You hit the nail on the head in asking why we have government and looking for the answer in Samuel.
" Samuel continued as Israel’s leader all the days of his life. From year to year he went on a circuit from Bethel to Gilgal to Mizpah, judging Israel in all those places..." Samuel 7:15
Israel had a system based on common law. People interacted by contracts, oral or written. These were "laws" that emerged spontaneously form the interaction of the people. They did not need a king to make laws, only a judge to settle contract disputes.
Scholars theorize that the people wanted to switch to a king system because there were threatened with invasion and a top-down rule would be better for military purposes. Much in the way that Greeks switched from being a democracy to being ruled by a "tyrant" when they were at war.
Probably, in prehistory before kings and writing emerged, all societies used common law systems. Once kings got in power, they weren't going to yield control back to the people.
These united States were based on common law until someone weaseled their way in with the so called statutory law. Made up of bullshit creating crimes out of things that wouldn't in the least bit be a crime under common law. I think I hit upon it a bit in "Why The Militia?" down near the bottom when I wrote about the Magna Carta.
Why do we have government? It screws up everything it touches. We are about to go to war with Russia and China. Did anyone ask you? Do the everyday American citizens want war? Do the Russian citizens want war? How about the Chinese citizens? Who wants war?...the government! The defense contractors!
Why do we bend over and take it up the ying-yang from these despicable people?
Governments worldwide don't care about their people. What next?
I hope a society of voluntary cooperation where the rule of the law is "do no harm". Where the sheepdogs will protect the helpless. Where you have to damage someone to be a criminal. Where something that is a heinous act would be considered a felony. Where the majority can agree that war is wrong except in self defense. Where a "well regulated militia being NECESSARY to the SECURITY of a free state" is back in force and effect because the people realize it is for their own benefit. Where standing armies are done away with. Where everyone realizes that the 10 planks of the communist manifesto are bad for humanity. Where "The Law" by Frederic Bastiat, written in 1850 is the first lesson for children at an early age. Where people can live wherever they want as long as they make their own way and don't expect others to make their way for them. You may say I'm a dreamer...But I'm not the only one...
We've become so accustomed to "the way it is," only a few lions and rowdy dogs are making any noise about all this. Me, I'd like to see govt. go away completely, localized townships, and FREEDOM.
You hit the nail on the head in asking why we have government and looking for the answer in Samuel.
" Samuel continued as Israel’s leader all the days of his life. From year to year he went on a circuit from Bethel to Gilgal to Mizpah, judging Israel in all those places..." Samuel 7:15
Israel had a system based on common law. People interacted by contracts, oral or written. These were "laws" that emerged spontaneously form the interaction of the people. They did not need a king to make laws, only a judge to settle contract disputes.
Scholars theorize that the people wanted to switch to a king system because there were threatened with invasion and a top-down rule would be better for military purposes. Much in the way that Greeks switched from being a democracy to being ruled by a "tyrant" when they were at war.
Probably, in prehistory before kings and writing emerged, all societies used common law systems. Once kings got in power, they weren't going to yield control back to the people.
These united States were based on common law until someone weaseled their way in with the so called statutory law. Made up of bullshit creating crimes out of things that wouldn't in the least bit be a crime under common law. I think I hit upon it a bit in "Why The Militia?" down near the bottom when I wrote about the Magna Carta.
You hit the nail with your head!!
Why do we have government? It screws up everything it touches. We are about to go to war with Russia and China. Did anyone ask you? Do the everyday American citizens want war? Do the Russian citizens want war? How about the Chinese citizens? Who wants war?...the government! The defense contractors!
Why do we bend over and take it up the ying-yang from these despicable people?
Governments worldwide don't care about their people. What next?
I hope a society of voluntary cooperation where the rule of the law is "do no harm". Where the sheepdogs will protect the helpless. Where you have to damage someone to be a criminal. Where something that is a heinous act would be considered a felony. Where the majority can agree that war is wrong except in self defense. Where a "well regulated militia being NECESSARY to the SECURITY of a free state" is back in force and effect because the people realize it is for their own benefit. Where standing armies are done away with. Where everyone realizes that the 10 planks of the communist manifesto are bad for humanity. Where "The Law" by Frederic Bastiat, written in 1850 is the first lesson for children at an early age. Where people can live wherever they want as long as they make their own way and don't expect others to make their way for them. You may say I'm a dreamer...But I'm not the only one...
I agree with you.
We've become so accustomed to "the way it is," only a few lions and rowdy dogs are making any noise about all this. Me, I'd like to see govt. go away completely, localized townships, and FREEDOM.
This place just keeps sucking more and more.
"This place"? What place are you referring too? The world? The country you live in? The state you live in? Just curious.
Great reason to kill someone, because they argue with you. (Obviously, they're all dumbocraps.) There's a gun in the floorboard. Yep, he must die!
Excellent commentary. Stockholm Syndrome explains why so many identify with their oppressors.
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