Thanks for cross posting C& C

I had missed it last week.

God bless the truth tellers.

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Thinking that human action can actually change the climate is very childish thinking, when you consider all of the gigantic natural forces at work.

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Childish thinking seems to be the norm these days. I suspect it is due to the vaccines given to damage the thinking section of the brain as well as the "public skewl" indoctrination centers that fill those impressionable minds at a young age to believe in fictions on the same level as Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.

As a matter of fact, just the cycles that are caused by the Sun are enough to question the man made fairy tale story of "climate change". I liken mankind to an ant nest full of farting ants and their influence on a 1000 square mile area. It is probably more accurate than what they come up with!

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I have long thought that the purpose of ALL of formal education is obedience training, and the indoctrination is the icing on the cake.

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I saw this on C&C too and sent on to those worrying about human impact on climate change.

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Be sure to send it to Greta Thunderbrain!

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