First off, CONGRESS was tasked with "coining money" not the President. So there is your first Constitutional violation by St. Lincoln. Second of all, unless your a total illiterate idiot, the statement in the Constitution about COINING MONEY is not the same as PRINTING greenbacks. So great, once he had violated it it was only a few years later that the whole economic system of these united States was flipped on it's head with the creation of the Feral Reserve. No, that's not a typo.

" I'm not certain, but I think having the Treasury issue greenbacks complies with the Constitution's intent that the "Congress;" i.e, the "government," shall have power to coin money." Let me help you out. You can be CERTAIN that the treasury issuance of greenbacks was in DIRECT violation of the two provisions that Judge Roger Sherman had instituted in the US Constitution to which was the understanding that the door has been slammed in the face of paper money forever. Read his booklet that is linked to.

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"TAXES on the NATIONAL LEVEL pay for NOTHING. They are there for the purpose of CONTROL and to take purchasing power away from the slaves so they cannot compete as much for goods and services in the marketplace."

Hm. I just read this today,

"Taxation is increasingly a just a mechanism to provide economic incentives and subsidies for various politically popular activities -- think, mortgage interest rate deductions, health insurance deductions, child care credits, Obamacare subsidies, progressive rates focused on achieving income equality, etc."


It was a comment to an article by Murray Rothbard republished today on Mises Wire. Rothbard wrote:

"There has also been a great amount of useless controversy about which activity of government imposes the burden on the private sector: taxation or government spending. It is actually futile to separate them, since they are both stages in the same process of burden and redistribution."

What are taxes? I thought I knew. Now I'm afraid that I have to think about that all weekend.

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"Taxation is increasingly a just a mechanism to provide economic incentives and subsidies for various politically popular activities -- think, mortgage interest rate deductions, health insurance deductions, child care credits, Obamacare subsidies, progressive rates focused on achieving income equality, etc." REALLY? Why would they need taxes for any of the listed items if they can create all they want out of thin air in the way of fiat currency or "money" with a computer entry? Taxation is for one thing and one thing only! To make you THINK that they are for something other than hiding the FRAUD of the monetary system. My article entitled "Blood Running In The Streets" wasn't accepted by Lew. I'm starting to see WHY. Maybe it hits too far into the belly of reality and maybe, just maybe the Mises Institute is attached to the big fat mammy gland of Auntie Samatha in some way. Makes me wonder. My understanding should be common knowledge but people like Peter Schiff and Doug Casey get in the way with their screwed up view of the whole dog and pony show.

Fed Notes are NO THING. Crypto is NO THING. Our founding fathers established an economy on SOME THING. That some THING is gold and silver coin denominated in "dollar weight".

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I completely agree. Furthermore, since we are talking about unconstitutional behaviors, policies and agencies within gov't, there is NO AUTHORIZATION ANYWHERE in the Constitution for the sending of HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS, to the point of multiple TRILLIONS of useless 'Monopoly Money" "dollars" (which have the value of ZIP) to foreign nations for a damn thing! Politicians send YOUR "money" to foreign nations for THEIR OWN BENEFIT...not YOURS!....AND ALL OF THAT "MONEY" IS NOTHING MORE, and certainly nothing LESS then BORROWED DEBT THAT WE THE PEOPLE have to pay back to the behemoth Magic Money Laundering Service, better known as the Federal Reserve. It is factually financial fraud!

The US Taxpayer, who is penalized for working and collecting wages, must hand over a portion of his/her wages ILLEGALLY SIPHONED from himself/herself, for the TREASONOUS corruption going on in the District of Columbia, not to mention our own state houses!! There are dozens and DOZENS of unconstitutional agencies/bureaus formed by the Hedonists in Washington DC, that WE THE PEOPLE never voted on to establish!!! Thus, they are utterly unconstitutional!!

