It's way worse than that....the rich of the world who think they own us not only use psychotropics in out of control/poorly supervised use with the mentally unfit who used to be housed in psychiatric hospitals that Nixon began getting rid of after he opened china with them demanding he get rid of all our guns, but in many other ways as well as Obama's attempt at the UN small arms treaty and too many others to mention such as Pelosi and her "1808" that just passed the house ! HUGE topic which we must prevail over or lose our guns AND our country to those same malfeasant rich like Gates, Fauci or Klaus the Klown and his monetary/economic hitmen (Perkins), etc. ...also not even mentioning the over 250 MILLION illegal guns in the US ! (in addition to our LEGAL 500 MILLION)

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What are "illegal guns"?

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Dec 14, 2022
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Reminds me of these lyrics from the #1 Song of 1969...(In The Year 2525) Problem is, they have become the norm of society TODAY, we don't have to wait until 3535 or whenever...

In the year 3535

Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lies

Everything you think, do, and say

Is in the pills you took today

In the year 4545

Ain't gonna need your teeth, won't need your eyes

You won't find a thing to chew

Nobody's gonna look at you

In the year 5555

Your arms are hanging limp at your sides

Your legs got nothing to do

Some machine's doing that for you

In the year 6565

Ain't gonna need no husband, won't need no wife

You'll pick your sons, pick your daughters too

From the bottom of a long glass tube


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