Yes, it was a set up!

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Jul 19Liked by Courageous Lion

Best one I’ve read!👍🏽

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It is too early for Trump to come out and ream the SS a new one. Let Congress do their investigating, O’Keef’s organization do its thing; DJT’s job is to get elected with long coat tails and survive until January 21, 2025, and bring in clean aggressive leadership and then prosecute &/or fire everyone potentially guilty in the likely assassination plot.

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Yes, in a normal world where everything goes according to plan, you are right that is DJT's goals and objectives. The problem is our whole government is compromised and are being paid, bribed, etc to "get DJT" by any means necessary. We don't have time for theatrical hearings at this point

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Yeah, but he can’t do anything until he is sworn in & the House can’t do anything but hold hearings until the Senate is in R hands.

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Wrong doctor, He can pray 🙏 Team Trump needs to launch a world wide pray for the USA tour. She sinking faster than the Titanic.

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You are right, and I agree completely. I will confess that I am not a faithful pray er.

You have convicted me and I will change my ways.

I have breakfast with a group of men every Friday morning and I will include your point as we talk.

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Thank you and God bless you. Peace & prosperity always.

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And to you as well

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Jul 17Liked by Courageous Lion

Frank Zappa stated it best “ Politics is the theatre arm of the Military industrial complex” . Anyone who thinks Politics is real needs their heads read . There is no freedom underneath the system of fiat currency manipulation and fractional reserve currency. Free energy demanded by the people for the people in congress is what you yanks need to focus on . All this other shit Is obfuscation from the real shit that needs to be discussed UAP reverse engineering and UFO disclosures. History is bogus and the narrative of material reductionism is flawed and purposeful manipulation and malicious. Religion is redundant as is space time . Belief in the one consciousness and us all being fractals of it make dogma pointless. We live in a fabrication of the true world we know is possible if our collective hearts truly desires it .

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I think they waited until just before the convention because there wouldn't be time to pick anyone but Nikki - she had the most delegates. They couldn't chance DeSantis getting in. That's why she kept running and no one could understand it. Getting those delegates just in case Saturday was the end of Trump's life. So many are in on it, it would probably be best to say who wasn't.

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Naaaa....mere coincidence! Seems like a lot of them in this situation.

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Jul 22Liked by Courageous Lion

Sign of the times: The Russian media is more trustworthy than MSNBC on American politics.

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Jul 17Liked by Courageous Lion

Or possibly DEI incompetence.

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Jul 17Liked by Courageous Lion


If anyone can do better than this or has done better than this…by all means please elaborate with facts!

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Some guy named George Washington and his fellow collaborators. Thomas Jefferson comes to mind.

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Wrong. DJT knows exactly what to do. He does as he is told. What the deep state wants is a civil war. That’s why this was staged. It is a very poorly executed trick. If people can’t see through this when it’s this obvious there is no hope for humanity.

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Your opinion. I just don’t share it.

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Jul 17Liked by Courageous Lion

Why would you or anyone believe Lucy? She called all of his supporters “fake Christians” and thought since she can’t convince anyone, because she has nothing to bring to the table but her hateful words, and hate, she could write that without anyone calling her out. Fuck you Lucy…you never apologized for that statement. Apologize Lucy! You don’t get to play God…he does and God is the only one that knows a persons faith!

I don’t know your faith Courageous Lion no more than you know mine…but I would never stoop that low and call out millions of people fake Christians.

So why would anyone believe a woman that spouts off at the mouth and offends millions of people (behind their backs….coward too!)

And with all due respect CL…if you feel a need to block me because I’m calling this woman out, by all means please do. I would never be offended because this is your stack. I do love your tenacity and grit with honesty to others when they challenge you! You seem real….I like real in your face! She is a coward!

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Anyone who are so judgmental and self righteous as to think they can call out one Christian let alone a million is suffering from delusions of grandeur. I very seldom feel the need to block anyone who has their point of view. It is when someone attacks me directly with foul language and nothing to back their nastiness that I block someone. I find myself blocked for simply asking questions. That's why I'm not on Frances "Leaders" stack commenting. Some folks can't answer your questions so they simply block you.

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Jul 17Liked by Courageous Lion

Exactly! Thank you!

