Hi, Lion! Good to see you, old feline pal.

Hope you're doing well. I'm still very very limited on the Internet time... Kind of feels good to get out of it, mostly. Inconvenient, but worth it, I think. Woof, and hope to see you sometime in AR! xo

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I've been reading about this for years. Evidence does abound, but the "Conspiracy Nut!" defense they employ has been quite effective.

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Only giant chickens are okay being cowards... To them, being called a "chicken" means nothing! But we dogs know chickens when we smell 'em...

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It's all part of "The Great Culling".

They will use war, famine, disease, and weather (hot weather is annoying, cold weather kills), at minimum, by attacking energy.

They are currently killing food production to create the famines. They've been attacking energy for years. Vaccines are the cover (see the Bill gates quote about reducing population by using vaccines) for the diseases they are creating, so they can kill us with both.

Just look at what used to be the male population of Ukraine for how easy it is to kill a half-million with war.

Also, weaponized illegal immigration to create chaos, food riots, violence and mayhem.

We are on the leading edge of the great culling, and it's only going to get worse.

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I agree, and I think we should do a little RESISTANCE...

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NO, I don't think anybody should be able to "modify" the weather unless and ONLY under very strict and heavily monitored supervision. NOT like what's happening, and NOT under the military, and NOT without SERIOUS precautions... Very very very dangerous idea, that weather manipulation is OK if it's just "in their own country" or some other BS. I would NEVER trust that kind of thing to be just for "peaceful purposes." Never, ever.

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Like I said in another post, it is all a simulation, God's simulation, it is all going to be OK, they will kill us and we go to paradise, the joke's on them, they will be stuck in the simulation, not us.

See how easy that was.

Now back to your regular scheduled simulation.

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I don't think "God" has made it that easy. Seriously...

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That works for me ONLY if I can come back and remember who they are and delicately bite them until they are bloodless... then we dogs can EAT THEM.

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Stratospheric Aerosol Injection and/or Solar Radiation Management (the proper terminology for so-called chemtrails) is now allowable discussion in the corporate media.

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Semantics. Seems to me that if your pumping chemicals and nano particles of metal into the sky, that another proper term would be chemtrails.

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Oh absolutely. Just pointing out if/when those are mentioned in media, all they are doing is speaking about the chemtrails they spent years claiming didnt exist. By proper all I meant was the technical term ie the official names of the technologies. Chemtrails is just a colloquial, and is not a very useful term to use in searching for info. Use SAI or SRM, and that is how you find the real info on these programs. Words do matter, and chemtrails is the demonized word that I assume was seeded by intel agencies in order to 'de-bunk' their existence.

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Sep 18, 2023
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Sure they can. They can make earthquakes, fires, floods... Overt or not, you're out-gunned until we can get some serious numbers. And we should get some serious numbers.

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