-C3 Not for Profit Religious Organizations, Draft July 26, 1994. Yes, 1994.
Churches must:
Have ordained ministers educated in state accredited colleges.
Be neutral on political issues.
Have tax exempt status issued by IRS.
Pastor must answer to the IRS as to daily activities of the church.
The IRS must be privy to all financial transactions of the church.
Pastor must supply names of all donors - make books, records available.
May only use IRS approved fundraising methods.
May not support legislation saying children belong to parents rather than the state.
May not form a Political Action Committee nor support legislation opposing lotteries and gambling activity.
May not oppose the public school system.
It would not be a bad idea if everyone were to obtain a copy of what I still believe may be the current Pub. 1828, Tax Guide for Churches and Other Religious Organizations. I do believe you can still obtain a copy by calling the IRS toll free at 1-800-829-3676. This updated publication is much tamer than the outrageous one excerpted above, but it is bad enough and it is currently in effect.
The real problem, as I see it, is that churches and pastors refuse to speak out stifling themselves more effectively than the agents of the government could ever stifle them. Yes, the government and particularly the IRS is oppressive, but the reason the church has been largely ineffective is not the government's fault. It’s the fault of those men who fill the podiums preaching a gospel of materialism rather than the gospel that Yahshua the Christ preached.
Perception of the laws is so much worse than the laws themselves. So many pastors are scared half to death when it comes to anything political. Therefore, they allow no voters guides or anything that might be remotely seen as political in their churches.
I had a friend that used to try to go around to churches in Warren County, Illinois to register people to vote--which is perfectly legal. He said that nine out of ten pastors would not allow it. Not that I’m a big fan of voting as it stands as the majority of those who run are psychopathic control freak parasites at the LEAST!
The church has become anemic and pathetic as a whole, not because of the laws, but because of wimpy pastors who are too scared to take a stand. And it isn't just pastors. Pews are full of wimpy laymen as well.
I know of rare pastors who say free speech will be practiced in their pulpits and that includes politics. Randall Terry said, "Our tax-exempt status be damned if it keeps us from declaring the whole counsel of God." Amen. Oh, for more men of God like that! This song is a cover song of Randall Terry’s. He was the founder of “Operation Rescue” in 1986 that has saved the lives of countless unborn children. I had the HONOR of being able to record his masterfully written presentation. I paid him gladly for the right to do so. This one song alone has one of the most powerful messages behind it.
It is sad to think that churches voluntarily bow down at the idol of compromise just to keep their tax exempt status--which is probably not really in much danger, anyway.
What if they did lose it? Most families do not give enough to itemize their taxes, anyway. And so what if we had to pay tax on our church property. I'd rather not have to, but I'd rather pay the taxes than to be ineffective! And ineffective is what the church has been of late. Why they will go to the extent of having men arrested because they didn’t follow some sort of “protocol” while attending services. Maybe too much truth comes from those kinds of men and they can’t handle it.
Would that God's Spirit would get inside more pastors and laymen and give them backbones of steel. The Bible says that the body of Christ is made up of many members. The members that have been sadly lacking are guts and a backbone. Bob Dornan has more guts than most pastors I had ever seen. Remember him? It ought to be the pastors and churches at the front lines of the battle leading the fight. That is not the case, and why is it that way? Too many pulpits are filled with spineless ministers who would compromise the Word of God to keep their tax exempt status, that's why. May God have mercy on us all. Where are God’s Warriors? Who is man enough to wear and clothing like this that makes a statement that the wearer is willing to stand behind? Look closely at the front of this shirt and you’ll see one who is willing and will.
It was Patrick Henry who said, "Give me liberty or give me death." Patrick Henry's words are probably the best remembered patriotic phrase ever uttered. If I were to utter them today in a similar setting mine would be slightly more radical. Give me Liberty or I’ll give you YOUR death. Over two hundred years ago those immortal words of Patrick Henry were seen by the British as treasonous. Today in this age of political correctness, Randell Terry is still seen as extreme and treasonous. His words, "Our tax-exempt status be damned" will hopefully be remembered and honored 200 years from now just like Patrick Henry's are today. Randall is a modern-day Patrick Henry. It is too bad more pew sitters and wimpy pastors don't realize that right now. Too bad men like Randall Terry aren’t supported and placed in places of power these days. Did you even KNOW he ran for President this past year? Did you even KNOW who he is? How many of you attend fellowships that ever even mention his name?
It is high time that churches quit caring about what Uncle Scam and Auntie Samantha thinks and start caring more about what Jesus/Yahshua thinks. If we keep doing things the same way we have been doing them for the last 50 or more years chances are we will get the same results, and they will continue to be more and more dismal. After all, what does it say in II Chronicles 7vs14? If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
It basically states the message behind this video I found on Youtube that has my recording as the background music. WILL WE DENY HIM? Will we?
We need a whole new paradigm if we are going to have any effect on this lost world. It's high time for the church to come out of hiding and get involved. We have left politics alone because it was dirty. Now, all too often only the lowest forms of life are very interested in politics. Most races are a choice between bad and worse, and why? If you actually believe you have a choice and the choice you get to choose from was picked way before the race, you have no choice. And that is because the church dug a hole and crawled in a generation or two ago. No the more I think about it, it started digging into the mire before I was born in 1954. The Church doesn’t need a revival. It needs CPR!
A rut is just a grave with the ends kicked out of it, and the church has been in a grave for way to long! If we kick hard enough and long enough we can turn a grave into a rut and walk right out of the rut. Let's start doing some kicking. We have enough "rear end" members who merely occupy pews. We need some members to become the guts and the backbone of the church. Maybe He is speaking to you? I know He just recently spoke to me. And the backlash that happened I am sure is just the beginning. And to think all I wanted to do is share music that fed the spirit of my fellow human beings!
I think that more of us need to take a stand. This video is another one that will make you take note. IS YOUR CHURCH A CULT? Revealing spiritual abuse, 10 signs of a cult like church…
A REAL revival is going to drive the chaff before the storm that is getting ready to be unleashed by our Savior, our Deliverer, Our Redeemer, Our Messiah, Jesus Christ, El Shadai, Yahshua, YAHWEH, HALLELUYAH!!
One of the commenters recently said they miss my roaring messages…well here is one to make you think. Isn’t it time that we start taking the words of “Onward Christian Soldiers” to heart?
For the younger of my readers and followers that are more into radical music of the “heavy metal style” …be blessed.
You know... I thought I would use a nonprofit status on the commune/campground/event center I'm working towards building to host a non denominational Christ-consciousness centered influencer community... but I would much rather pay the property taxes and retain our right to fight for our Yahweh given rights without legal red tape. Thank you for this post! I am with you. Yeshua spoke truth knowing he would be murdered for it. He called all of his apostles to deliver his message of peace, love, joy, forgiveness, forbearance, and prosperity for all at the same level of faith and conviction he did, even if that means certain death. The righteousndo not need to defend themselves. The righteous are His sword and He is our shield. ❤️ also, thank you for the music. 🙌🫶✌️
I appreciate what you had to say.
Most churches I have attended followed those rules strictly, just one did not.
In a nutshell I believe that we are seeing Satan at work. I refer to the Bible where Jesus talks of spitting them out because they have become lukewarm.
Too many of us have become lukewarm, including "pastors" (they're just us with one or more pieces of paper).