The system is rigged. The wealthiest 1% control governments, economies, and media, while the rest struggle to get by.
Adam is correct. I read this and he is definitely on the right track. One of the ways we have to take it back is by taking total control of the monetary system. In my mind, that isn’t crypto. It NEEDS to be some THING. It needs to be a system like Judge Roger Sherman set up for us over 234 years ago. A system of barter with a commodity that has been used for that purpose for thousands of years. Read about it here. The other thing we need to do is get our state governors to start Constitutional state militias. You know what are described as NECESSARY to the SECURITY of a FREE state in the 2nd amendment. If they won’t, start your own. Call it something else. Joe Sixpacks Gun Club…whatever. Anyhow see if you agree with Adam. I do. He is right. We are right. The people of the world need to get behind a movement like this. YESTERDAY! One quick update…after reading the post twice, I had observation that I need to share brought to my attention. Voting won’t do squat. Everyone you get to vote for has been picked for you already in almost all of the races. And if you are going to vote, ALWAYS vote against anything that will further your slavery. The other thing is, we have UNALIENABLE NATURAL RIGHTS. One of them isn’t the Internet. You do not have a RIGHT to a home. You don’t have a RIGHT to food or water. You have to work and compensate those who make your food and water available. If you CAN’T work, then honest to goodness charities or your own family will take care of you. Don’t expect someone to be FORCED to do it for you as any other way to obtain it is THEFT. PERIOD. When you work for someone, YOU’VE made the final decision. So it if isn’t a “living wage” you made that decision. Don’t like it, go learn a trade, learn something where there is a big enough demand that you can make MORE than a living wage. And unfortunately, in many, many cases the poor among us are there due to their own fault. They refuse to get up and tie their boot laces and walk. I see it all the time. ~C.L.
To the People Everywhere,
The system is rigged. The wealthiest 1% control governments, economies, and media, while the rest struggle to get by. This isn’t about politics or ideology—it’s about power. They have it. We don’t.
The good news? We’re waking up. Across the globe, people are uniting to demand fairness, justice, and freedom. Together, we can take back what’s ours.
• The Middle Class is Under Attack:
Housing prices, wages, and food costs are manipulated, pushing us into desperation and dependence. They want us divided, weak, and easy to control.
• Technology is Being Used Against Us:
Surveillance and media are tools to monitor, distract, and divide. Innovation should liberate us—not make us pawns in their game.
• Corporate Greed Controls Politics:
Politicians answer to billionaires and corporations, not to the people. Our votes mean little when money is involved.
We don’t need to destroy the system but rebuild it. This starts with everyday people taking action together.
1. Money Out of Politics
• Ban corporate donations and Super PACs.
• Cap campaign spending and make funding 100% transparent.
2. Fair Wages and Strong Communities
• Demand a living wage and break up monopolies.
• Support local businesses, co-operatives, and renewable energy owned by communities.
3. Reclaim Technology
• End mass surveillance and ensure internet access is a human right.
• Decentralize control of critical technologies to empower everyone.
4. Unite Across Borders
• This is a global fight. Share strategies, resources, and victories. Together, we’re unstoppable.
1. Educate Yourself:
Learn how the system works. Share the truth.
2. Organize Locally:
Build mutual aid networks and community projects.
3. Resist:
Boycott exploitative companies.
Demand accountability from leaders.
4. Take Action:
Protest, vote, and fight for policies that put people first.
The future belongs to us—not the billionaires.
If we rise together, we can create a world where everyone thrives, not just the wealthy few.
The storm is here, and we’re the ones who can change its course.
It’s time to fight back.
For our families.
For our communities.
For our future.
The time is now.
Let’s rise.
~ GQ - Grant Adam Coleman
January 9, 2025
Photo by Anastasiya Badun on Unsplash
Civilization, goes and old maxim, is never more than three meals away from barbarism—once the food deliveries stop, so does law and order. Therefore, the baseline of preparedness is as follows:
Become your own farmer. A garden in every lawn should be standard. You can no longer trust anything from a corporation, so cutting out reliance on a retailer is a good place to start thinking about your resiliency. ‘Incorporated’ City water isn’t viable either for its quality or reliability, so wells must be dug (there is no resource more important in your life than clean water, hands down).
Beyond that, start stitching together webs of alliances with your neighbors for resiliency, defense, and resource sharing (they might grow what you do not and vice versa)—put the “common unity” back in community, and get control of those town councils and school boards. Finally: stop eating, listening to, and watching things that are bad for your mind, body, and spirit, and, if so inclined, spend a good chunk of your time on your knees each day.
Excerpt from
I found it interesting that the author starts with "the system is rigged" and then later tells us to vote. I've been voting for more than 50 years, and things have got progressively worse. Those we vote for are owned by the rich and powerful. Calling your representatives in Congress is a waste of time. One of my senators is the largest recipient of Big Pharma handouts. Do you think he will vote to confirm Robert Kennedy?
I'm too old to do much more than ride out the storm. I still do a small garden and support my local farmer. Trying not to spend money with those who hold the keys is difficult, as those who hold the keys now own almost every avenue, directly or indirectly.
I have spent the last 20 years trying to wake up the asleep. I doubt that one person opened their eyes to reality. People only wake up on their own; usually when it becomes too painful to remain asleep.
To say that I'm cynical and disheartened is an understatement. All I can do is trudge on and not comply as much as possible. And pray.