One blocked me yesterday before I could respond😂

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All they need to get their civil war is CHEAT again.

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Yelp…spot on. Only way they win is to cheat

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You can see the bigger picture and can remember history. As long as these Gene Therapy Shots are still being pushed on Humanity, there truly is no hope for the Human Race as a whole i.e. Damaging the Genetic make-up of every future Human on this planet is an act of gradual culling through diseases/syndromes/sterility/diminishing cognitive disorders = Worldwide Genocide (Eugenicist Dreams come true.)

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Yes. And Trump is the self declared Father of The Vaccine. Still promoting it. That should tell anyone with a brain what he really is.

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When did he last promote it?

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Jul 17Liked by Courageous Lion

Courageous Lion....You better do more research...Trump is pro-gene therapy shots i.e. Vaccines. I just heard him before the shooting talking about what a great job they did with the Covid Shots....which was an abject failure that killed 100K's of Americans & Millions world-wide. It's a DOD Bioweapons, what does one expect would have happened and people should also be considering the concepts of shedding/exosomes, which is a variable with this sort of technology. So, even if you didn't willing become part of the World's Largest Clinical Trial, if you hung around folks that signed up....you were infected as well, not as severely, but still infected. Food for thought, research it.

Peace & I really like your substack!

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So much nonsense is in the wind. Trump was a Fauci chump. He believes to many idiots. He puts up with their BS and acts like he's a know it all. I'm an equal can't stand any of them opportunity believer. He's the least psychopath of those that are running. That's about the way I look at it.

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He hasn’t and she knows it but she keeps clinging onto that statement. She can never prove anything.

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Jul 17Liked by Courageous Lion

Fckg hilarious. So much anger.

Pour yourself another old fashioned and kick your 47 cats.

That always makes you feel better. 😃

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

Hey Lucy....You should expand upon your comment to TexBritta as to why you think some Cristians are real and some are false. Maybe that would help that person understand your perspective better and what sources/references/facts you're basing your thought process off of. Just saying. I'm spiritual, raised catholic, alter-boy whole nine yards & I've studied many of mans invented religions that go back 1,000's of years, that certainly predate the young faith of Christianity. I don't buy into any of man's invented religions due to the similarities of them all i.e. "Sun-Gods" are a very common & old concept in mankinds recorded history.

Religions, Politics, Vaccines & Climate Change are some pretty sensitive subjects due to the lack of concrete evidence, fraudulent published peer reviewed science & the propaganda we've all been spoon-fed since birth, thus BELEIFS make-up the swiss-cheese hollow foundations we base our reason & logical thought processes upon these days instead of factual reality that our 5 senses can verify.


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“I’ve studied many of mans invented religions that go back 1,000's of years”

Ah, I don’t go to church dude. I worship God with the people I love and on our own time. I know all about fake religions and fake people. People that go to church in this small town doesn’t give a shit about me or anyone because I’m old…I see right through their BS. Nice one, but you lose on this!

I don’t need to be educated by Lucy or you. I trust God and I don’t need Men like yourself to convince me of anything.

I put my faith in God!

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

Hey Tex....So, it's you that isn't interested in having a conversation and learning about human history or what Lucy is going on about, eh? When you said...."she keeps clinging onto that statement. She can never prove anything."....

I was trying to get some reasoning, rational deduction thought processes going here for yah, as to how Cindy was thinking & why. But you'd rather just leave it as it is, so be it. I'm spiritual to my friend, no man needs a church or an invented faith to pray to God in my eyes or heart. If you're not interested in learning history and the spoon-fed lies and psychopathic ideologies many humans have been forced to swallow for millennia, then that's on you. I find it fascinating to learn things we're not supposed to know....now my father who is in his 80's could care less, which when I'm his age I might Think/Believe the same way...it's just too much to handle/contemplate, but realize if this is you....you'd better talk to others for their advice, because your thought process will be short sighted/knowledge lacking.