Since we are NOT being represented by anyone in Washington DC, then.............perhaps we should quit paying them to live off the WELFARE they confiscate from us...for their own luxury and benefits.

Stop Feeding the PIG!

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Hello Courageous Roaring Lion !

I took your post on Badlands Substack and I come back with this article:

"Is the Federal Reserve a British Institution?

An Exploration into the Hidden Legal Origins of the Federal Reserve"


I think both your subjects are linked in many ways ...

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It could be connected. Who really knows? Since the world banksters are always involved in some sort of blood orgy around the world with their wars and other crap, nothing would surprise me what those bastards do behind the scenes. I look forward to the day someone in the know how utilizes Jim Bell's essay. Google: James Dalton Bell and read his essay. It's plastered all over the web.

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will do.

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Everything in the Western (sic) World is a British Institution, pretty much. The "Five Eyes" are all blackened by the "City of London" and the "Crown" and all the Black Nobility (typical arrogant, self-aggrandizing title, eh? lol) you can eat, as it were. Leaves a nasty taste in one's mouth, tho.

Those are the people, even beyond the Rothschilds... The true Shadow Dwellers, these people. But their time may well be coming to an end, since they are the driving force and the funding behind all this eugenics and Malthusian Nastiness going on... My take, anyway. But I totally agree with you about the Fed-- what an incredible con job that was!!

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I agree with "Everything in the Western (sic) World is a British Institution, pretty much".

I think it could be very interesting and useful if someone could write about the subject of the Imperial Measure System as a tool/mean of power.

The 3 last countries still officially using it are: Liberia, Myanmar and ... the USA !

Just have a look at the mess around it just for your exchanges with your northern neighbour!

I would also ask the will of Russia for abandoning the Imperial Measure System in 1925 and choising the Metric System (there are probably links with British and American powerful bankers at this same time).

During the French Revolution Nicolas de Condorcet was convinced that a universal and standard system of measurement would enable people to calculate their own interests, "without which they cannot be truly equal in rights...nor truly free."

Source: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/history-magazine/article/french-revolution-toppled-king-forged-metric-system

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Oh, I was going to save that link, but it's telling me I have to SUBSCRIBE to read the article. I'm not gonna do that. Maybe one day you can summarize it for us all... Stinkin' corporate mags!

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Hello !

Perhaps you can access for free (as I did) to thé French version of the article and use a web translator like Deepl ?


I Hope it can help you 😉

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I probably won't have time to do much with a lot of extra reading, honestly. I'm in a time of heavy study already! But thank you for your efforts, I do appreciate it.

And also, to be frank, I really don't like National Geographic anymore, since it was taken over by Charles Koch.

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Interesting! I'll have to get to this article later, too much to do right now, but I'll save it.

We can meet on Lion's page, he's very cool. And he's a CAT, too! lol Just "kitten," Lion! ;)

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I asked Burning Bright (Tiger) aka B.B. for his help and knowledge about this article and our comments !

I hope he'll come and intervene here as soon he has some time.

Look in the comments of his 1st part of his "Righteous Russia" series ( a must read in 10 parts !):


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I will try, when I have time. Merci, mon ami. :)

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You're welcome !

🇺🇸 🇫🇷

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As a French citizen, I keep in mind that we have a very old expression for the British monarchy. We refer to it as the perfidious Albion. Personally, I find it very difficult to accept the notion that a king, a monarchy could have the nerve to declare itself "head" of its own church! Can there be a worse affront to God? British royalty seems to have chosen to be a vassal of the evil empire a long time ago...

