EXCELLENT!!!! And excellent!!!!


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An excellent piece, thank you.

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Please copy the link and share it around!

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Where did you come to this from Edwin?

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I saw your "Hear Me Roar" listed by your name on your comment.

With exhibited knowledge and Patriotism like that, I had to check out your Newsletter.

I hope you'll check out mine as well. I just posted Neil Oliver's column off GB NEWS from today. I find him very refreshing. And human.

Another I often post is Dr. Vernon Coleman.

Both these gentlemen deserve and need much more exposure.

Thanks CL.

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Dr. Vernon Coleman...author of the book on my shelf entitled Anyone Who Tells You Vaccines Are Safe and Effective is Lying. I haven't read it yet, because he will be preaching to someone who already agrees. Neil is quite interesting. I'm trying to figure out how to get my posts out so folks will look at them. I subscribed to yours.

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Thanks, I will assist you as well, have already recommended them to my small number of readers.

I am not really a writer, but more of a facilitator, a sounding board, and a reader.

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I'm a writer and a reader. I write about what I learn. My best article is the one title Blood Running In The Streets. I tried like heck to get Lew Rockwell to post it but he said it was too long. Here is a list of my posts at Lew's. https://lewrockwell.com/author/mark-reynolds/

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I am impressed, and have read many of those articles.

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I generally do not agree with your premise that a militia could ever exist again. This is 2023 and a lot has changed since the 2nd Amendment was adopted. Can you imagine civilians taking charge of a nuclear submarine or an F16. Can you imagine a civilian force working with the Army, Navy, Air Force. What you actually need to be saying is, since the world population has increased from less than 1 billion in 1776 to 8 billion today it is unreasonable to think of the citizen population playing a role in defense. They're not concerned with hitching the buggy or hunting for game but rather who's on the internet or cell phone, In my opinion the US Constitution is obsolete and needs a major overhaul, for example, instead of putting guns into the hands of every tom, dick and harry, take them from everone except the police and military. The 1st Amendment is ridiculous also. Alex Jones recently learned a good lesson about libel and slander, make people more responsible for what they say.

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So what you are saying is that for me to suggest that civilians would become trained to be able to do what the current standing military does is not possible? So where did the current operators of nuclear submarines or F16's come from? Where did the current force working with the Army, Navy and air force come from? Is there another source for them BESIDES civilians to begin with? Clue me in...I also suggest you read "Lets Pretend" because apparently you're of that mindset. https://courageouslion380.substack.com/p/lets-play-lets-pretend. And Alex Jones was railroaded. It just shows you how far down the slippery slope we have gone into COMMUNISM which you seem to be glad to adhere to! https://courageouslion380.substack.com/p/communism-american-style You're on a roll. And you have quite the name. Reminds me of the DICK behind the DICK act in 1903! Congratulations.

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Lincoln called the militia to defend the United States of America against domestic enemies right after Jefferson Davis ordered the bombing of Fort Sumter. If spies had not given the Union's battle plans to the Confederacy, then the first battle at Bull Run would have ended the war.

Presidential Proclamation (April 15, 1861)

"Lincoln issued that proclamation under the Militia Act of 1795. The proclamation announced the purpose of executing the laws of the United States and securing the integrity of republican government. In accordance with the terms of the Militia Act, Lincoln stated that combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, or by the powers vested in the marshals by law, obstructed enforcement of the laws in the seven seceded states. In virtue of power vested in the executive by the Constitution and the laws, he called forth 75,000 state militia to suppress the unlawful combinations, commanding the persons who composed them to disperse and retire peaceably within twenty days. Lincoln further issued a statement of war aims addressed to the country as a whole. He declared: ‘I appeal to all loyal citizens to favor, facilitate and aid this effort to maintain the honor, the integrity, and the existence of our National Union, and the perpetuity of popular government; and to redress wrongs already long enough endured.’”

— Herman Belz, “Lincoln’s Construction of the Executive Power in the Secession Crisis,” Journal of the Abraham Lincoln Assocation 27, no. 1 (2006), 13-38.

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And the resulting UNITED STATES OF AMERICA rather than the united States of America. A CONSOLIDATION of USURPED POWER into the hands of the Federal Government. Fortunately the several states are rebelling against the over reach in many ways utilizing the provisions of the 10th amendment currently.

There is a DIFFERENCE between INSURRECTION and SECESSION. It was hardly a "Secession Crisis" and if it was, it was caused by some of his tyrannical edicts. Every state, even to this day has the RIGHT to secede. His excuses were the excuses of a tyrant. Read "The Real Lincoln" by Professor Thomas DiLorenzo for a real understanding about this insane idiot that caused the death of hundreds of thousands for his own psychotic amusement. We were either a FREE country of FREE states or we were a country BOUND by some sort of marriage contract that cannot be broken. Why is that so hard for some to understand? The south WAS RIGHT and had every right to get out of the unholy alliance with the tyrannical north. And the whole purpose was to get out from under the exorbitant TAXES imposed for goods that the south needed for survival. Read some alternative points of view and let your reason, logic and common sense take over. The South Was Right by the Kennedy Brothers should be in every "public" school in the country.