Perfect example are the gene therapy shots sold to us as vaccines...lol! I didn't even need to know they were gene therapy's to know the shots were dangerous/toxic/cause diseases/syndromes/death, because it was the FDA/CDC/NIH/NIAID/ACIP/WHO/EMA/TGA/GMC/DOD,etc. that were pushing the product...that alone told me "Danger Will Robbinson"...Then to find out the DOD had been doing Gain of Function R&D on Corona Vira's since the mid 60's (=SarsCov 1&2) and that they were Experimental Gene Therapy's, then there's no way in HELL they could have said ANYTHING to convince me of being part of the World's Largest Clinical Trial (Typically only people with a life threatening sickness would ever volunteer for such a trial....That Logic got thrown out the window...lol!)

This makes me smarter than 5.4 Billion Folks on this planet, that was again common sense to me, since I did my homework/research/learned history. I'm correct on Man's Invented Religions likewise, as I've studies those subjects just as much as Allopathics/WesternMedicines/Cancer/Autism/Vaccines/Peer Reviewed Pseudo-Science in Scientific Journals, Suppressed Cancer Cures, Suppressed Free-Energy Technology, etc.

Peace & keep Critically Thinking for yourself...don't just rely upon Beliefs or what the Herd does.

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The SCO was unable to locate the iPhone previously assigned to Page, which had been returned to DOJ's Justice Management

Division (JMD). Subsequently, in early September 2018, JMD informed the OIG that it had located the iPhone that had been

assigned to Page. The OIG took custody of the device. Page's iPhone had been reset to factory settings on July 31, 2017,

but had not been reissued to a new user. (The Office of the Deputy Attorney General told the OJG that the Department

routinely resets mobile devices to factory settings when the device is returned from a user to enable that device to be

issued to another user in the future.) The OJG forensic review of the phone determined that it did not contain any data

related to Page's use of the device. SCO's Records Oficer stated that she did not receive the phone following Page's

departure from the $CO and therefore she did not review Page's iPhone for records that would possibly need to be retained

prior to the phone having been reset. As noted on page 395 of the OIG's June 2018 report entitled, "A Review of Various

Actions by the Fedel'a! Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice in Advance of the 2016 Election,"

https://www.iustice.gov/ file/l07199J/download, the Department, unlike the FBI, does not have an automated system that

seeks to retain text messages, and the service provider only retains such messages for 5 to 7 days.

During calendar year 2017, the FBI phased out use of the Samsung Gala.xy S5 devices by its employees and replaced them

with Samsung Oala'Cy S7 devices because of software and other issues that prevented the data collection tool from

reliably capturing text messages sent and received via FBI issued Samsung Galaxy SS mobile devices. According to FBl's

Information and Technology Branch, as of November 15, 2018, the data collection tool utilized by FBI was still not

reliably collecting text messages from approximately IO percent of FBI issued mobile devices, which included Samsung

S7s and subsequently issued S9s. By comparison, the estimated failure rate of the collection tool was 20 percent for the

Samsung S5s.

The OIG reviewed DOJ memoranda and FBI policy relating to retention of substantive electronic communications.

These policies require individual employees to take steps to ensure preservation of such electronic communications

relating to a criminal or civil investigation. The FBI policy informs its employees to contact the FBl's Enterprise

Security Operations Center (ESOC) if they need to access electronic communications that the individual has not preserved,

such as text messages and email messages. According to FBI's Office of General Counsel, ESOC has in place a process for

the collection of text messages.

If you want me to go on I will...but please for just a fken second, try to think beyond your own hatred and ignorance. I could literally do this forever and a day. The so called buddies of Trump left a paper trail that circles the earth a thousand times over!

I haven't even touched on the 2 fake impeachments, 5 major law suits, 4 indictments and one conviction yet. Anyone who thinks Trump is one of them needs serious help... I'll pray for mental healing!


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I don’t care about your politics, trump, or anything really. I called Lucy out for the coward she is…that’s all I did.

And you took it upon yourself to intervene.

I know your type…you think you’re an intellectual (a dime a dozen) but it’s really quite simple!

This whole chat was about a person faith.

It has nothing to do with all this other stuff you brought into the picture…don’t care🙄

Let it go…you have no argument.

Like I say I trust in God, not man!

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And just so we are clear…if a person goes to church I will never judge them for their faith and their church. That’s between them and God!

So see, you and I agree more than you think😃

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☮️ ✌️ peace

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Stay off the weed it's rotting your brain.

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TDS is trump delusion syndrome. Your ignorance of the truth is on display. Your ugly comment is typical of the demonic people who support the delusion.