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I think you are absolutely en pointe. And not only the "head" of its own church, but ordained to RULE over every single other person within reach, by GOD. Charles I should have disavowed everyone of that notion at the time!! They ended up beheading him, for High Treason, I believe, but even so, they kept all their oligarchy-on-steroids forever to this day... and CHARLES III? The guy with the ambition of being a tampon??? Gimme liberty from that hell or gimme DEATH. Pleeeeeze. From my school days, I remember this phrase... "Plus pire que toi!" ;)

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I was of the understanding that Lincoln was assassinated, just as JFK was, because of the attempt to take the currency back to the people and away from the Fed (and yeah, the Fed Res was the worst con ever stomped into the People of the US via skulduggery and sabotage...). Of course, JFK was taken out for other things as well, but as soon as he had currency printed up that said "United States Note" see https://www.orwelltoday.com/jfkdollarlincoln.jpg --- he was dead in a week after that.

Lincoln did the greenbacks, he was shot dead, too, as we all know. I'm not sure most people really understand about all this, so THANKS for the post! Good job, I'd say, I agree with everything you're saying, and I would only add that the TAXES are vile, there are TOO FUCKIN MANY of them, and nobody who buys a house should have to pay property taxes on them, or it's the same thing as RENT. My folks are nearly 89, and close to 92, respectively, they don't make much money, and here in WA they're paying some $4K/year just in property taxes. WA is very high, and it's just robbery. Fie. Taxes on this, licenses for that... nickle and dime you to DEATH and then take some of that, too. Shiiiiiiit. I'd say this thieving should end NOW. Yesterday!!!

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You may be absolute correct on both accounts. The United States Note was definitely a slap in the face of the international Bankster cartel and once they had their foot in the door with Lincoln, they surely didn't want to take it out. So while the controversy about who whacked both Lincoln and Kennedy, you can be sure that whoever was behind them both had a lot to gain and we the people had a lot to lose.

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You know it, bro. On it goes...

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I'm in California and pay nearly 6 grand a year in property extortion fees. This for my 7,500 sq. ft. postage stamp lot. It is so angering!

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Good description. Property EXTORTION fees. It's OK if those in the government steal, but you try it, and it won't go over so well.

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All governments use various forms of violence to achieve their nefarious goals of enslavement, derangement, and decrepitude.

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The only proper use of government is stated in the Declaration of Independence. Anything outside of that is TYRANNY. To PROTECT the rights of the people in their lives, liberty and pursuit of happiness. But what has happened is:

The law perverted! And the police powers of the state perverted along with it! The law, I say, not only turned from its proper purpose but made to follow an entirely contrary purpose! The law become the weapon of every kind of greed! Instead of checking crime, the law itself guilty of the evils it is supposed to punish!

If this is true, it is a serious fact, and moral duty requires me to call attention of my fellow citizens to it. From "The Law" by Frederick Bastiat


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Yes, I agree that man-made laws ought to simply, thoroughly, and swiftly uphold Natural Law (God's Law, Universal Law, Cosmic Law) which as its basis is the very clear delineation of "right" and "wrong."

And thank you for exercising your moral duty by sharing the link; this will surely be great reading in all my "free time"! I plan to also share it soon in an article on my Stack.

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Oh, hell. YEAH.

Where in CA are you?

I have a great pal in OR, we're thinking of escaping somewhere NOT WOKE and maybe you should come with us!

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Come to Harrison Arkansas. My extortion fee is under $1000 for a 2 1/2 acre lot and a 1500 SQ house and a 30x40 shop.

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Maybe I will! I have a very good pal who will probably come with me... She's Excellent.

First I have to make sure my parents (very elder) are not left to the mercy of my psycho sibling. While I am saving my money to get outta here...

What's the landscape like there? Is it woodsy much? Hilly?

My granddad was born & raised there, so I'd be kinda coming "home..." ^_^

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We live in the Ozark Mountain area. It is hilly, lots of woods, lots of country, and lots of beautiful scenery. There are a lot of outdoor activities to do if you like. Mountain biking, cycling, boating, horseback riding, hunting, target shooting. Polytickshun hunting...SOON.

