I once lived next to a fellow that made a very good living - cleaning lunch trays for prisons in various states around the country... simple enough. He had multiple homes around the world - and was always telling about his lavish vacations and jetset lifestyle. Grifters love the business of government and the legislatures who make the laws to make their businesses.

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by Courageous Lion

Now I've read the whole post, I will simply say that THIS MAKES PERFECT SENSE.

Because we don't any longer live in a Republic, we should use our rights to get it back.

Grand juries seem like the best way... or one of them.

Perhaps we can use the GJ's to get RID OF 5G (and cell towers, period) and get RID of chem trails, and GET RID of all the synthetic pesticides and other chemicals in our food supply... And to create better, cleaner municipal water facilities (reverse osmosis is good)... And THESE would be a very good start to help the pop get healthier, and then we'll go after the rest... Great post!

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"Our prisons, rather than being rehabilitative, are merely schools, which teach further crime."


And I'm adding this now, as I'm not finished reading yet, so I don't forget to say it... Prison is a place of destruction, of the soul and of self-esteem, if there was any to start with. They take one's dignity, they hammer people, which either breaks them, or does enough to incur incredible rage, which is not able to be expressed right away, and it festers.

The dehumanization of the population has been a long, on-going administration of deliberate "softening" so that this tyranny we now face can be served up... Have you heard of the Act of 1871? Did you know, dear Lion, that the DOD was involved in the manufacture of the so-called "vaccine," which is actually a COUNTER-MEASURE, or in civilian speak, a weapon?

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