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You've nothing but "I heard someone say so it must be trut"

You've zero proof, zero evidence.

The only thing you have is a predetermined idea and you're making the puzzle fit your narrative.

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So, Trump is simply a part of the global deep state NWO cabal, yes?

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Of course! They are using reverse psychology on all of us by making us believe he is hated. Yeah, right. If you believe that one, I've got a bridge...

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Anyone who thinks that after how much they've gone after him is deluded.

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You’re correct about humanity.

Trump doesn’t do what he’s told.

Please explain why the global media cabal would be silent?

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Silent in what way? I'm reading from Australia, as well as a few other foreign sources.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

Sure Trump does what he's told, when it counts! I'll help you with some facts you can look up, don't take my word on it.

ONE ....Trump appointed the Criminal Psychopaths John Bolton (neocon-Project for New American Century-9/11 orchestrators, etc.) & Elliot Abrams (10,000's of dead bodies in S. American Countries from CIA Coups) to head up Political Relations during the CIA's Economic Coup in Venezuela (CIA is the Deep State/Corrupt-Organized Crime-Pseudo-Scientific Psychopaths who work with DOD/DOJ/DARPA/NSA/Naval Intelligence, etc.).

TWO.....Trump appointed more Fortune 50 CEO's/CFO's, Lobbyists-ThinkTank Execs, Corp. Shill's to our Govt. Alphabet Soup Regulatory Agency's that ANY other POTUS before him (Part of the make-up of the Deep State is our Govt Alphabet Soups who have merged with Corporations, DOD-MIC, etc. who are actively Poisoning & Dumbing-Down the Human Populations without their knowledge....How long have they been Fluoridating Water Supplies in the USA?....So, the Deep State has been around for a while...lol!)

THREE...Trump is in favor of ALWAYS TOXIC & FAILED GENE THERAPY SHOTS that were sold to the American People & the People of the World as a Vaccine. Had People been told this was a Gene Therapy Shot & not a Vaccine, then 80%++ LESS people would have taken it' THEY are STILL calling these shots vaccines instead of Gene Therapys, lol! THEY are DOUBLING DOWN on their lies instead of telling the Truth when caught! Trump is still going along with this lie (DOD has been doing Gain of Function on CoronaVira's since the mid 1960's, thus SARSCOV 1&2 are both DOD BIOWEAPONS!)

FOUR....Trump LIED when he failed to appoint RFK Jr. KENNEDY to a Vaccine Committe to investigate their history/science/safety/damage that ALL vaccines have cause upon humanity. Trump PROMISED to do this when he 1st ran for POTUS, but FAILED to do so. Had Trump done this then the Covid Plandemic would have not happened, because RFK knows how to bust-up/debunk/prove wrong our Corrupt Pseudo-scientific Govt Alphabet Soups BS 8-days a week! This is what RFK has been doing for 40 YEARS, mind you. He goes to court in front of a jury and the EPA/USDA/FDA's experts from harvards/stanford/johns hopkins, etc. lie under oath and then RFK gets his scientists from the same ivy league schools and they destroy the Govts Experts along with the Corrupt Scientific Journals. RFK has been fighting these Eugenicist Deep State Lying Psychopaths for decades, the same ones that just tried to POISON/Kill you & your family, while Trump is just following orders and ignoring all the other Experts that would back him up. Vaccines are a weapon of the Deep State that cause a myriad of diseases/syndromes & auto-immune imbalances that BigPharma feeds off of for revenue our entire lives, hence why Vaccines are considered the "Sacred Cow" of Western Medicine i.e. They create future customer.

Now you know, research what I state...I don't lie & I've done the homework for Decades myself. Hence why, RFK KENNEDY for POTUS is the only way forward or it will be more of the same Corruption, Pseudo-Science, Psychopathic Ideologies and name calling whining school yard complaining antics of supposed opposition we'll be listening to, while nothing has changed where it counts, what the Deep State wants continues as planned.

