Sep 30, 2022Liked by Courageous Lion

If only there hadn't been so many narcissists, psychopaths, and sociopaths created in the last couple of generations. If only their parents had taught them that life isn't all about them and only them. To live in a small town of real people sounds so peaceful. Leave those miscreants to the horrible big cities they seem to love so much. Run them out of the small towns. Wouldn't that be nice.

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It's money that screws up the whole thing. That's my woof.

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Too bad we no longer have any "money". Federal Reserve Notes are not federal, represent no monetary reserves and no longer conform to the definition of notes. Failing to state who, will pay what, when or to whom - they ceased to be legal tender notes, (offers of money) over 50 years ago. They are in fact instruments of legalized THEFT. It's actually LACK of money that is screwing everything up! ROAR!

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Zackly, bro. I second that ROAR! and raise you a HOOOOWWWWLLLLL!

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I agree!! Yes, yes, and yes.

ONE request: Stop leaving WOMEN out of everything. If we had a government of WOMEN, we'd never be in this mess we're in. I'm tired of men acting like women don't even exist as actual PEOPLE.

I probably sound like I'm talking only to YOU, Lion, but I'm just barking.

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Oct 2, 2022·edited Oct 2, 2022Author

Well, I'd have to wonder if you would be correct or not. I can think of Angela Merkel of Germany, Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand, for example. As "leaders those two prove you aren't correct. HOWEVER, there are good leaders in both sexes. It's the INDIVIDUAL, not the sex. Nut cases abound in both sexes.

Kristi Noem, the governor of South Dakota is fantastic. And Lauren Boebert comes to mind as a staunch defender of liberty.

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It's a thing, these days-- maybe it's always been a thing-- that often when someone makes a kind of general observation, the immediate response from some is to assume a black and white explanation. Well, look at the situation this way: In the history of our present human existence, from Sumeria onward (there appears to be civilizations well before that which have not be acknowledged, but that's a whole 'nuther conversation!) to the present day, MEN have basically run the show. Sure, there's been a sprinkling of women in there, and I am not unaware of this fact, having just seen the end of one them, Queen E. the II, so it's obvious, and it's also obvious that there has been some good female leadership, but the two women you name are not what I would consider "good," but certainly are in leadership positions. Yes, it's clear that it's the individual, and it's clear too, that it's the situation, the times, etc. (And I have a similar feeling, with reservations because I don't have that much information on her, about Kristi Noem.)

It seems that making a broad statement invites protests of being too broad. In order to explain myself, I have to write a LOT more words. Then it's often complaints that I've written too many words. My conclusion is, that often, quite often, on social media, what we get is a lot of random argument without any real substance to it, just a sort of contradiction by reactivity. It's easy to go there these days, as the Divide and Conquer tool is wielded on a daily basis, deliberately...

I think this is not the case in your case, though, but you're still missing my point.

In citing a few instances of women being in positions of political power, the longer view I am seeing is how very few, there actually are. Over the long years of warring and fighting, only a very few women stand out in history, of olden days or recent days or current days. This is almost, ALMOST, an entirely male role, and in terms of warfare and in terms of science and scientific advances in how to kill people, it's been even more dominated by men. Women in these fields was not only forbidden, almost entirely, until quite recently, it is also the case that there have been a very few EXCEPTIONS.

That is my point. Women involved in warfare and killing and weaponry has been virtually non-existent and it's been men only. Prove me wrong. This is a matter of fact, not opinion. I'm not blaming individual men, each and every single one. I'm simply making an observation that has been made before, and here we are, putting our pinkie toes in the pool of nuclear war, again, and so my thoughts are thus.

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