AR-15 Sporter, 1959.

Enough said.

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Wow! An oldie, but goody!

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Great piece, CL! No one has the right to limit how we defend ourselves, our families, and our property from predators.

On another note, it is my comprehension that all of these "lone shooters" are actually victims who have been MK-ULTRA'd by the tyrants to pull off the horrific crimes.

The wayward wizards and their cushy-job-keeping creepy career clowns keep kicking the karmic can down the road, thinking that they will be able to continue floating their fuckery forever. Not. Gonna. Happen.

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Some may be MK'ed, but from my research from the ones I could get information on, it is the SSRI meds. Dr. Peter Breggin in his work called Medication Madness (https://www.amazon.com/Medication-Madness-Psychiatric-Violence-Suicide/dp/031256550X) has a lot of information on the subject that I have been storing away in my gray matter filing cabinet.

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Good point. Also, I have read that drugs like SSRIs and Scopalamine are part of the trauma-based mind-control. My point is that not everyone taking SSRIs becomes a mass shooter, but I get what you're saying!

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THANK GOD, not everyone becomes a mass shooter on those drugs! It is actually a very very small group that exhibits the insane involuntary intoxicated behavior that expresses itself in mass murder, suicide and spontaneous murder. It is actually a small percentage of 1%. And yet there it is and even that small amount can translate into a few THOUSAND suicides, spontaneous murders and unfortunately into mass murder. One of the stories in the book is about a 60 year old who takes his second dose of Paxil by GSK and shoots his wife, his daughter, his grand daughter and then himself. GSK is sued by surviving family members for 6.5 million and settles for that without any appeal. Dr. Breggin asks..."do you think GSK added anything to the warning label"? Hell no, what is 6.5 million if you are making BILLIONS on the drug? It's like Ford with the Pinto. They look at "dollars" because they care nothing about the loss of life. GSK HAS to be being run by psychopaths.

As for being part of trauma based mind control? It sure wouldn't surprise me the least bit.

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Yeah, the entire med-tech-kill-cartel is making ba-zillions so $6.5M is barely pennies! (On a side note: Screw that family's legal team for suggesting such a paltry sum as recompense for the LOSS OF LIVES. After the lawyers scrape off 1/3, then the government takes another third, the remaining family is left with a few hundred thousand dollars each. Maybe that would help them each survive through a couple of years if they live in a soon-to-hopefully-not-be 15-minute city.

Pathetic and evil, together again. Now, back to the DRUGS!

Check out Chapter 3 of Fritz Sprinmeier's and Cisco Wheeler's book entitled "The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave." It's exhaustive to say the least, and I would add *exhausting* to read because it's so calculated and fucking sick. Actually, I believe that allopathic medicine was conceived and developed for the abject purpose of poisoning of our Divine mind/body/spirit/soul complex.


I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.

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Did yo read the book that you are mentioning here? The whole 574 pages? I have a PDF of it, if you would like a copy.

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I, too, have the PDF copy of the book and I have read through Ch 6. Now working my way through Ch 7. Thank you.

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Sick is a nice way to describe them. I see them as PSYCHOPATHIC CONTROL FREAK PARASITES. What do you do with a parasite? I'll tell you...

The twisting thread shall stretch and snap

The straw shall break the camels back

And tables when they turn shall bring a swift end, friend

Yes things divine can wrench and bend

The well laid plans of mice and men

And when they do what will you traitors do then, when

We'll be taking the traitors away ha ha

We'll be taking the traitors away ho ho, he he, ha ha

To the prison camp

Where a cells been awaiting them all this time

And I'll be happy to see their face in it's proper space

Filling jail space

As we're taking you traitors away ha ha....

To the prison camps

They quietly built so recently

And won't they look cute in their prison suit

And their shackles on just shuffling along

As we're taking the traitors away ha ha....

Where there's jobs for you in that human zoo

And you'll work all day without any pay

But that's O.K.

There's nothing to buy in there anyway

And we're taking the traitors away ha ha ....

And won't they be glum as they see us come

To round up the rest of them one by one

As we're taking the traitors away ha ha....


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The fact that SSRIs are to blame steps on the PICs toes. We can't have that, now, can we?

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Hell no! Got to get that poison into as many willing subjects as possible!

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Damn straight!

Lord, I wish we were wrong! 😢

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