Peace & keep Critically Thinking for yourself

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You have written exactly what I have been thinking since Saturday. My own opinion is that the Secret Service stood down. The pathetic throng of agents that were sent to "protect" Trump is even more evidence of the intent of the people in charge. They wanted Trump dead, but they failed to hire a professional. The biggest questions that I have now that no-one seems to be addressing is: Who convinced the would-be amateur assassin to kill Trump? Who told him where to go? Who are the people behind the finger of the boy who pulled the trigger and paid for it with his life? Remember, Crooks began hearing what a bad man Trump was since his childhood - around age 12. He was brainwashed, imo. But why don't we know who pushed him into this if that is the case?


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Apparently, Trump got the B team - with the fumbling women- since Kamala and Jill needed Secret Service protection that same day. But the elephant in the room is why a woman who is a foot shorter would be assigned to a 6 foot+ man? Not to mention the danger of a woman being the protector in the first place. (Suppose someone grabs her pony tail and now she’s in danger.) That’s insane! Make America a Meritocracy Again!

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

This changes NOTHING.....Everyone should realize by now that Trump is Controlled Opposition for the Deep State i.e. The Psychopaths, Pseudo-scientists, Eugenicists, Bankers-Elites, Old-Boys-Network, 9-11 Orchestrators, etc.

Proof : ONE ....Trump appointed the Criminal Psychopaths John Bolton (neocon-Project for New American Century-9/11 orchestrators, etc.) & Elliot Abrams (10,000's of dead bodies in S. American Countries CIA Coups) to head up Political Relations during the CIA's Economic Coup in Venezuela (CIA is the Deep State/Corrupt-Organized Crime-Pseudo-Scientific Psychopaths who work with DOD/DOJ/DARPA/NSA/Naval Intelligence, etc.).

TWO.....Trump appointed more Fortune 50 CEO's/CFO's, Lobbyists-ThinkTank Execs, Corp. Shill's to our Govt. Alphabet Soup Regulatory Agency's that ANY other POTUS before him (Part of the make-up of the Deep State is our Govt Alphabet Soups who have merged with Corporations, DOD-MIC, etc. who are actively Poisoning & Dumbing-Down the Human Populations without their knowledge....How long have they been Fluoridating Water Supplies in the USA?....So, the Deep State has been around for a while...lol! Operation Paperclip ring a bell?)

THREE...Trump is in favor of the ALWAYS TOXIC & ALWAYS FAILED GENE THERAPY SHOTS/Biologics that were sold to the American People & the People of the World as a Vaccine. Had People been told this was a Gene Therapy Shot & not a Vaccine, then 80%++ LESS people would have taken it! THEY are STILL calling these shots vaccines instead of Gene Therapy's, lol! THEY are DOUBLING DOWN on their lies instead of telling the Truth when they've been caught & have KILLED 100,000's of Americans & Injured MORE! Trump is still going along with this lie...period. (DOD has been doing Gain of Function Research on CoronaVira's since the mid 1960's, thus SARSCOV 1&2 are both DOD BIOWEAPONS!)

FOUR...Trump LIED when 1st elected as POTUS, he platformed/PROMISED to elect RFK Jr. KENNEDY to head up a Vaccine Commission to investigate the ALL Vaccines and DIDN'T. Had Trump done this, then the Covid Plandemic would have never happened, because RFK knows how to bust-up/debunk/prove wrong the Junk PSeudo-science of our Govt Alphabet Soup Shill Regulators. This is what has done for over 40 YEARS folks, hence why RFK Jr. for POTUS is the ONLY answer to stop all the Corruption, Poisoning-Diseases-Syndromes, Pseudo-science & Psychopathic Eugenicists Ideologies that are systemic within ALL of our Govt Alphabet Soups Regulatory's/Intelligence agency's/bureaus.

I could go on & on but this is enough factual information that ANYONE should know by now had they done a cursory investigation into these subjects. Only those that are Manipulated/Brainwashed/Propagandized by the Mainstream, Academia, Govt. etc. can't understand these points and what it means in the grander picture.

Pease All & keep Critically Thinking for yourself.

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Nice. Yes, RFK jr is our only hope!!!


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Thank you for telling the truth. If only people would listen.

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koo koo. Koo koo. I’m thrilled you’re voting for Kennedy👍🏼

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Ladies and Gentlemen, what we have here is a man...I hope, with far too much time on his hands and, perhaps not enough money to go out at night.

Typical FBI operation of flooding a site with indecipherable bs that deflects from their anti-Trump failures.