Currently "our" US Constitution is being pissed on by those in "power" and has been for over 100 years.

“A regrettably large share of our legal experiences operate not in the shadow of the Constitution and its constraints, but rather in the shadow of explicitly unconstitutional rules, actions, and orders. In the time it takes for improper Executive Orders to be reined in, for illicit administrative decisions to be corrected, and for misinterpretations of constitutional power to be overturned, so much of society’s activity is framed by what we might call the not-Constitution — all those acts of government that are deemed illegal only after they have caused enduring harm. A most troubling aspect of government power is its insistence on pushing past constitutional constraints and operating in a blurry legal wilderness of its own creation while forcing Americans to prove that those power grabs lack legitimacy.”

~ J.B. Shurk

Thank you for your comments and continued debate, Brother Jonathan. That is one of the things I like about Substack we can all vent our opinions here. And actual free speech platform! I'm sure President Lincoln would have been pissed if this was around in his day and age. Another interesting take documenting some of his tyrannical acts:


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I am amazed that you continue to believe the propaganda coming from South Carolina enslavers. The intention of the Confederacy was to destroy the united States of America. And they did.

“The process of disintegration in the old Union may be expected to go on with almost absolute certainty if we pursue the right course. We are now the nucleus of a growing power which, if we are true to ourselves, our destiny, and high mission, will become the controlling power on this continent.“ - Alexander H. Stephens

Lincoln tried everything he could to avoid war even to promoting slavery in States that wanted it. The Slave Owners of the world would have none of that. That would have meant that slavery would not be allowed in free States, so they bombed, killed, stole, maimed, and enslaved everyone. Then they killed Lincoln so he could not tell the truth about the war after the war.

The Corwin Amendment would have given the right of the people in Utah to enjoy polygamy if they wanted. The Slave Owners couldn't have allowed individual freedom. They took power.

Corwin Amendment

“No amendment shall be made to the Constitution which will authorize or give to Congress the power to abolish or interfere, within any State, with the domestic institutions thereof, including that of persons held to labor or service by the laws of said State.”

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Have you seen this? You might check it out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKRN-UWNt4I It is well worth the 43 minutes of time. And as for "continuing to believe" we are all products of our environment and make our deductions by what we read and see. What I've read and seen obviously conflict with yours. We can agree to disagree. You most likely cannot be swayed by my "knowledge" and I doubt if you're going to sway me. One thing I suspect is that you're a "Christian" and that right there is a conflict in our personalities and understanding.

I re read you comment and I must be missing something here unless you mean that the purpose of the 14th amendment was to enslave us ALL. And that Lincoln would have been against it?

"Lincoln tried everything he could to avoid war even to promoting slavery in States that wanted it. The Slave Owners of the world would have none of that. That would have meant that slavery would not be allowed in free States, so they bombed, killed, stole, maimed, and enslaved everyone. Then they killed Lincoln so he could not tell the truth about the war after the war."

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Yes, I know about Bruce Ray Riggs. I wish I knew how to get in touch with him. Bruce understands the constitution better than Edwin Vieira Jr.

Yet, Bruce does not get Lincoln right either.

My ancestors came from Virginia to Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois the same time that the Lincoln family did so my family knew the Lincoln family. Lincoln was not a vicious monster like Rothbard called him in his "Just War" article. Lincoln was an honest peaceful family man who served one term in the House of Representatives and gave President Polk a reckoning anti-war speech for Polk's war in Mexico 1848. You should read it if you haven't already.

People condemn Lincoln for supporting slavery in the States where it exists "The Corwin Amendment" when, in fact, in his day, slavery was natural and normal way of life. The Corwin Amendment has been ratified by several States. It would be great with me if it became law. That amendment, the one Lincoln supported, would still free everyone from the burdens of today's government. Live and Let Live.


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Slavery for the slaves is not a "normal and natural way of life". Do you like being a slave to some glorified welfare recipient who taxes the home you live in so that they can have a lavish lifestyle from your sweat and pain?

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I did qualify my claim by saying, in the age of Lincoln, slavery was as normal in the fields as tractors are today.

Slavery itself is indeed normal & natural. Some people like being subordinate. Slavery has existed throughout all of recorded history even in tribes... even today... everyone who pays income tax is a slave to the master corporation. USA, Inc.

I don't like being a slave. I am sovereign. The main reason I studied history was to learn how to free myself from the rulers and to write about it.

Some people, a lot of people, do not know how to live life without someone taking care of them from cradle to grave and obeying their authorities... like slaves... like employees. It's not for me.

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