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Yeh, hear that last one! lol

I'm just about to take my first try at my CDL license... I wanna pass FIRST TRY; then I can go to full time and start saving money. WA State is the hardest state in the US to get a CDL, so it's going to open some doors for me. I'm planning to learn a lot more than just what's required... I want to fix my own vehicles, too... Anyway, time seems to drag by, but the Great Spirit is keeping my faith...

I'm going to look up Harrison tomorrow, but for now-- Sweet Dreams, Lion.

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I'm in Central Coast California, although inland about 20 miles as the crow flies from the coast. I just drove out that way yesterday, actually (see my photo and story on my other Substack https://sharinecreates.substack.com/p/californias-central-coast).

My husband and I live in a teeny pocket of old farmers who greatly enjoy their freedom, if you know what I mean. A lot of businesses stayed fully open during the CovAin't and did not refuse entry to folks like me who never wore a self-suffocation device. Also, there are plenty of "wokies" too but a large percentage of people here consider them to be subversives, as do we.

Oregon, if I recall, was one of the worst offenders of freedom. It may be a pretty state, but so is my little region; it's very rural. If push comes to shove, we've got tribe with great swaths of open land, and we decided we would rather stay and reclaim than run from tyrants, and I am *not* saying that you are doing that! I know that there are more pockets of freedom, and some folks prefer to "exit and build," so I wish you great success!!!!

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I'd say there's a certain amount of "running from tyrants," indeed! I asked because I spent about 25 years in SF/Alameda and if I thought CA was reasonable to return to, I'd consider it, just cuz I know it and it would be close to old pals-- who mostly won't talk to me anymore!! shiiiiit. Well, there it is. But my Oregon pal, they're talking about a 15-minute city in Portland, where she is, and we're planning to GIT and start afresh somewhere. Haven't decided, but right now it's not TOOOO bad where I am, just a lot of 5G towers going up, Smart Meters going up, nothing too Nazi-esque, but sneakier...

I just want to be somewhere I can find enough people who are awake, not woke, so I can enjoy life again... I'm very isolated in a town full of people, and see nearly every day people outside, walking alone, wearing Idiot Gags on their faces... Arrrrrrrrrgh.

I'm going to bed, but I'll sign on to your page, come and visit mine if you like, it's a lot of doggly humor and goofy stuff mixed in with bald-faced "truthy" stuff so far left even the truthies tell me I'm crazy! LOL Anyway, cheers, new pal! ^_^

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Subscribed, thank you for the photos, gifs, and laughs. It's a fun concept! And you're definitely digging down deep with the larger tribe. Cheers, new pal!

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This has been a bone in my contention throat for YEARS. after having studied the Constitution, and finding out that only the Congress has the authority to print and coin currency/money and regulate the value thereof, I discovered the Big Lie... somehow those fanatical perverts handed that authority over to the "Federal Reserve". First, they're NOT a federal agency, nor federal employees. It's a title they gave themselves to appear legitimate. THEY'RE NOT! The are a private banking cartel who finance both sides of all forms of warfare. They CANNOT lose money. It is a mortal sin for them to confess their complicity in all things devious.

The 16th Amendment was crafted by 5 bankers and a paid-for Congressman. WHOSE INTEREST do you think they had at heart? It conjures the scene of 6 wolves parked outside a chicken coup trying to decide what's for lunch.

The Group from Jekyll Island:

A. Piatt Andrew, Asst. Sec'y of the Treasury

Henry Pomeroy Davison, Sr. partner at JP Morgan and VP of First National Bank of NY

Frank A. Vanderlip, Pres. of National City Bank of NY and Asst Sec'y of the Treasury.

Paul M Warburg, a renown financial genius in Europe and the US, and unofficially represented the Rothschild Banking interests in the US. Warburg was the architect of the greatest fraud ever to be foisted upon the People of the USA.

Arthur Shelton, Asst to Cong. Nelson Aldrich who also attended the PRIVATE "duck hunt" at Jekyll Island, where the Federal Reserve Act was drafted.

