Ron Paul hasn't even touched what the act will mean to all of us.

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Thank you for writing this. It echoes my sentiments exactly.

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The anti-federalist papers are not as widely known or available, for reasons that we become obvious. They thought the Constitution was too centralized, and that fear of chaos and anarchy was used to justify a powerful US government.

"The evils of anarchy have been portrayed with all the imagery of language in the growing colors of eloquence; the affrighted mind is thence led to clasp the new Constitution as the instrument of deliverance, as the only avenue to safety and happiness."

George Clinton, Antifederalist No. 6, The Hobgoblins Of Anarchy And Dissensions Among The States, Anti-Federalist Papers (1788)

I too am for localized everything and yes that requires re-thinking everything in a big way, EVERYTHING! IMHO decentralization and self-organization are the secret ingredients of freedom. Secret because our Leftist masters keep hiding and burying them.

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Good article on the Restrict Act on Mises Wire.

"The act is truly terrifying, but more than the open tyranny that it would further, the act illustrates a very clear problem from the perspective of the state...."


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I shared your post, Lion, and I signed the protest via Ron Paul.

It's TIME, the shit is flying and it's gonna hit the fan very soon.


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deletedApr 21, 2023Liked by Courageous Lion
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Centralized power is NOT a good thing-- many of the early Americans were very much aware of that, but the wealthy landholders won out (and they STOLE their land, a lot of them, from the Native Peoples). Time we made this country a more ethical place, eh?!

I like your handle!

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We weren't supposed to have centralized power. Obviously, something went terribly wrong.

"The very definition of tyranny is when all powers are gathered under one place."

James Madison, Federalist Paper No. 47 (1788)

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I like Madison...

I have been very slack about getting down and reading the Federalist Papers... I will get on that!! But yeah, and I think it's the descendants of those same people that undid the REAL American thing and kept the Oligarchy going that are now trying to chip and enslave us... The "black nobility," ha ha, nothing "noble" about those inbred rat bastard psychotards!

I saw somewhere an historian said we had about two or three decades of a Whole New Thing, and then the Civil War, and then boom! They sold us out and secretly made us a fucking CORPORATION, and it's been all downhill and fuckery since. Time to BRING BACK THE REAL THING... Liberty and Individual Sovereignty, among a few others. Cheers.

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Agreed. One thought, if you read the Federalist Papers, also read the Anti-Federalist papers. Those guys were the ones who really loved liberty.

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Is that the name of them? "Anti-Federalist papers"? I have read things that discuss some the things in the FP, and some of the arguments against some of that, but not the source material. I do think I downloaded FP, so I can get on that soon...

But I am not in favor of centralized power... Not in govt, not in banks, not really in much of anything that can subvert individual freedoms. I am for localized everything, but also I'm for re-thinking EVERYTHING, too. ;) Yes, it'll be a Big Job.

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deletedApr 21, 2023·edited Apr 21, 2023
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Cool. 👍👍

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Yes. One option to statutory law created by a few legislators that I like is common law. The people establish customs and make agreements that eventually become law. So laws come from the bottom up not the top down. Part of the British system is their common law. Don't know why our forefathers didn't add it to our system.

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Our system was based totally on the common law at it's inception. NOT Roman statutory law. Check out the late George Gordon's School of Common Law. He was GENIUS on the subject. http://www.georgegordonschooloflaw.com/

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Absolutely. One of the main goals of Leftists is to replace God with Gov. They want to wipe out Christianity and replace it with their religion. They don't believe that men are women. Their lies are used attacks on what is good and right.

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