Mankind lost its mind and has been passing it on for thousands of years.
Sometimes, during the night when I should be sleeping, and I can’t, my mind starts asking me questions that I would like an answer to. One of the questions I ask is WHY did this all happen and WHEN did this all happen? And I’m sure you’re wondering what is “this”.
Well, this is the question. When did the masses decide that it was easier or better for themselves to have “rulers” to rule over them? If the Bible is correct, it apparently happened during the time of the Israelites when “God” used “Judges” to rule over the people. And those “Judges” were appointed by the people as a whole which is a different way of saying voted in, isn’t it? Maybe there has to be some sort of way to arbitrate for disputing parties in a controversy. How we go about it in a actual free society would be the big question. And the Israelites told Samuel that they just had to have a King like all the other nations. What was in the water? I mean REALLY?? I can’t rule myself , Samuel, please let me have a king to rule me!
As it stands, in our so called free society there are three groups of people. When it comes to the subject of occupations, there are people who produce a product, people who offer a service, and parasites. Well, unfortunately, for those who produce a product or offer a service there are those among us who seem to make the most of their vocation. “Government” workers as a whole with benefits and salary make more than the average producer of a good or those who offer a service. Yes, on the average, the PARASITES make FAR more for their useless unneeded job than those of us who offer a service or produce a product.
According to the Reason Foundation that if you are comparing private sector and government worker salaries the public sector offers ironclad job security and greater pension benefits. How does that make sense? Why should those among us who are basically providing NO service and NO products have a better position in life than those who are? And if you THINK that government workers provide a SERVICE that cannot be provided by the private sector, tell me what you think that is.
Putting that to the side, let’s ask ourselves a few other questions. These were nagging at me this past night. WHO decided and why does it seem to be the norm that some ONE was able to draw out lines on a map and claim that the area on the map they drew out was a “state” or “country”? If you think about it, all states and counties are man made concepts that don’t exist outside of our own minds. Do you think an eagle flying overhead discerns the state of Arkansas from the state of Missouri? Obviously not. And now these places all have “law makers” I.E. PARASITES that feed off the rest of us like vampires. YEAH! And the masses “vote” for them to feed off them. Am I the insane one or is everyone else needing to take a closer look at reality?
So WHO came up with this shit and why did the masses go along with it? WHO decided who was to become governor, senator, congressman, county commissioner, etc. etc.?? Surely they didn’t get voted in first time around, how could of they? Isn’t it really sort of like a gang that takes over an area in town but on a larger scale? If a gang takes over and tells you that you need to pay them so much a month to stay in business or “else”. How do you deal with it? Sure they wouldn’t be a “legal” gang, but if they burn your business down, and you really have no recourse what is the difference if it is a “legalized” gang? One that charges you rent on your home and if you don’t pay it, they won’t burn it down, but they will come with the “sheriff” and his “deputies” to force you out at gun point, won’t they? And just think, if YOU improve your home and make the value of it go up, THEY get to reassess the value and charge you more rent. THEY don’t spend a dime of their earnings or one minute of their labor to do the improvements but THEY get to decide what the value is and how much rent you are going to pay them OR ELSE. And by the way, the 2nd plank of the Communist manifesto is at play here. Abolition of all RIGHT to PRIVATE property and the application of all RENT to PUBLIC purpose.
And no one seems to notice. No one seems to care. And we just keep getting poorer and poorer while the parasites get to drive new cars, live in fancy homes and send their kids to private schools because after all, they figured out that “public school” is nothing but an indoctrination center! AND the 10th plank of the Communist Manifesto!
The statement in this meme is the truth isn’t it? Think about it. Even the POLICE are parasites for all intents. What SERVICE do the actually provide? Do they really protect you? Do they really stop crime? Don’t they show up AFTER the burglary? Robbery? Rape? Murder? Or other crime? And no one seems to notice. No one seems to care.
I just watched a video where some young guy who was part of the “sovereign citizen” movement (aren’t we all actually sovereign citizens? or does someone else OWN us? Maybe George Carlin was right?) gets pulled over because the police didn’t like his “license plate” and a verbal abuse encounter ensues, where he was being threatened by these gang members for actually protesting the belief that “driving is a privilege” which is actually bullshit. The way you weigh a right against a privilege is with a simple test. Can you engage in the activity or possess the object if there were no “government” without damaging someone else in their life, liberty or property? If the answer is YES, then it is a RIGHT not a privilege. The result of this encounter? Well, since he was being such a PITA to the police gang, it seems one of them yelled the murder him command. Which in this day and age is GUN, GUN, GUN. Did anyone SEE him pull a gun? No. Did anyone have a gun pointed at them? No. But it turned out that laying on the passenger side of the car on the floor was a gun. Seems like a good reason to yell, GUN, GUN, GUN and then shoot the kid in the chest numerous times and kill him. Well, that took care of THAT threat to society. We can’t have folks running around thinking and pushing the idea that we are sovereign citizens now can we? We’ll just call that belief one that is worthy of the death penalty! Do you REALLY believe this 25 year old kid was trying to pull a gun on all those cops? HELL NO! But all of these cops went to work that day as a gang so paranoid that they became trigger happy and careless…DIDN’T THEY? When you really think about what the job entails…a normal person wouldn’t want it. And no one seems to notice. No one seems to care.
I don’t know about you, but if I get pulled over for a traffic infraction, I surely don’t feel safer in that situation. But I should, shouldn’t I? Why do we put up with this crap? Who really has the AUTHORITY to tell you what you can or cannot do as long as you harm no one else? The whole concept of the fiction called the state charging someone with a crime is ludicrous. Who gave SOMEONE the right to tell you that you had to have a piece of paper identifying yourself to travel down the roads in your supposedly private automobile? And that you pay them an extortion fee every year to get a license plate and registration?
I’m convinced. It is some sort of religion that the majority of the people of the world have been brainwashed into accepting. Just like other religions with insane beliefs like letting cows walk around among those that are starving and refusing to kill and consume it, to making women wear veils or bow to the feet of their husbands, religion is a problem. Worship of the “state” has to be the most deadly of all superstitions.
I could write on and on, but I don’t want to take up more than five minutes of your time and I’ve ran over one minute if you are the average reader at this point….
Think about it. Let me know in the comments below and if you agree with what I’m saying pass this post around to your friends and relatives. I just can’t help it…I guess I’m just a terrible run away SLAVE!
And no one seems to notice. No one seems to care.
You hit the nail on the head in asking why we have government and looking for the answer in Samuel.
" Samuel continued as Israel’s leader all the days of his life. From year to year he went on a circuit from Bethel to Gilgal to Mizpah, judging Israel in all those places..." Samuel 7:15
Israel had a system based on common law. People interacted by contracts, oral or written. These were "laws" that emerged spontaneously form the interaction of the people. They did not need a king to make laws, only a judge to settle contract disputes.
Scholars theorize that the people wanted to switch to a king system because there were threatened with invasion and a top-down rule would be better for military purposes. Much in the way that Greeks switched from being a democracy to being ruled by a "tyrant" when they were at war.
Probably, in prehistory before kings and writing emerged, all societies used common law systems. Once kings got in power, they weren't going to yield control back to the people.
You hit the nail with your head!!
Why do we have government? It screws up everything it touches. We are about to go to war with Russia and China. Did anyone ask you? Do the everyday American citizens want war? Do the Russian citizens want war? How about the Chinese citizens? Who wants war?...the government! The defense contractors!
Why do we bend over and take it up the ying-yang from these despicable people?
Governments worldwide don't care about their people. What next?