RFK? Aways been a democrat with democrat policies woven deep within his so called stance on vaccines.

Appoint him based on his vaccines and you'd have a ready made leaker

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Ernie...I'll vote for anybody that is against Corruption, Pseudo-Science and the Psychopathic Ideologies that our Government is infested with, be that a Libertarian, Republican and even a rational Democrat (not a Marxist, Communistic, Orwellian, Fascist type).

So, you're in favor of Poisoning the Human Population and dumbing down our future generations i.e. continuing the Autism Epidemic, instead of ending it and curing those kids/young adults that were poisoned by environmental toxins.

You obviously haven't looked at the platforms RFK is running on and the principles he's basing his presidency upon, these are some of the same fundamentals that made our country great in the past.

Nothing I stated was indecipherable, unless you have an issue with understanding English or maybe this is your attempt to ignore the facts I laid out that demonstrate Trump is Controlled Opposition i.e. Why Trump acted like a sock-puppet and did precisely what he was ordered to do by the Deep State psychopaths.

You're welcome to try and explain why Trump did what he did, why he LIED, why conducted Operation Warp Speed that attempted to POISON/Kill you & your family, if you took a gene therapy shot(s), then he did damage your genetics/immune system and effected your future offspring & their lineage. Trump knew what he was doing, just like the other examples I gave, but was ordered to sit down & shut up, which he did. There were literally 1,000's of Medical Experts/Scientists that would have backed Trump to do the correct thing, but instead he chose to damage Humanity's Genetics forever.

When we stop the willful & intentional poisoning & dumbing down of the Human Race, then we'll worry about the Free-Market, as if we don't have enough laws on the books for society/the economy to continue on its way, as if people will stop living as they typically do if there was no president anyways...lol! Now, if you keep poisoning & dumbing down humanity or lineage as a species will begin to disappear and live shorter lifespans as what is currently happening, if you've been paying attention. This is precisely what Eugenicists/Marxist/Fascist/Orwellian Psychopaths would like.

I'd suggest taking your head out of the sand & realize who is actually lying to you and who is telling you the Truth, then look at their end results and count the lies, very simple.

Peace Brother & please start Critically Thinking & stop being distracted from the meaningless distractions, like Russia Gate, this fake assassination (The Secret Service let him shoot at Trump, thus this was planned)

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Wow. I knew all the rest, but did not know about the vac com. That’s some telling info right there. Especially the last statement about RFK!

Many thanks.

Drumpster has always been a useful distraction.

Solidifies in my mind, no one gets in unless they compromise and cave in to the deep state.

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“The question too few are asking. Since when have the “mainstream media” outlets covered Trump’s or Kennedy’s rallies “live”? Interesting they picked yesterday to start.”

Dr. Ryan Cole


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Trump’s lack of reaction when the supposed bullet flies by/in his ear is telling. Take a Bernzamatic propane torch with piezo lighter and do a thought experiment by walking up behind someone talking, then lighting it for a split second at the top of their ear lobe. The burning sensation (ear pierced) plus the gas hissing (bullet flying by) will scare them so that they automatically jerk away and down from it. Hand prob goes up too.

Trumps reaction so staged it’s silly.

What he says is true. Look it up.


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Look at the art in an article published almost a couple weeks before the shooting. Trump’s ear is torn and has blood running down his face. He is one of them.

Very similar to Oct 7th Hamas attack using hand gliders was already in magazine artwork years before it happened. They love playing upon our stupidity.


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That video was chilling.

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You're right about the actions that must be taken but how about this. President Trump and JD Vance focus on getting the economy back to something like manageable and securing the border. Meanwhile, Bannon, Patel, Dan Bongino, et al focus on the parts of Project 2025 that deal with destroying the uni party...the FBI/CIA/IRS/DOJ metaphorically carpet bombed by the President's wingmen and women.

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Yeah, he wanted to get his ear slashed and kill one of his supporters🙄🙄

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I think that the deep state wanted to get rid of both Trump and Biden, and replace them with two more compliant puppets. They allowed the shooter to have a great vantage point and plenty of time to do the deed. We cannot ask the shooter because he’s been Oswalded. They removed the obviously mentally defective Biden by allowing him to debate Trump. I would suspect additional attempts on Trumps life before the election.

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