Furthermore, when an Amendment is sent to the States for ratification, the States must pass or fail the bill of Amendment as it stands, and can change ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, not even a period can be moved or a comma inserted anywhere. Thus, when all the States were queried and the legislation thereof was investigated by certain individuals in the past, the ugly truth is, a majority of the States did NOT pass the amendment accurately, and thus, it is questionable that the 16th even stands as "law". Additionally, anything that offends the Constitution or violates it's inherent decrees is actually without force of law and void on it's face; I think that has been upheld by the SCOTUS as well.

The perversity of the monolithic ruling class is to commit fraud right in the People's Faces and laugh as they constrict our freedoms to challenge Mount Olympus where all the Sorcerers of Seduction live.

There was a serious challenge made by some very brave people in the past; one was IRS agent (and CPA) Joseph Banister, who, via prompting by concerned persons, requested the book, chapter and verse of how and when "individual income taxes" were deemed federally taxable. He got fired for asking questions. No one seems to be able to point to the EXACT section, paragraph or clause that DEFINES liability for individual income taxation. In this regard, taxation is based on PROFIT. If you agree to do 8 (or 40) hours of work for someone and you both agree on the amount of remuneration you will receive, then it amounts to equal work for equal pay. There is NO PROFIT there.

Do you see where this is going?

The American Working Citizen has been financially raped for over 104 years to the obscenely favorable increase of the Outlaw Government. This is what your TAXES buy: TYRANNY.

"The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.” Frederick Douglass

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"This has been a bone in my contention throat for YEARS. after having studied the Constitution, and finding out that only the Congress has the authority to print and coin currency/money and regulate the value thereof" From my research, Allie, I came to the realization that PRINTING "Money" was literally OUTLAWED by the Constitution. If you read the clauses and study the founders intent, especially A Caveat Against Injustice by Judge Roger Sherman you can only come to one logical conclusion. The use of PAPER "money" is a crime and was never to be used again. The use of it impoverishes the victims by the use of it. https://courageouslion380.substack.com/p/a-caveat-against-injustice The post I made called Blood Running In the Streets...is another class on the understanding of the screwed up system we are under at this time. https://courageouslion380.substack.com/p/blood-running-in-the-streets-mobs

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Thank you. I learn something new each day! I appreciate your insight and guidance to new information!

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Thanks for sharing. Great piece.

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One note about Lincoln. When he had his "greenbacks" printed to finance the war, he did so because Northern bankers wanted to charge him exorbitant interest rates on loans he had asked for. By having the Treasury issue greenbacks directly, he in effect did what the Constitution allowed him to do; i.e.,"[t]he Congress shall have Power to coin money, . . . " I'm not certain, but I think having the Treasury issue greenbacks complies with the Constitution's intent that the "Congress;" i.e, the "government," shall have power to coin money.

As you probably know, there is a whole lot more to this story. The efforts of the Rothschilds and their cohorts to create a central bank were ongoing almost from the time the Constitution was ratified. We had a couple central banks created and then allowed to dissolve, but the final nail in the coffin, so to speak, came in 1913, when wealthy conspirators pushed the Federal Reserve Act through the Congress and a dupe of a President signed it into law. That was the same year they legalized the income tax. With those two laws, legal wealth transfer via income taxes and paying interest on the Federal debt became a reality, and that wealth theft has only accelerated since then. We are witnessing, and will suffer the consequences, of that unlimited accumulation of debt (government and individual) when the financial system finally collapses (could be as soon as this year).

Bottom line, as you accurately state: Taxation is theft, no matter who is doing the taxing!

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Since the Federal debt is in NO THING, how can it ever be paid off? If they can create it out of thin air on paper or today with computer entries, why should ANYONE have to pay for something created out of thin air outside of the horrendous cost that is placed on the use of these toilet paper strips via inflation? Read my latest post about the Federal Income Tax. LOL! OK, you are!

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