Anyone who thinks it is proper to punish millions of people because of the insane acts of one individual are either insane themselves or have lost touch with what is moral and just. Or simply lost touch with reality making them delusional. There are apparently, according to some sources between FOURTEEN MILLION to FORTY TWO MILLION semi-auto type rifles with removable magazines possessed by the American public. The lower number are AR 15 pattern rifles, the higher number includes the AR 15 pattern which includes AR 10, AR9 and other variants, FN FAL and variants, AK and variants, HK 91, HK 93, HK 94 and variants as well as too many to mention such as the Armalite 180, the BRN 180 etc, etc.
To criminalize FORTY TWO MILLION AMERICANS because of some lone nutcase or even for 26 nutcases, since these kinds of weapons were used that many times out of EIGHTY mass shootings during a 10 year period is the rantings of lunatics! While the PARASITES in the US government arm the Taliban with OVER 350 THOUSAND FULL AUTO M4 MACHINE guns and yet wants to disarm law abiding Americans shows the utter hypocrisy and tyrannical thinking of "our" so called leaders.
They claim they are worried because someone “might” use one of those 40 million firearms for a bad act. They say, if you own one, WHAT IF…What if is Minority Report BS. As of this post I’m 69 and NONE of my firearms have ever been used in a crime against another human being. NONE of them picked the lock of the safe and went out on a rampage in the middle of the night.
We need to resist any act of confiscation as if we have had war declared on US. Because at that point WAR will have been declared. NO MAN has the right to tell you that you can’t have a weapon for lawful defense.
And one thing people need to realize is this…PROPERTY is an extension of YOUR LIFE. If it takes you 40 hours of your LIFE to receive enough compensation to purchase a wide screen TV and someone steals it, they have effectively STOLEN 40 hours of your LIFE. That is why I believe in restitution rather than the “state” made up of parasites, getting a fine from a criminal who victimized YOU. Why should THEY profit from his theft? Why not just take the property that was stolen and give it to some paid for control freak that works for the state as a gift? Makes as much sense.
I end this short statement with this quote from John Locke, one of the men the founders of our system of justice read:
"He who attempts to get another man into his absolute power does thereby put himself into a state of war with him, it being to be understood as a declaration of a design upon his life; for I have reason to conclude that he who would get me into his power without my consent would use me as he pleased when he got me there, and destroy me, too, when he had a fancy to it; for nobody can desire to have me in his absolute power unless it be to compel me by force to that which is against the right of my freedom, i.e., make me a slave. to be free from such force is the only security of my preservation; and reason bids me look on him as an enemy to my preservation who would take away that freedom which is the fence to it; so that he who makes an attempt to enslave me thereby puts himself into a state of war with me." ~ John Locke - Two Treatises Of Government
A warning to any red coat enforcers of any tyrannical edict that may be foisted on us in the near future...MOLON LABE.
Only TYRANTS would want the population disarmed so that they could become MORE TYRNANICAL. See “Police State” by Dinesh Dsouza if you really want to see how off the wall this is becoming.
One last thing...don't forget the SSRI prescription drugs involved in every single one of these mass shootings.
AR-15 Sporter, 1959.
Enough said.
Great piece, CL! No one has the right to limit how we defend ourselves, our families, and our property from predators.
On another note, it is my comprehension that all of these "lone shooters" are actually victims who have been MK-ULTRA'd by the tyrants to pull off the horrific crimes.
The wayward wizards and their cushy-job-keeping creepy career clowns keep kicking the karmic can down the road, thinking that they will be able to continue floating their fuckery forever. Not. Gonna. Happen.